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A rescuer cleverly disguised as a college student
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Reaching #1 on the Highest Rated Artists
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It all started with Pokemon...
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Cowboy Bebop, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Trigun, Gundam Wing, Full Metal Alchemist, Shaman King, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Tokyo Mew Mew, Fushigi Yuugi, The Get Backers, Death Note, and tons of others
Drawing, watching anime, reading manga, playing RPGs, swordfighting
Drawing, I suppose
| thelostsindar
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
New theme/Fall break
Here it is! My new Halloween theme. I love the Nightmare Before Christmas, so I thought I'd go with that. How's it look?
Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments on my latest fanart! I really appreciate it ^_^ I may be posting another one before long that I did for a class project. Thanks for those who were concerned about my cold, too. I'm all better now!
Sorry that I haven't been visiting lately, but it's actually not my fault (for a change XD). I haven't been able to get on TheOtaku for a while...has anyone else been having this problem? I have a feeling it has something to do with the college computers, because I just came home and it's working fine here. I hope I'll still be able to get on while I'm at school. Speaking of which, I'm on fall break right now. It feels good to be home after 2 months! All my classes are going good, but I was ready for some time off. Plus, I've got plenty of fun Halloween activities planned while I'm home ^_^
I hope you're all doing great!
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
New Fanart!
Hey all! I just wanted to stop in quickly to let you know that I posted a new picture. I drew it for one of my friends and found that I really liked it, so I went ahead and posted it. He even made it into the Featured Fanart Section! That made me so happy ^_^
Okay, so here he is, if you'd like to see him:
 Elf Hosted By
I'm planning on switching to a Halloween layout soon, so hopefully it won't be so long before my next post. I'm so excited for Halloween!! I'm also battling a cold right now. Uck >.< I hate being sick.
I hope you're all doing great!
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Saturday, September 1, 2007
I've been back at college for two weeks now, and things are going well. I love my classes, with the exception of Politics, but I suppose I can't expect them all to be fun ^^; I'm most excited about my Photoshop class. Sounds like we'll have some really cool projects. My other classes are Design II, Typography, and Old Testament Literature. OT Lit has been awesome so far. The professor is great and I've already learned a lot that I didn't know before, even though we're still working on Genesis. Typography is pretty fun too. It deals with font styles and designing type faces. The Design II projects sound really challenging, but it promises to be a good class.
I have no idea when I'll draw my next fanart, or what it will be...I don't seem to have any ideas right now ^^; That's probably for the best since I usually don't have much free drawing time between homework assignments, but I'm still open to suggestions.
I don't think I've mentioned this yet...if I have, I apologize for the repetition ^^; I bought a Nintendo DS game a while ago called Lunar Dragon Song and started playing it recently. It's pretty fun. I keep comparing to Golden Sun though, since they have similar styles, and it just isn't measuring up. That's probably unfair of me though, since Golden Sun is just that awesome ^^ But Lunar seems like a good enough game and I'm guessing it will get better as it goes.
Thanks for reading!
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
Last day
This has been my longest summer break ever, yet it went by the fastest. How does that work? Got me, but I'm going back to college tomorrow. It's not a bad thing, though. I'll miss being home and knowing what is soon to become the foreign concept of "free time," but I'm excited to go back. It's a great place! Which is good, 'cause it'll be two months before I come home again ^^;
Last Friday my family went to the zoo and the beach for a little one-day end-of-summer vacation. It was really fun! I hadn't been to that zoo in a really long time. Here are a couple pictures...

Lions are so dignified XD Well, thank you much to InweTheGreat and waywardwarrior for your nice comments on my layout last time. I appreciate it! ^_^ Heh, funny story about the picture of my eye. I really thought I had the flash turned off when I took it...I think I'm still seeing spots O_O But at least it made for some nice lighting effects ^^;
Thanks for reading!
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Busy yet Fun Weekend
Hello again! Looks like I'm back to my regular monthly updates ^^; Thanks so much to all the voters, commenters, and favoriters on last update's Fire Emblem fanart. I really appreciate it!
Last weekend was my church's camp retreat. They didn't have one last year (on account of the Mission Trip to Japan), so it was especially nice to go back this year. As always it was extremely fun. We also went to the Kingdom Bound Christian music festival on Monday. It's at an amusement park so we went on rides during the day (though I avoided the roller coasters ^^;) and saw the new show there called Le Grand Cirque, which was amazing. We went to two concerts that night, the David Crowder Band and Casting Crowns, and both were fantastic. I'm still catching up on lost sleep, but it was more than worth it.
And I suppose I haven't mentioned anything about the site change. It's basically the result of me being bored and finding a camera ^^; What do you think? Is it decent or should I stick to anime themes?
Thanks for stopping by, and have an awesome day!
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Monday, July 9, 2007
I come bearing fanart
Wow, there wasn't a month between updates this time! *Ahem* Anyway, as the subject implies, I finished my Fire Emblem fanart and have posted it. Check it out if you get a chance! As always, I value and appreciate your comments ^_^
 Cooking Lesson Hosted By
So, how was the 4th of July for everyone? Mine was good, albeit different. We watched fireworks on the 1st instead of the 4th, which was probably good because it was rather cold and rainy on the 4th. Still had a good time though, and I was lucky enough to get the day off work. Speaking of which, I'm only working for another 2 and a half weeks so that I can have a little time off before I go back to college. It's hard to believe I'll be going back in just over a month.
Thanks for stopping by! Have an awesome day!
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Friday, June 22, 2007
And there goes another month....
Is it just me, or is this summer going by really fast? I can't believe it's almost July already! I have a feeling that's why there's been so much time between my updates...a whole month goes by and I hardly notice. My sincerest apologies for my absence *bows*
I had a nice flashback to last summer's trip to Japan a couple weeks ago. The missionaries that we stayed with are in the US for a year, and they came to visit our church. It was great to see them all again. In other news, I found an interesting manga series when I stopped at a library book sale. It's called Qwan. They only had volume 1, but it was fabulous, and definitely worth following up on.
As for fanart, I finally picked up that Fire Emblem piece I started so long ago, made some much needed adjustments to it, and have started to color it. Hopefully I'll pick up the pace soon and get it on here in a decent amount of time. I also need to work on increasing the frequency of my posts ^^;
Thanks for reading!
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Friday, May 11, 2007
That's right! I finally drew Alfeegi! It's been a long time since I colored a whole picture in one sitting ^_^; I had a lot of fun with it though. Thanks for the request, mew cinnamon! As always, feedback is much appreciated. Have a look if you get a chance!
 White Dragon Officer, Alfeegi Hosted By
Also, I just recently got my 2500th visit. Thanks so much for all your support!

The last few weeks of college went just fine, as did my finals. I found out today that I pulled off another 4.0, so that's cause to be happy ^_^ I had my first job interview yesterday at Dairy Queen, as I figured it was about time I started working. It must've gone well, because I'm starting today. If I said I wasn't nervous, I'd be lying. Here's hoping it goes well.
Thanks for visiting and have a great day!
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Wow, she's updating!
Once again, it's been a while ^^; It gave me some trouble, but I finally changed my site theme to Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Can you read the text color alright? Sometimes it's hard to tell on these dorm computers becuase the colors appear lighter.
Well, less than two weeks left of classes! I have several finals to take as well, but just being done with homework for the semester will be a relief. Things are already winding down, which is wonderful. It looks like I'll be waiting til summer break to draw Alfeegi. My apologies to mew cinnamon for the long wait.
I've been able to watch some new anime with my friends lately. I've seen all of Trinity Blood and quite a bit of Death Note, and they're both really good. I love Ryuk in Death Note. He's so funny ^^
Guess that's all for now. Thanks for visiting!
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Monday, March 26, 2007
Spring Time
Yes, spring is here ^_^ The weather's been beautiful the last couple days, even up to 80 degrees. Sounds like we're supposed to get some thunderstorms this week too, which would be awesome. They can make walking to class a real pain, but I still like them anyway ^^
Things have been going good since getting back from spring break. In less than two weeks I'll be home again for Easter break, and then there's only about a month before I'll be out for the summer. This year's gone so fast! I'm definitely looking forward to the end of this school year, mainly because a 3-month break from homework sounds amazing right now. College professors sure know how to keep their students busy.
I unfortunately haven't had a chance to start my Alfeegi fanart I'm having a hard time deciding exactly how I want to do it; background, pose, etc. But since some of you asked what he was like, here's a picture of him:

Thanks for reading! Have a great day! ^_^
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