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| Theif Of Visions
hey guys im not new here i just changed my site cuase i was tired of the name it used to be matsustu and yukina but that just another thing of the past^^ hope ya like the site stop by anytime and sign my gestbook please.
"Not all Scars Show, not all wounds heal,somtimes you cant always see, the pain someone feels"-unknown.


Thursday, September 16, 2004
nothin really to say today so im gonna ask yah this,wht do you thinkof the guy below, not kenshin this time, im tlking about master hilo seijuro the 13th?
i think hes awesome! a bit arrogant but awesome

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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

hey guys ill have to type the story this weekend sry -_- but id like to reccomand a move , rurouni kenshin the movie, it was wesome!!!! *cough* anywaysz sry bout the story i hate school but anywyaz here we go with the question of the day, and if you havent read chap one of the story its right below
Who Is your fav rurouni kenshin character and why, and please dont tell me its because there another great bishounen you girls fall for, -_- think of another reason this time lol
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Sunday, September 12, 2004
Chapter One: The Sared Demon Turnament

*spirit world*
yusuke: whatdya mean we only have two fighters!?
qoenma: im sry yusuke but kurama has some buisness to attned to and kuwabara had lost his spirit awarness, there both unavailable!
hiei: hn kurama has bad taste
kuwabara: i dont see why i cant fight
hieiL fool youd be of no use, not tht ur of any in the first place
kuwabara: shutup!
ayame: qoenma sir
qoenma: yes ayame
ayame: the three you contacted will be here shortly
qonma: hm thnk you ayame
orge: who r u expecteing qoenma sir
yusuke: yeah i think we should at least know whts going on-
*screen turns on*
kurama: qoenma
qoenma: kurama your alright
kurama: yes ive been hired alongside, jin, touya, yomi,d rinku to be on a team so i will be unable to be on yours, have you assembled one
qoenma: yes i have three fighters comming in very shortly
kurama: fortuunatley if anything goes wrong i have you a subsitute fighter, he didnt want to do it at first but he will
qoenma: thnk you kurama i trust you didnt find a poor fighter
kurama: heheh yes *screen turns off*
hiei: why cnt the old bat assist us?
qoenma: hiei!, genkai is tring the new phycics at the dojo she has no time!
tusuke: great more pysic freaks
hiei: who r these fighters anyway
qoenma: unfortunatley i wouldnt have chose them as a number one reference but were in need for them, there known as the shadow tamers
*turns on screen*
hiei: their wenches??!!
yusuke: ah your kidding me right
the first one there is known as kira, shes a powerful half dog demon, the second is matsuo, she herself is a powerful wolf demon, and the last one is shiruri, a wolf demon, also very powerful.
hiei: hn
yusuke: so qoenma why dont you like them, bad social skills, or is it your scared
qoenma: *cough* actually their powers exceed yours as a human yusuke their over 1000 years old quite like kurama
yusuke: wow go kurama!
hiei: *looks at hiei and orge* you fools look retarded stop drooling its hardly higenic hmph
yusuke: aww common hiei you know you think their good lookin!
hiei: not quite
* a strong demon presence is felt thooughout the room*
*three girls appear from the dark and slowly walk towards qoenma *
qoenma: *sweatdriop* welcome
shiruri: qoenma you know we did not agree to this
matsuo: yes youve gotten quite an ego overe the last 200 years
yusuke: haha whts with the sunglasses girls? the lights dim in here
kira: hn
hiei: wench
qoenma: aheh yusuke their site isntreall good in the spirit realm, they work for my dad in the neherworld, a place he would not even go, worse then makai.
hiei: tht has nothing to do with theif worthless sight
kira: is tht so hiei jaganshii?
shiruri: hm the netherworlds energy messes with the phisic law of the bodies chemistry and changes the way your body moves and sences its surroundings, there fore out sight is alterd to see within the dark, nonthess-
matsuo: nontheless it adds to the nocturnal vision tht comes with wolf and dog demons.
yusuke: wow so you cant see at all
kira: we can see but not very well in this realm, in the makai and netherrealm we can see more easily then any of you
hiei: hm *takes a stike at girls removing the glasses from their face*
yusuke: uh?! youve got t-to be kiddin me!
hiei: huh
*three pairs of emotionless ice blue eyes are revealed*
*the girls ignore the looks they give them and retrive ther sunglasses*
shriruri: so qoenma, *glances his way sending shivers down his spine* well do this but i hope your not planning a peaceful alliance with these fools*
qoenma: fine lets leave before somone looses the life
botan: hellow everyone ^____^
*group arrives at tornament stadium and finds a room*
sry it was short guys but i ran out of time so i hope it was okay ^^ i enjoyed writing it check you later
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