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• Dark Warrior San
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• TheDarknessWolf
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• 1992-08-06
• i shall turn this place into a hell on earth, i shall turn it into......New Jersey
Member Since
• 2006-10-08
• Anbu
Real Name
• Michele but could ya call me Rei or YamiOokami kun or san
• i used to draw w/ my right hand now i draw w/ my left
Anime Fan Since
• now that i remember it, i was in my first home so it had to be along time ago maybe like 1997 or something
Favorite Anime
• Air Gear, i love Agito and Akito!
• to get a nightmare
• drawing, looking at my drawings, showing off my drawings, internet, and sleep
• yes ive finaly got a talent! paino, violin, and drawing!
| TheDarknessWolf
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Convention Center!!!!!!!
i saw lots of people there! not so many cosplayers..... I saw Vash, Kairi, Itachi, Cloud(times 2), rock lee, 1 of the oganization 13, Sora, Star wars characters!, Naruto, a cool cat girl, Predator(from the movie Alien vs Predator), captain jack sparrow, and many more that would not talk to me....., and Roxas at the Convention center! Roxas and me became gooooooood friends. she calls me a stalker because we ran into her a lot....i got lots of shirts! many shirts of Gaara, and Princess Ai. now im gonna pass it on to blueeyesangel.
hi, its me blueeyesangel, yeah, so ttly awesome time at the convetion. i saw the same ppl as darknesswolf. it was a blast. roxas called me a stalker too. this is cool and nxt yr, me and her are gonna coseplay as sora and riku. and at the convetion, ppl signed my arms!!!!!!! i now have 40 sharpy tattooed names on my arms. can u believe it?! me and our friend amanda randomly went to art booths and asked the artists to sign our arms. wolfy didn't want any part in this (minus the two gaara eyes she had someome draw on her) ppl were saying that me and amanda could cut our arms off and sell them on e-bay....and this one dude greg and i became really close and my new friend antonio drew the sharrigon eye on my arm. my arms are still full of silver and black sharpie ink. again, roxas and greg are my newest buddies. and nxt yr, i join the kh coseplay as riku, yay! it was so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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