Birthday • 1992-08-06 Gender •
Female Location • i shall turn this place into a hell on earth, i shall turn it into......New Jersey Member Since • 2006-10-08 Occupation • Anbu Real Name • Michele but could ya call me Rei or YamiOokami kun or san
Achievements • i used to draw w/ my right hand now i draw w/ my left Anime Fan Since • now that i remember it, i was in my first home so it had to be along time ago maybe like 1997 or something Favorite Anime • Air Gear, i love Agito and Akito! Goals • to get a nightmare Hobbies • drawing, looking at my drawings, showing off my drawings, internet, and sleep Talents • yes ive finaly got a talent! paino, violin, and drawing! TheDarknessWolf
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
man my list is still grown
begins now.
ends on July 20th.
i will be asking any of u who wish to join to color the clothing, hair, eyes, ect. of a character of mine. Yuri(not the bad kind!, and it means lily in japanese), my oc for Kingdom Hearts. i just cant think of any color for this. im not jugdeing u on how well ur art work is. but on the color. pink(all spectrums of that color), yellow(ditto), and light purple will not be accepted.
1st place will get a gift of my kingdom hearts oc w/ theirs and a kh character they like if u dont want 1 in there w/ us then just tell me, if u dont have a kingdom hearts oc then ill draw any oc of ur choice, at the most 3 people, color.
2nd place will get a gift of their oc for kingdom hearts w/ a character ftom kh at the most 2, if u dont have a kh oc then any 2 ocs of their choice, color.
3rd place will get a gift of their kingdom hearts oc, if u dont have a kh oc then any oc of ur choice, color.
4th place will get a gift of any kingdom hearts character, not ur own, not colored.
go see my oc its in my fanart! good coloring or something.....
participants to the contest
1. blueeyesangel
2. Sesshomaru22212
3. wolfblade227
4. Kokkoii-Matoku(maybe)
5. Chibitarded(sent in pic and great job)
6. emo ninja
7. Dill pickle(has sent in pic, it looks awesome)
8. Frostpaw
9. midnightqueen
10. angelus9(sent a pic it looks great)
11. ska8tergirl(sent pic in, looks great and nice choice in hair color)
12. sasukesangel
13. Wolf-Girl-2006(sent pic, theres yellow in it! alwell i u get choosen then ill have to substitute n another color)
14. Saizoka Comments (0) |
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
happy 4th!(im lazy ok) Happy 4th Of July! Hosted By
this is my pic for 4th of july. im starting to atually send in pics for the holidays. im sure that u will laugh at this.
begins now.
ends on July 20th.
i will be asking any of u who wish to join to color the clothing, hair, eyes, ect. of a character of mine. Yuri(not the bad kind!, and it means lily in japanese), my oc for Kingdom Hearts. i just cant think of any color for this. im not jugdeing u on how well ur art work is. but on the color. pink(all spectrums of that color), yellow(ditto), and light purple will not be accepted.
1st place will get a gift of my kingdom hearts oc w/ theirs and a kh character they like if u dont want 1 in there w/ us then just tell me, if u dont have a kingdom hearts oc then ill draw any oc of ur choice, at the most 3 people, color.
2nd place will get a gift of their oc for kingdom hearts w/ a character ftom kh at the most 2, if u dont have a kh oc then any 2 ocs of their choice, color.
3rd place will get a gift of their kingdom hearts oc, if u dont have a kh oc then any oc of ur choice, color.
4th place will get a gift of any kingdom hearts character, not ur own, not colored.
go see my oc its in my fanart! good coloring or something.....
participants to the contest
1. blueeyesangel
2. Sesshomaru22212
3. wolfblade227
4. Kokkoii-Matoku(maybe)
5. Chibitarded(sent in pic and great job)
6. emo ninja
7. Dill pickle(has sent in pic, it looks awesome)
8. Frostpaw
9. midnightqueen
10. angelus9(sent a pic it looks great)
11. ska8tergirl(sent pic in, looks great and nice choice in hair color)
12. sasukesangel
13. Wolf-Girl-2006
my list is growen Comments (0) |
Monday, July 2, 2007
begins now.
ends on July 20th.
i will be asking any of u who wish to join to color the clothing, hair, eyes, ect. of a character of mine. Yuri(not the bad kind!, and it means lily in japanese), my oc for Kingdom Hearts. i just cant think of any color for this. im not jugdeing u on how well ur art work is. but on the color. pink(all spectrums of that color), yellow(ditto), and light purple will not be accepted.
1st place will get a gift of my kingdom hearts oc w/ theirs and a kh character they like if u dont want 1 in there w/ us then just tell me, if u dont have a kingdom hearts oc then ill draw any oc of ur choice, at the most 3 people, color.
2nd place will get a gift of their oc for kingdom hearts w/ a character ftom kh at the most 2, if u dont have a kh oc then any 2 ocs of their choice, color.
3rd place will get a gift of their kingdom hearts oc, if u dont have a kh oc then any oc of ur choice, color.
4th place will get a gift of any kingdom hearts character, not ur own, not colored.
go see my oc its in my fanart! good coloring or something.....
participants to the contest
1. blueeyesangel
2. Sesshomaru22212
3. wolfblade227
4. Kokkoii-Matoku(maybe)
5. Chibitarded(sent in pic and great job)
6. emo ninja
7. Dill pickle(has sent in pic, it looks awesome)
8. Frostpaw
9. midnightqueen
10. angelus9(sent a pic it looks great)
11. ska8tergirl(sent pic in, looks great and nice choice in hair color)
12. sasukesangel
my list is growen Comments (1) |
contest! yosh!
begins now.
ends on July 20th.
i will be asking any of u who wish to join to color the clothing, hair, eyes, ect. of a character of mine. Yuri(not the bad kind!, and it means lily in japanese), my oc for Kingdom Hearts. i just cant think of any color for this. im not jugdeing u on how well ur art work is. but on the color. pink(all spectrums of that color), yellow(ditto), and light purple will not be accepted.
1st place will get a gift of my kingdom hearts oc w/ theirs and a kh character they like if u dont want 1 in there w/ us then just tell me, if u dont have a kingdom hearts oc then ill draw any oc of ur choice, at the most 3 people, color.
2nd place will get a gift of their oc for kingdom hearts w/ a character ftom kh at the most 2, if u dont have a kh oc then any 2 ocs of their choice, color.
3rd place will get a gift of their kingdom hearts oc, if u dont have a kh oc then any oc of ur choice, color.
4th place will get a gift of any kingdom hearts character, not ur own, not colored.
go see my oc its in my fanart! good coloring or something.....
begins on now.
ends on July 20th.
i will be asking any of u who wish to join to color the clothing, hair, eyes, ect. of a character of mine. Yuri(not the bad kind!, and it means lily in japanese), my oc for Kingdom Hearts. i just cant think of any color for this. im not jugdeing u on how well ur art work is. but on the color. pink(all spectrums of that color), yellow(ditto), and light purple will not be accepted.
1st place will get a gift of my kingdom hearts oc w/ theirs and a kh character they like if u dont want 1 in there w/ us then just tell me, if u dont have a kingdom hearts oc then ill draw any oc of ur choice, at the most 3 people, color.
2nd place will get a gift of their oc for kingdom hearts w/ a character ftom kh at the most 2, if u dont have a kh oc then any 2 ocs of their choice, color.
3rd place will get a gift of their kingdom hearts oc, if u dont have a kh oc then any oc of ur choice, color.
4th place will get a gift of any kingdom hearts character, not ur own, not colored.
just pm me or comment on this if u want to join. i will be sending out my oc for kingdom hearts on the last day of this mouth. Comments (1) |
Saturday, June 23, 2007
that movie was scary! Number 1408 by Steven King. if u like scary movies then this is the movie for u. i was so scared, and its rated pg-13! so any 1 over the age of 13 can go. im so glad that its not rated R. dont stay in #1408, Dolphin Hotel, New York. because 56 people died in that room.
Convention Center!!!!!!!
i saw lots of people there! not so many cosplayers..... I saw Vash, Kairi, Itachi, Cloud(times 2), rock lee, 1 of the oganization 13, Sora, Star wars characters!, Naruto, a cool cat girl, Predator(from the movie Alien vs Predator), captain jack sparrow, and many more that would not talk to me....., and Roxas at the Convention center! Roxas and me became gooooooood friends. she calls me a stalker because we ran into her a lot....i got lots of shirts! many shirts of Gaara, and Princess Ai. now im gonna pass it on to blueeyesangel.
hi, its me blueeyesangel, yeah, so ttly awesome time at the convetion. i saw the same ppl as darknesswolf. it was a blast. roxas called me a stalker too. this is cool and nxt yr, me and her are gonna coseplay as sora and riku. and at the convetion, ppl signed my arms!!!!!!! i now have 40 sharpy tattooed names on my arms. can u believe it?! me and our friend amanda randomly went to art booths and asked the artists to sign our arms. wolfy didn't want any part in this (minus the two gaara eyes she had someome draw on her) ppl were saying that me and amanda could cut our arms off and sell them on e-bay....and this one dude greg and i became really close and my new friend antonio drew the sharrigon eye on my arm. my arms are still full of silver and black sharpie ink. again, roxas and greg are my newest buddies. and nxt yr, i join the kh coseplay as riku, yay! it was so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comments (2) |