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myOtaku.com: TheEmoRanger

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Hey everyone
heres the deal:
I dont take shit from people, I speak my mind and tell it like it is.
I WILL be critical no matter who you are.

on a happier note, ill get my art up a soon as I get access to a scanner. so be patient...

me:(hellz yesh)
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please for all out sakes, listen to TheEmoRanger^^

Monday, August 20, 2007

heeeyyyyy everyone.


if anyone actually decides to read this....or even realizes that i posted (lol) i decided to actually start commenting again.

i saw panda pants' post,and though 'why not?'

i know i just sorta...fell of the face of otaku... but people here where annoying.

i still stop by from time to time for a laugh, so why not voice my opinion a bit more?
....ok well...i lie...its more along the lines of 'im lazy'
but meh......
i dont know

i may even try to get some art up...
haha eH84-chan is trying to convince me to make a mew O.o
i think it may even be a bit fun....more like fun'ny' for that matter...

buuuuuuttt who knows?
i suppose we'll all find out later...

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