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myOtaku.com: thelastjaguar

Friday, July 29, 2005

As the remaning 3 marines of 1st company made there way through the ruins they spotted Benidicto trying to excape,Thinking quickly brother William fired his bolt pistol at the renegade hitting him in the leg right above the knee crippiling the man. As the 3 marines cirlcled the former sargent Jemaiah asked "should we take him captive sir?" "No...instead gather the rnegade wounded...brother william gather holy flamers the price of harasy aginst the emporor is death ther shall be no remorse no pity no mercy to these "things".
Taking his flamer Matthew put the instrament of firey fury over benedicto.Looking into the rnegades eyes he saw nothing but fear like a scared animals eyes"you are no spacemarine we know no fear"said jerly matthew with a twitch of his fingure the flamer burned through the armor the the renegade had on burning him down to the bone but slowly so that the renegade would suffer for his crime. William and Jeremah followed suit on the rest of the wounded renegades.
After the fires had gone out and the renegades had finally died there bones here hung up on the walls of the ruins and a big sign posted above them read simply"Heretics" the marines work was now done."Call for the appocracaries there are many geneseeds to be extracted" said wearly matthew...the three sargents had much rebuilding 2 do.

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