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Destiny Islands!
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drawing realisticly,
Anime Fan Since
Fangirl since childhood
Favorite Anime
Kingdom Hearts, Loveless, Princess Tutu
Live life a happy video game designer
bass playing, sketching, icon-surfing
Drawing, Being quiet, roleplaying
| TheFullmetalNinja
'ello. Ninja here.
Friday, December 8, 2006
After a long absense, I decided to post again.
For those who don't know or won't listen, Gaia has taken over my life, and I spend only a few minutes on here now...I do listen to the podcast, though.
And, I don't think I've even talked about Oni-con yet! Well, I won't go into too much detail, but it was awesome!
My newest love is Kingdom Hearts. I spend all day playing, reading, roleplaying, or talking about it. My Host Club addiction had slowly faded, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy talking about it!
I'm still debating if I really want to worry about the Dir En Grey concert in Febuary. I like them, but I like The Gazette better.[that excludes Dream Theater and other English or European stuff]
Right after I post this, I have to remember to update the graphics on my site, too....
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Hello there!!
Hiii!! It's a fine day, ne?!?! It's raining.....I love rain. Anyways....this weekend was fairly eventful!! I *by force* went shopping for 6 freakin hours......but It was okay.I saw a turtle get caught with a fishing pole.....and we had to leave the hook in it's mouth..poor turtle....*sniff* The day before, I had art lessons, and I'm almost finished with my leopard oil pastel piece. Then I was dragged to the mall,*this time it was my friends fault* and I read Gravitation vol. 1 & 2....YAY!! It was soooo good!!! Shounen-ai...lovely....*hearts*
baka says I have 1 PM, but I don't....
~La Di da!!
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Just a thought~ I pondering Ouran in Science class the other day, something struck me like lightning. I sometimes have a habit of thinking*when I'm mad* "You idiot...all of you are don't deserve to be here..." and stuff like that. It sounds so much like Hikaru....that's why I've been in a twins mood lately...*sigh*
Even though I got Tama in a Ouran personality quiz.....I'm like the twins a lot too.....
I realized that I'm like most of the Ouran characters naturally.....except Hunny, I started acting a teeny bit like Hunny after reading Ouran.^_^
Tama side: I can be dramatic and oversensative. I fell like yelling out and being careless. i'm most like Tama in my head(thoughts dreams etc)
Kyoya side: I can be sly and sneaky..i keep tricks up my sleeve, and plan out anything to do with money, a lot. It's dark side.
Twins side: I explained this above. Also, I like playing practical jokes on people close to me.(I have few people I can call "close" too)
Hunny side: being rather cute, sounding like a litle kid, and using cute symbols when I draw/write stuff.
Mori side: This one pertains to me the most. I'm silent, almost all the time. Online, I may be talkative, but anywhere else, i don't like speaking. It's impossible to read my thoughts and actions too.
Nekozawa side: I hate bright lights....and noises.i like anything with a dark cryptic side, especially clothing.
Renge side: I'm a raging Otaku, duh. I fantasize alot.(i'm always daydreaming...)
Ranka side: It would be fun to be a crossdresser for a little while! XP!
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Aaugh!! My hair!
Oh....dangit.....I got my hair cut two days ago...the day before school started.......and it looks SO BAD I didn't wanna leave the house........I was going for a Haruhi cut, but I had pictures of You(from Ever17)too. DON'T GET ANIME CONFUSED WITH REALITY!!!!! Uhggg.....the public humiliation.......but I shoved it up, and it looks better's getting curly again....I gotta flat iron it...My Ouran pins still aren't here....crap. But okaasan got her pink Razr today! I hate pink. Bleh. But I have a fetish for roses.....they always remind me of Tama....*sigh* Again, I'm on Gaia most of the time.....but i like checking in on theO once in a in once a day.....I was daydreaming about what it would be like if i had a real oniichan(that liked video games and anime!)!! I'm a depressed oldest child.....*sighs again*
Next year it's on to high school, and that means I get to take Japanese and computer animation!!!!!Haru has to go now!! baibai!!!
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
I was just taking a HTML tutorial....rather confusing.....but..I just had to post these.(Using my newly aquired HTML knowledge!)

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*ahem* Well, so sorry. I haven't been around much. Gaia takes up all my time. Dang that Tamaki Fan Club! ^_^
Anyways, I finally got ahold of three Ouran pins! I am just awaiting their arrival.(As in, sprinting to the mailbox every day, and being dissapointed.) I also got the "Interactive Visual Novel" called Ever17-out of infinity-, but I got a faulty copy from earlier this year, and I have to get a replacement CD. I am also awaiting it's arrival. These fanart is never looked at for the sole reason of being dark, cause I have to use a camera. It makes me feel horrible.....*sigh* but for now, I'm going to read something on HTML to make my site cooler.
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