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myOtaku.com: thelastjaguar

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Beta squad was making better time then Alpha squad was it was nearly up to the hive nood were the space marines could see that more brood were beggining to form."By the name of the chapter there almost back to full strenght"mumbled brother jearmiah "brother sargents! over there!" shouted brother Arcian "a group of twenty GeneStealers had formed up on the ridge and were beggining to move down"Space marines! show them no fear!"Shouted Samuial The air around them erupted into a hail of bolts as they fired into the growing crowed of Stealers now numbering 30. somthing caught jearimiahs eye a group of 3 spore mines had wandered into the group of Xenos"Marines redirect fire on the spores!"all of the marines did and in a chaotic explosion 3 spore mins went off in the middle of the stealer pack killing all but 2 of them they were cut down in the following shots. Meanwile alpha squad well what was left of it was under heavy assult by temgrants and there biomorphed wepons.Taking carful aim matthew blew another Xeno out of atction with his bolt pistol.But as they got closer William and him armed there close reanged wepons. Matthew with his power sword and william with his power axe.With an electric cackle matthew sliced a xenos head of and it went tumbling down a hill.William took 2 of the Xenos down with his axe smashing there bodies as blood splated on his armor. the 2 remaing Xenos fell back they had reached there braking point and had lost moral and fell back to the hive cluster which was now under attack by beta squad. with a thunderous roar the hive exploded in a gush of blood and fire. "Well done brothers we did good here" said Matther as he walked towrd beta squad"Were are the 3 other brothers in your unit sir?"" they will live on for they died so others may live they shall sit at the emporors table" said somberly matthew"as it was written said the 2 squads in unisin.
Later as reinforcments arived the company chaplin walked over to matthew" your Company did well today your units ations may have saved many empiral citzens lives"he said in his monotone "as i kenw,Chaplan will you take prayer with my men tonight?""It would be an honor"said the chaplin as the two walked over to the reaminder of the SpaceMarine chapter NightWolves ist company.

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