myO Still <3's You
Comments (1) | Permalink Thursday, May 17, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
I'm such a jealous bitch. XD
You all have no idea.
I have this constant need to have all my friends paying attention to me. They can have their silly other friends . . . but I have to be first. I have to be the most loved. The most needed.
OMG. I think its my slight sociopathy kicking in, but I really, really, really hate being excluded from plans to go to the movies, to the mall, to hang out period and I HATE finding out I was excluded.
Actually, right now. I'm fuming mad and I wanna kick something (and someone).
That's why when you make plans, I include myself. I hate not being "in" on things. I get sometimes you don't want to be around me or just wanna do something you and that other person, but tell me straight up so I can be pissed to your face and you'll know why instead of me BEING COMPLETELY IN THE DARK UNTIL I FOUND OUT ABOUT SOMETHING THROUGH SOME OTHER MEDIUM! I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I WILL CUT A PERSON! I will, like, I don't know. But I wont be happy.
I just don't know.
So please, all my little FRIENDS. Just tell me when you don't wanna hang out with me. I'll be pissed, yeah. But at least I wont be even more pissed that you DON'T TELL ME SHIT.
---End RANT---
<3 Madama Butterfly
Monday, May 14, 2007
Create your own Friend Quiz here
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Monday, May 7, 2007
I Just Don't Get It
I feel like I've done something completely wrong. Maybe its because its Monday or whatever . . . but everyone seemed like they didn't want to be around me. I felt so . . . faraway while I was sitting right there in choir between Rachael and Lizzie and NOT TALKING!
Rachael seemed completely far out today, like I was the last person she wanted to talk to. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, whether she was upset with me about something I've done during the weekend.
I mean, I was a bit tired but I had fun sitting with her and her mom and just talking. Like I don't have to bottle everything up like I usually do. Replaying everything I could've done and said. . .
So, I just let her be her little distant self, since she was probably sick of me anyway. But it still kinda hurt, ya know? Since sometimes I feel like the only people worthwhile in my life are her and Neil and Michelle (Can't forget Mich <3). Since my relationship with Lizzie is once again in the cataracts.
And Rachael, if you're reading this, I don't want some little comment about how its not my fault and stuff, because despite what you think, I am not completely oblivious to body language and anything else going on.
Anyway, A minute ago, I think Rachael went invisible so I wouldn't IM her. Not that I would, I don't want to speak to someone whom I evidently have been annoying.
I've decided I need to be a new me, in the meantime. I'll be virtually starving myself with a made up sort of half diet. I have a new bike now, and even if I have no one to ride with me, I'm going to take long rides whenever I can. Mostly after Arabian Nights.
I mean, what wouldn't I do to be skinny and lusted after? I don't want a Disney Fairy Tale (much) I just want to be happy. And I was happier back when I slightly resemebled a toothpick (with the pointy top and everything).
I just don't get why everytime I feel happy I'm thrust right back into being unhappy.
Yeah, I'm sad about not getting into Split Dimensions.
Yeah, I'm mad Lizzie did.
Yeah, I'm happy I'm getting a car.
Yeah, I'm crying because I feel like no one gets me at all.
Yeah, I feel like a bitch when I ignore people.
Yeah, I feel lika a fake when I laugh and I really wanna cry.
Yeah, I feel like a jealous cow at the thought you're getting the one thing that I want . . .
But why does every fucking time I feel like someone accepted. . . do you kick me back out again?
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Yo, homie.
Who's Smexier?
Who's the Smexiest Asian Candy ?
Create your own poll
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
Reguarding my Aunt
I'm here. Buddha, too (I'll explain later). My grandpa "Isn't doing too good" (I'll explain that, too) I'm deprived from the phone and tired as hell (3 hours of sleep) . . .
GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANNA GO HOME!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
I feel . . . cheated. . .
I keep looking at the cast list as though it will change, somehow. As though, my name will pop up instead of Lizzie's or Ashley's or Hiba's.
Ugh, I make myself sick being so . . . me.
>< Fine. That's fine with me. I can be fucking humble! I'll show up to every rehersal, be stage crew, help out, and try out for the damn Touring Children's Show. I can do that.
I can be non-bitter and I'll show Mr. Jacobs. Yeah. . . I will. :3
I'll be changing my backround, soon. To fit my darkened mood.
------Onto a happier subjects------
Do you all realize how hard it is to do a doshinji when you can't draw?
I openly admit that I cant even draw a straight line. Or a good square.
So, I've stuck Rachael with all the drawing.
I like to call myself Historical Consultant. I double check everything and have major insight on stuff that is "Period". XD
See? And I make jokes.
About everything.
I cannot be serious for more than a moment. Even when I was being Cho, beginning Hiro not to die, I made a joke. On purpose.
I do that.
Its how I cope.
So, you can imagine how I've been reacting to the whole Arabian Nights thingie.
Whatever. I'm over it. *Deep breath*
Not really, but hey, I lie pretty darn good.
I'll just blow Jacobs away at my Children's Show audition.
Or something.
If at first I don't succeed, try, try and guilt the fuck outta Lizzie.
She'll never hear the end of it.
To which, the point of all this is.
Peace. <3
The Mad Hatter.
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Monday, February 19, 2007
Arabian Nights
So, I tried out for Arabian Nights and absolutely BOMBED the singing part. >< OMG, you all have NO idea. XD
Whatever, there's always next year. I suppose I should get over with and work really hard. Sing good during rehersals, you know, the works.
I absolutely LOVE HYDE. I want a T-shirt or something advertising my extreme love for him, Gackt, and Miyavi.
Y'all got no idea.
I'm watching Entertainment Tonight and they're talking about Brittany Spears, I mean, I don't like her, but the press is hounding the poor girl. I'm surprised she hasn't gone off the radar like some people do . . .
I have this weird obsession with the Ainu people of Northern Japan. I read about them in class earlier (When I was supposed to be looking up stuff about China) and all of a sudden I'm all over the place.
Back to Arabian Nights---
I have One Thousand and One Nights Tarot Cards, coincedence? Or Fate? *gasp*
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Saturday, February 17, 2007
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Oooh dear, dear, dear, dear, dear . . . .
Rachael's Grandpa died. I feel really bad. And I feel even worse, ya know, because I'm sorta indifferent. I'm like that with everything involving sick and dying people. I feel like I can't say anything that doesn't sound insensitve--like I don't care, when I really, really do! I honestly feel really bad for her Grandpa dying and everything . . .
Well, Rachael, if your reading this: I'm sorry I'm not much help.
I kinda owe it to her, listening and stuff. I mean, I wouldn't have the greatest RP with the Greatest characters and some of the greatest storylines without her . . . and Lisa. . . ya know? *le sigh*
On a happier note:
My dad is scared of Visual Kei! XD I was looking at picture of the Malice Mizer gang (my new favorite band, by the way. I <3 Kami-san, god rest his soul) and I clicked a picture of Mana with Kami and he was like, "Who're those F***?"
Yes, my dad is an ignoramous. Ignore him. He grew up in a totally different time period.
I saw DreamGirls recently . . . it was AWESOME! Jennifer Hudson sooooo outsang Beyonce. Much as I like Beyonce. XD
Well, I suppose quote of the day is from Orenji No Taiyou.
"At dusk, I beheld the orange sun with you.
With a teary face, you bid an eternal farewell."
Bye Rachael's Grandpa-guy.
Bye Anna Nicole Smith.
. . . . Bye everybody, have a good weekend.
The Mad Hatter.
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