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Friday, December 15, 2006
my site is on the web!
Hey everyone! I got my web design site online! I'm using tripod because i don't have money to buy a url name or anything. lol
I made this banner really quick:

check it out! the url is: http://otaku-planets.tripod.com
if you want, i'll host your fanfics and fan arts, and graphics, AMVs, whatever you can think of!
C ya around!
Question: Have you ever created a web site that is/was online? If it is still on now, what's the url?
Answer: Tons! Last year i made a family website forr a class and it's still up there! I love making websties!
P.S. I'm sorry for not commenting, i promis to try and do it soon! But i'm going camping with scouts this weekend and i can't get online! And i'm at school now so i can't do it now :(
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I need fanfics and fan art!
Hey everyone! sorry if i haven't gotten to comment on your sites in a while. i've had a lot to do.
I have a favor to ask though... I'm making a web site in my webdesign class and i decided to make it anime themed. ONe of the sections of the site is FanArt/FanFic/Graphics/Whatever I have some graphics and some whatever, but i don't have any FanArt or FanFic. If you guys would let me use some of yours, I would love you SOOO much!
Just send it in an email to SantoTRG@hotmail.com and send whatever it is, along with any information you want me to post with it to make sure that you get credit for your work. Thanks guys!
c ya later!
((Sorry, but i don't got time for a question right now, mabye later though. C ya!))
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
No one comments on my posts! :(
Noone posts comments on my posts any more! I'm so sad! ((Note: This is trying to guilt you into posting a comment on this on lol)) If you comment on my site, i wil definatly return the favor!
On a less plesant not, i had to miss my doctors appointment today! My mom gave me the worst directions ever! I ended up getting of one exsit early and was driving around for like an hour trying to figure out where it was! I eventually gave up, but then i ran into a problem... I had no idea how to get back! I didn't know how to get back onto Rt3 north. I decided to drive around until i found a sign that pointed me in the right direction. Then, it's as if god himself showed me the way, i say this sign that gave an arrow and it said "S. Weymouth" It was a miracle! I had no idea where i was, and a sign showed me exactly where to go! I ended up getting home, but i was wicked pissed! I spent almost 2 hours searching for the doctor and then getting home. I had to rescedual for the 19TH! I don't want to wait that long!
For like a year now, i've been getting spasams randomly that i would girk my head and upper body to teh upper right. It's never been that bad, but when i went to disney with the band (woot band!) they got horrible! ((ETAK! You'll know what i mean)) I would have like 5 10 or 15 in a row! It would look like i was having a sesious(sp?) in line! Then when i got back to good old(cold) newengland, they got a little better. Then they got worse, and then went away, and now there bad again! It's scary when i have one when i'm driving, cause i ussually press donw one foor, and i have to make sure i don't press on the gass or brake(that would be bad lol)
I got home and decided to download some music, i ended up downloading random wierd all songs ans some All American Rejec songs. I just picked them at random cause i have never herd most of them.
Anyone got any good songs i should download?
c ya around!
P.S. sorry about the ranting post, i kinda needed to get that off my chest. ^_^;
Question: Do you drive?
Answer: Yes. Ass of the 22nd, i will be able to drive other people... legaly at least! lol
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Tuesday, December 5, 2006
The Hinata Squad!
Hey everyone! I just finished makeing the graphic for "The Hinata Squad"! Don't make fun of it too much. I had to make it REALLY quick during my study at school((We had short periods today))
We had this talk about chastady((sp?)) or however you spell it. You know, waiting till your married to have sex and stuff. The first thing the guy said was how much he hated sex talks when he was in school and how he doesn't have boring talks. He then ask for a voulenteer and he ends up picking Ed. Ed is this big guy who's really strong and not light at all!(but he's not fat) The guy theyn basicly picks Ed up and tosses him over his sholder like it was nothing! I don't remember why, but it was funny as hell!
Oh well, time to do MORE college applications. UG!
Question: I don't know. Um... Who's your favorite Naruto character?
Answer: Hinata! Obviously!
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Monday, December 4, 2006
College Applications UG!
Hey everyone, i'm doing my college applications right now. It's so broing! They ask so much pointless stuff!
I'm so pissed! I was origanly going to apply to Penn State Berks as my first choice school, but i found out that I won't be able to finish my major there! I can start it there, but then i have to transfer to a different one! It's so retarded! I'm not even going to bother applying there anymore! I'll try to stay close to home ((Yay MA!))
Oh well, i suppose i should go finish my applications...
Questions: What are you studying/want to study in college?
Answer: I want to Major in Buisness Administration and Minor in International buisness. Then I want to take Japanes and get a job that has to do with American and Japanese Buisness communications! Then i might get to go to Japan! That would be so cool!((Keep in mind i had no idea what I wanted to do in college until like 2 months ago lol ^_^; ))
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Thursday, November 30, 2006
I donated blood! Woot ME!
Hey everyone! I donated blood at school today. I went to the blood donation van thing ((everyone just calls it the blood mobile lol)) I had to fill out some paper work and then i just sat there for a while until a lady was able to check my blood preasure and stuff. Then i sat in one of the bed/chair for like 10 or 15 min untill they finally got me set up. (The chairs were SO comfortable!) While they were draining my life fluids(blood) it felt realy wierd. When they first stick the needle in you, it feels pain full for like 2 seconds, then it just feels a little uncomfortable, unless you bend you arm. then it hurts like a B!TCH! I ended missing over half of my marine biology class which was cool. And he didn't make me take the test because i gave blood which was sweet!
I'm really out of it though. I'm not dizzy, just kinda slow and i can't bend my left arm (thats the one they got the blood from. It feels realy uncomfortable if i bend it) It's so hard to type with only one hand!
Oh well, c ya later!
Question: Have you ever given blood?
Answer: DUH! Just read the post!
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I'm back!
Hey everyone! I'm back! Please hold your aplause! Money will do fine! **Criket criket** O.k. fine...
Anyways, recently i've been going nuts over Hinata from Naruto. I just re-watched here batle with Neji and she is just awsome! I've decided i'm going to make some kind of club. I won't tell you guys what exactly until i have it all set up!
Do you guys like the new theme to my site? I'm going to put up a new song soon. One more Hinata'ish. I have Liar(takes one to know one) by Taking Back Sunday up right now. You guys like it?
ohwell, i can't think of anythign else to post now, so...
c ya later!
Question: Who is your favorite Naruto character
Answer: Hinata! Once i met her character, i thought that she was the greates! She's just so nice!
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Saturday, November 25, 2006
I'm board...
I'm so board! I can't think of anything to do! I spent most of the day cleaning my room. I actullay have a floor now! I then had to fix my computer becuase it was retarded and decided not to launch internet explorer. Then i downloaded a couple of songs ((Your a crazy bitch, American idiot, jesus of suberia. I couldn't download White and Nerdy though. I'm pissed))
My parents are going over their friends house to play cards, and my brother is going to give his girlfriend a ride home from school (Their practicing thier play) and then their going to hang out. My dad's car is still in the shop so we have no more cars! It's just going to be me and my other brother here tonight. Unless i go with my parents, but then i'd have to deal with their hyperactive and INCREDIBLY annyoing daughter. (She's even more anoying than me! and thats saying something!)
I'll probably use someones car before thye leave and i'll get some soda or something and then i'll watch a movie or mabye some anime. ((I heart anime!)
I need to download mroe music though! I can't think of any good songs! I never know the name of anything good! I like Taking back suday, Greenday, AFI, things like that. I also like some anime music. If you guys could send me a PM with some suggestions, that would be pissa!
well, c ya later
P.S. I any suggestions on a new site theme?
Question: What letter does your first name begin with. (Don't ask, i'm probably having a mental break down from being so board!)
Answer: "M"
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Friday, November 17, 2006
Aquarium Post Part 2!
Hey everyone! I took over 200 pics at the Aquarium! I also took a bunch of videos and i also took video of most of the Sea Lion show because it was pretty short. I'm going to post a bunch of images and TRY to get some of the videos on you tube and then i'll post em here. So that my site doesn't take even longer to load than usual, i'm going to post links to the images so that you can click on them individually. After each image, i'll say what it is.
The sign
This is the sign right infront of the aquarium. I was spacing out listening to music and my friend says "Hey! Wanna pet a penguin?" Needless to say i became very attentive. lol
Sting Ray
Watch out Steve! It's a stingray! Don't worry though, these ones were less than two feet long. We got to touch them though. They were slimey. It was so cool!
This is a baluga whale. They had either three or four in this huge tank that you see when you first walk into the aquarium (it's almost all outside)) They have the only baluga whales in the New Englad area!
This is the stellar Sea Lion. His name is Kodiac and he is HUGE! Even for a male stellar sea lion he is gigantic! He weighs over 1500 lbs! I'll try to post my video of him too. I only got one picture of him though :(
Seal Statue
Here's a statue that was near the Seal area. It was pretty cool. My friend got a picture with it, but i wasn't there for it.
I have to make a whole new post for some more of the stuff! And thats not even 1/10th of the pictues i took!
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Pics from the Aquarium Field Trip!
Here's Part 2!
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