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myOtaku.com: TheInfernalTiger

Saturday, July 30, 2005

My first post
Hey, my name is Shizuma. I'm one of Rei's best friends. Its a shame that I didn't mean him before Ryoko because now I can't say I knew him my whole life. Damn Ryoko. j/k. Anyways I posted for him just recently and I said I would have my own well this is it. Your support I can use and now we will see who the better tiger is Rei or me? Yeah we have a strong rivalry so we like to compete against each other. Well other than that tho, me and him are good friends despite the mishap that happened before the concert but I'm not going to go there. Well catch you cats later. Wait a minute, thats not something I would say. Whoops I just copied a saying from Rei. Oh well, live with it. These pics by the way are of one of my fav. anim�s and its a classic, "Bubblegum Crisis" Oh yeah.

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