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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Rafting! XP

This weekend my family went on a rafting adventure! We'd never been rafting before so we started with some class 2 and one 3 rapids (1 being moving water :P ) It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. The weather was hot but the water was cold ^^ Heh I froze on the way back though, I really have no body temperature. (Thats probably why I caught that cold :P )
Also I broke my cell phone in half last week. Seriously. It was in half. It was doubly upsetting because my friend went on a trip to Japan and got me a bunch of Naruto phone charms, and I thought the new phone didn't have a place to put them but it does! I'm so happy! hee hee I'm such a dork ^^
In media news, I'm watching that show on scifi called "Who Wants to be a Superhero?" it's really entertaining :P I also saw Monster House with my little sis (firecat). I really enjoyed it and definately recommend it. It might be a tad scary for teh little 'uns though :P
Seen any good movies lately? |
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Summer? Really?

It's hot. Sunny. The days are long. So it must be summer. Then why do I have a cold! Aren't you supposed to get them when its cold. What a misnomer. . .
Meh oh well I guess I'll get over it. :P
So what have you been up too this summer? Anything fun? ^^ |
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Lying is bad >

I suck at getting things done and my quizilla quiz is no exception. There was none of the action there as promised. Plus I haven't been here. Hmmmm can you say slacker XP
But hopefully I'll manage to be a better online type person and visit a bit more :P I even updated my site with a summer look ^^ Yay I love fireworks! Hope you all have been having a super-fantastic summer! What have you been up to? |
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Well looky what we got here

Ok we don't actually have anything here. We're not sure why we're using the pronoun "we" either. . . .
*ahem* Anyway not much has happened on my end of the world. I had blood drawn for the first time and it made me all dizzy ^^
I've also decided to kick my quizilla story quiz back up so if any of you like Yu*Yu*Hakusho (esp. Kurama) definately check it out and if you have an account add it to your pick list and get a piece of gift art! The link is above it's the button with roses.
Could I really eat all 40 of those kids? |
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My life has drama in it?
Who would have guessed my life actually has some drama. A friend of mine likes the boy I've liked forever but am to chiken to ask out. She told me just now that she told him she likes him eventhough she's been trying to set up me and him! Then she makes me promise to go out with him if he asks. Well honestly I don't know what to make of if. She and I are going to talk again later, but I have no idea what to say!
So this is where you guys come in, I'm bad at this sorta thing so please give me advice!
Should I:
1: Just tell her to ask him out because I never will have the guts.
2: Agree to go out with him if he asks and just wait around.
3: Pretend I don't like him and try to set them up.
4: Something I didn't think of.
Well those are the best ideas I could come up with.
In other news I have new fanart up that you should all check out! Don't forget to comment I'm going to start kicking people off my friends list soon. (I've given up on putting days, I come too sparaticly)
+Peace out+ |
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
Life is blah. . .

So I have a nasty cold, I stayed home from school and got retainers. It was a rather bland day.
On the other hand I'm totally stressed because I have a big project to do and being the truest form of a slacker have not done any work on it. . . go figure.
Well I best get my butt in gear if I don't want to do an all nighter. So catch you all tommorow! And if you didn't leave a comment yesterday and you want to stay on my friend list please leave one in the next 8 days or so.
Speaking of lazy, look which naruto character I am
 Which Naruto Character Are You? Test by naruto - |
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Monday, April 10, 2006
I'm not dead!!!!

I'm sure you all thought I had left forever, but I'm afraid you just can't get rid of me. I'm like a cockroach XP
So it's spring now so the new spring colors are up. It might be a bit to pink for me but I'm still deciding. How have you all been? I think I need to do some house cleaning so make sure to post a quick comment in the next. . . I dunno. . . ten day or so or I'll take you off my friends list. I'll talk to you all again soon!!
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!!!

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas!
Thanks for the cards wiseangel101 and LordSesshomaru!

Next year I'll get myself organized enough to make one! ^.^
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Eve!

It's christmas eve! Well, actaully since I'm on mountain time its 27 minutes till but who's counting?
Having my grandparents in town makes our car really crowded so when we all go somewhere I'm sitting in one of those rear facing trunk seats. My younger sister FireCat should really be the one sitting back there but she gets car sick so I get stuck back there. It's really pretty bizzare: a 15 year old girl in the trunk. So I make the best of it by making really weird faces at the people behind us. . . I got 3 people to change lanes today! I feel accomplished.
The only christmas card I got ^.^

Thanks LS! |
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
Skiing again

I'm going skiing again tomorrow. The snow was fantastic for it being december! Almost all the resorts have at leat a 5 foot base! Bt since most of you have never skied before I'm probably boring you ^^;; heh sorry!
Anyway, if any of you know a good place to find decor for my site please tell me. It's is harder to find little wintery decorations than I thought it would be!
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
(*I've decided that I won't try to be politically correct because christamas is the the great celebration of the birth of Santa on his home planet of Jupiter, and his tireless struggle againt the Dark Lord Sauron to win the Triwizard Tournament! And that is something we can all celebrate!) |
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