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myOtaku.com: thelastmushroom

Thursday, October 6, 2005

It's going to be a long day
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I haven't stopped by in a while, I guess I've either been busy lazy or both. . . probably both.

Anyway my stupid friend got kicked out of the restraunt we went to for lunch. It was hilarious! He dance/hopped out the door. That kid is insane.

As for my long day, I have rehearsal untill 9pm. luckily school starts an hour later so I get to sleep in untill 7:15! yay!

9:00 rehearsals are really fun! You just screw around alot in the empty school at night, too bad our school doesn't apear to be haunted. . .

Here's a video I thought was too funny to pass up!

See you all laters!

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