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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
'Allo everyone!!!!
Today was our first uniform day in JROTC. Unfortunatly, I think I sprained my foot last night cuz it hurts like hell today. Anyway, I got a 95 A on my inspection. They marched us and I wanted to cry cuz it hurt so bloody bad to walk. In Home Ec, my teacher sent me to the Health Center and they put me on the list and didn't call me back in there till last block. Then, they told me they couldn't treat me cuz I didn't have a permission slip signed by my mom, which I was never given. So now I have to get the damn thing signed before I can find out if my foot is broken or not. I hope they all get buried alive. *evil grin* Well, that's my rant for today. Peace!!
P.S. My friend Leech(just2kawaii) is taking requests for banners, buttons, backgrounds, ect. U can check out some of her stuff at on the pretty button at the bottom of this post), she's really good. All the information for ordering one is there. Also, check out her numerous Harry Potter fanfictions and quizzes(if ya like that kinda stuff.) They're funny and I'm sure you'll enjoy them.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I overslept AGAIN!!!!
Man, this sucks. I was supposed to goto school today, but I overslept. My mom's gonna be so pissed when she finds out. Not that I could help it anyway. I didn't know how to set her alarm. CRAP!!!
Today I get to go to Shreveport with Richie and his sister. He's gonna show me the cabin we're gonna live in when I move out. It's gonna be great.
Ya'll like my new look? I thought it was much better than the Angel Santuary one. The background music is pretty kick- ass too. Lemme know what ya think about it. I'm real sorry I haven't visited anyone's sites lately. Haven't had much time, playing mom when mom's gone. I promise I'll get to them today though!!! Peace!!!
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
In the midst of my shattered self...
Last night was the homecoming dance at my school. At first, I was having fun, I was dancing with my friends and urging Richie to dance with me, whch turned it into a complete disaster. You see, Richie can't dance, but he won't even try. He was too embarrassed to try. I was like, "Come on, all my guy friend can't dance but look, they're still doin it." All he did was sit around or stand while I danced on him. I finally joined him when he went to sit down. I tried to talk him into lightening up, and when I failed at that I tried to go dance with my friends again. He got all mad at me for leaving him alone and wanted me to sit with him until a slow song came on. Then I got mad and was like, "Let's just go, this isn't fun anymore." I told my friends bye and just walked off, not even glancing at him as I walked past him. I walked out of the school and sat on a bench outside and waited for him to come out, when he did, he tried to speak to me, but I said "Leave me alone" and walked to the car. We just went home. I cried the whole way, and he speeded the whole way. It was my fault, I should've considered his feelings. But I told him that Military Ball was NOT gonna be like this. I hated that for us. Later.
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Monday, October 10, 2005
It's been a little while since I last posted. Yesterday I bought my dress for homecoming. It's so pretty!!! Today I brought cookies to school, but I guess noone appreciated my kindness cuz they were all being cruel to me. That's fine, they shall pay for it later.
I got Chobits Volume 3!!! I've been looking for it everywhere and I finally found it in the USED section at Sam Goody. Now next time I go to the mall with Richie, I can get 4!!! Yay me!
It's been pretty chilly here lately, not something you really expect in Hell (Louisiana). I wish my friend Cory would give me back his jacket.
Well, that's all I have for today. Peace!!!
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Friday, September 23, 2005
No school today!!!!!
YAY!!!! Due to Hurricane Rita, we currently have no school today!!! I am soo happieeeee!!! It's also cool cuz I had a test today. Mom mom is really freaking out about the hurricane. Last night she went and bought 2 flashlights and a touch light to put in the bathroom, along with plenty of batteries. I think that all we're gonna get is a little bit of rain, maybe a small thunderstorm, but that's it. It's funny how people will go bonkers over everything that could be major. The people in texas are the ones that should be freaking out this bad. By the time they get out of texas, the hurricane would have already come and gone. That's how blocked up the roads are. People are so stupid. That's all I have for now. Later!
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I hate braces.
I went to the dentist today, so I didn't go to school. My mouth really hurts. Me and Richie made a really cool dessert we call "Death By Chocolate". All it consists of it oreos and chocolate pudding, if ya'll want the recipe, pm me.
I still haven't got any banner requests or nuthin. Ya'll shouldn't doubt my work. I am pretty good, I had the best teacher, just2kawaii. Ya'll should visit her site sometime, though she doesn't really update it a whole lot.
Well, that's all I have for today. PLEASE SEND BANNER AND BUTTON REQUESTS!!! I AM SOO BORED!!!! Peace!!!
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
A life without love, is not a life at all.
Hello. I am now taking banner requests and possibly fanart too. I can custom make banners and buttons and such, but you have to private message me to order it. Just tell me what ya need, what anime or theme to set it on, and when ya need it. If ya have any questions, message me.
Me and my boyfriend have really found a way to help us. I made the suggestion that we start going back to church. I realized that all the problems we have now started after I moved and stopped going to church. I believe that is what kept our relationship healthy. So, I'm going to find us a church and we're gonna start going every Sunday he's off. Next weekend we're trying to get my mother to let us go spend the weekend in Shreveport, cuz Richie has this church up there he really wants me to go to. I think a weekend away from everything will be good for us. Away from all the stress:parents, family, work, school, friends. We can clear our minds for a couple of days. I kinda think stress is what has been worrying him into breaking up with me so much. Maybe if we have a couple of days with just the two of us, everything will be better afterwards. It'll be fun too, cuz the place where he wants to stay is right on a lake.
That's all I have for today.Peace!
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Monday, September 12, 2005
All is right with the world now...
Me and my boyfriend got back together, that was the shortest breakup I've ever had (12 hours). He called at about 5:20 yesterday saying he was stupid for breaking up with me and that he needed me. I was like *Ya damn right ya do* I knew he would come around. I just didn't know when. It's funny how us girlfriends/wives know everything about their boyfriends/husbands, even without thinking about it. I know for a fact that I know my boyfriend better than he knows himself. Now, that we're back together, I don't despise males anymore, so ya'll don't have to worry, guys. Well, that's all I have for today. Later!
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
Today I shall post a poem...
This is a poem I wrote some time ago, but I think it kinda fits my current situation. The fact that the guy I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my pathetic little life with, dumped me at 5:00 this morning. Here's the poem, I hope you all enjoy the fuck out of it.
My soul lies here dying from the wounds of and injured life. it cries out in pain from the knife driven deep into my heart, "Deliver me!" The demon shows no mercy as it slams my soul into the glass wall that is my pride. It shatters, destoying every last bit of me. Nothing can save me now as the evil beast takes my life away. The unknown demon who took away everyhting from me. Love never knew me.
Ya'll comment and let me know what you think. If ya don't like it, say so cuz right now I reallllly don't care. No offence to the ones that read this,but just so ya'll know, guys are stupid. Sorry, guys who read this, but I just hate all dudes right now. I'm sure they think it's so funny when they steal your heart but then return it back to you ripped in shreds. Yep, ha ha, very fucking funny. Jackasses.
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
Possession is very very scary...
Last night I went to see The Exorcism Of Emily Rose. OMFG!!! That movie left me paranoid. My bf and his brother stayed the night last night after the movie, and I couldn't even sleep in my own room with my bf in there! I crawled in bed with my mom!!! It takes alot for a movie to scare me, but omg...
We're all going to the zoo today. Just gonna spend the whole day in town. Fun Fun Fun!!!! I get to be with my baby and my bubba!!! Well anyways, I'll post tomorrow and tell ya'll how my day went!!! Later!!!
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