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| TheMadHatter
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Girl, Interrupted
 Which nut case from Girl, Interrupted are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I'm a psycho. Heehee. The coolest psycho around. I really think that I am a sociopath. . . You know? Is a little too close of a call. In the movie it says that 'Lisa has controling relationships with other patients.'
I have controling relationships with my friends. And I tend to lash out.
Hm. No use denying what you are a guess. ..
Being a sociopath would be kinda cool. Though, there is a REASON why it sounds like psychopath. . .
Anyway! Here are some movie quote I love!
Lisa: Razors pain ya, Rivers are damp,Acids sting ya, Drugs cause cramp,Guns aren't lawful, Nooses give, Gas smells awful, You might as well live.
Lisa: If I could have any job in the world I'd be a professional Cinderella.
Lisa: Lady, back off!
Mrs. Gilcrest: Was I talking to you?
Lisa: No, you were spitting on me, so mellow fuckin' out!
Mrs. Gilcrest: Don't you tell me what to do.
Lisa: Look, she gave your husband a ... Big fuckin' deal! I'm sure he was begging for it, and I heard it was like a pencil anyway.
Mrs. Gilcrest: Why you -- how dare you!
Lisa: Some advice, okay? Just don't point your fuckin' finger at crazy people!
Lisa: Take one step and I'll jab this pen into my aorta!
[aiming pen at her neck]
Valerie: Your aorta is in your chest, Lisa.
Lisa: Good to know.
Susanna: Was I ever crazy? Maybe. Or maybe life is... Crazy isn't being broken or swallowing a dark secret. It's you or me amplified. If you ever told a lie and enjoyed it. If you ever wished you could be a child forever. They were not perfect, but they were my friends and by the '70s most of them were out living lives. Some I've seen, some never again, but there isn't a day my heart doesn't find them.
Lisa [after finding rotting chicken under Daisy's bed] dios fucking mios!
There are other quotes, but I'm kinda nervous about cussing this much. I rather wonder if its allowed. Though, to be honest, I really don't care. . . .
What brought on my Girl, Interruped phase? I got the DVD for my birthday yesterday, not to mention the book is one of my favorites (That, and Memoirs of a Geisha).
They only edited it a little bit when they showed it on TNT, only bleeped out cuss words and small parts that didn't mean a thing anyway.
They stayed. . .ummm. . . fairly close to the book. Hard to screw up memoirs, I guess.
Zhang Ziyi and Angelina Jolie.
A heavenly combination with a dash of Jenifer Garner and hmmm. . . who else?
Halle Berry. She's cute, I guess. . .
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