anime girl67 (07/26/05)
Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. I'm glad you like my site. Yours looks good as well. ^^ Cya later
no one hears me (07/26/05)
hello! thnx for signing my guestbook!
um, interesting site! um, I'll add you as a friend! oh and by the way, could you go visit my friends site? she's new. her name is dark dragon fire. thanx! (^_^)
Azura the kitsune (07/26/05)
Thank you for signing my gb. Jaguars are soo cool. ^-^ Luv the site, keep rockin. I hope you dont mind, but i'm adding you as a friend.
AnimeGrl 101 (07/26/05)
hey thanks for signing my gb....i like your site....well ill see ya around....l8erz
2kReturner (07/25/05)
Cool site! Well, seeya later!
morbidAngel11 (07/25/05)
Hay, you repleid on my site so..I shall replay on yours...lol ok I love that background and your avatar it's awsome. Ok stop by some time and if you need any help in drawing well ^_^ :jumps up and down: I am here lol!
NoMoreLove (07/25/05)
Wow.... cool site.... it's awesome. the jaguar's are a nice touch. thanks for signing my gb
NothingSacred (07/25/05)
Cool bg.
Thanks for dropping by^.^
shinsei tenshi (07/24/05)
Thanks for stopping by my site and signing my GB!!! Your site looks great! ^.^
Yashashi (07/24/05)
Hi nice site thanks for signing my gb hopes you come back soon.