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Chaozu sama
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Really theres nothing to put down to what i've acheived
Anime Fan Since
I was born, and I am not being sarcastic
Favorite Anime
DragonBall Z
To be americas first anime artist, and not one of those cheap ones who draw Sponge Bob either, a real artist
Saturday, October 1, 2005
Another night, awaiting 6:30 for the dance to see my true love...Alex Jackson ^^

I'll bet you expected this answer. You already knew you were a DARK ANGELIC, didn't you? You are similar to a demon but slightly different in that you don't revel in revel in pleasure. Your wings resemble an angel's but if that's so then you are a Fallen Angel - your love of sin caused you to be cast from the Heavens. They are black as raven wings and are nearly as dark as your desires. You are faithless and love it - you believe there is no Judgement Day to fear and so you can do what you want! You have a refined concept of what is sexy and a slightly chaotic sense of 'fun.' In fact, you love chaos and view much of what you do as a game. You are typically attracted to those that will challenge your mind, power, and wit...and are 'dangerous' people like you. It's not unlikely that you are bisexual or at least open to the concept, because you seek excitement and passion everywhere and in everyone. Chances are you have a special talent for magick - you're a powerful being and you know what you want. Like a Serpent of Eden you like to try your powers of seduction and manipulation, though your intent is rarely to cause harm. You have a deep, dark sense of art and/or poetry, because your mind is a deep, dark place. While typically smirking, amused, and sarcastic, you are capable of severe revenge and a passion and intensity unrivaled by any other. In your eyes life is for enjoyment and pleasure - nothing else. If you're not having fun in your own twisted way, you're not happy. You are easily bored with the vast majority of people. You are most likely drawn towards the Gothic subculture and probably adore Goth music, art, and style. Many people look down on your seemingly careless lifestyle and may even consider you 'slutty'. Not true. You just know you're sexy and you're damn proud of it. Dark Angels have an outlook most like Satanists - loving sin and looking to none but themselves for power. Congratulations! You're my kindred spirit. As far as I'm concerned - you know what life is REALLY about. Have fun...Muahaha.
Well I was bored so I did that and yeah .Im waiting right now, my hair is still wet and im waiting to see my true love Alex I miss him alot over the week since, I dont go to the dame school as him.But thats school for you, heart breaking miserable and dramatic :p . Other wise im having a great day today, I just drew my friend chloe in anime form and im really starting to get paid for doing this kinda shtuff at school, that would be my waukee middle school right there, every morning my mom drops me off infront and I think "Another day of hell" , but there are some good things about school, you get to socialize, you get to watch people get in fights, and you get to have $1.00 lunches. But thats basicley it, I might do some more work on here I dunno, for now Buh bye ^^Oh yeah and I almost forgot heres my conversation with alex: myscilentscream: konichi wa
Chaozu sama: Hola Konnichiwa Duude ^___^
myscilentscream: hola sinuori'te coomosta?
Chaozu sama: >>; Im taking spanish NEXT year
myscilentscream: haha
Chaozu sama: >< Taking German this year with Fraue line blah!
myscilentscream: im not but my friends at my old school have to take it all middle school so hahahahaha on t hem
Chaozu sama: o_o Its fusging RETARDED!
myscilentscream: i know
Chaozu sama: *fudging
myscilentscream: and i switched so i dont have to.
myscilentscream: sam says hi
Chaozu sama: Your lucky we hyave to pick names and crap ...My name is astrid, and it sounds like OSTRIG!
Hewow Sam man!^^'
myscilentscream: lol
Chaozu sama: Sam man the dire man hangin' from a fryin pan >>;
myscilentscream: lol
Chaozu sama: o_o;;
myscilentscream: (sam)
myscilentscream: haha i stole your font color
Chaozu sama: grr
Chaozu sama: HA!
myscilentscream: no!!!!
myscilentscream: ha!
Chaozu sama: muhaha
myscilentscream: ok... you win
Chaozu sama: Yesss
myscilentscream: hahahaha
myscilentscream: lol
myscilentscream: a bit testy today are we?
myscilentscream: lol
Chaozu sama: I just woke up if thats what your looking for >>;
myscilentscream: oOoh i woke up a 6:00 cause sam farted in my face
Chaozu sama: Ew...dude I didnt need to hear that
myscilentscream: it smelled bad lol this is sam
Chaozu sama: ....
myscilentscream: alex went to get his dog
Chaozu sama: popadopalaus
myscilentscream: his dog that is scared of me
myscilentscream: ???
Chaozu sama: hm...and why would that be?
myscilentscream: idunno
Chaozu sama: Maybe YOUR face scares his dog
myscilentscream: grr...
Chaozu sama: FEAR MY NONSENCE!
myscilentscream: you havent seen my face
Chaozu sama: or maybe I have!!!
myscilentscream: scary!!!
Chaozu sama: I know were you live.I know were you sleep.and I KNOW WHAT U DO!And I see everything, I saw that...
myscilentscream: hungry hobo
Chaozu sama: Stop it sam...I saw that 2!!
myscilentscream: ??? this is alex
Chaozu sama: oh...
myscilentscream: no its sam!
Chaozu sama: >>; oi im confused
myscilentscream: no its me! alex!
myscilentscream: yes!!!!
Chaozu sama: lol
myscilentscream: my goal hgas been yet again completed
myscilentscream: has*
myscilentscream: now who am i
Chaozu sama: lol, my goal has not >>; im still searching for the cheetos in the cupboard
myscilentscream: colors are overated
Chaozu sama: Hmm....AN UNDERPANTS GNOME?!
myscilentscream: who am i?
myscilentscream: lol
Chaozu sama: An underpants gnome
Chaozu sama: Your locness
myscilentscream: lol its alex!!!!!!
Chaozu sama: tree fitty
Chaozu sama: GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!
myscilentscream: i love bunnies
myscilentscream: you love bunnies?
Chaozu sama: o_o
Omigee, you read my mind
myscilentscream: lol!!! yes!! hahahaha
Chaozu sama: lol
myscilentscream: this is sam alex went someplace......
Chaozu sama: o_o;; IMPOSTER im going to hide now
myscilentscream: lol
myscilentscream: hahaha its alex
Auto response from Chaozu sama: Calling grandma brb
myscilentscream: hahaha.... lol
Chaozu sama: Lol, just testing my away message!
myscilentscream: lol
myscilentscream is away at 8:20:05 AM.
Chaozu sama: ...
Auto response from myscilentscream: i love bunnes more than anybody
Chaozu sama: I LIKE BUNNIES!!!!
myscilentscream: hahahaha
myscilentscream returned at 8:20:36 AM.
myscilentscream: NO I DO!!!!!
Chaozu sama: AaAaAAaaAah I just fell out of my seet when I sneezed
myscilentscream: I LIKE THEM MORE!!
myscilentscream: LOL
myscilentscream: OK ILL STOP
Chaozu sama: ( )<--- I have this much cordnation
Chaozu sama: lol
myscilentscream: ()<.......
myscilentscream: ( )<.......
Chaozu sama: ?
myscilentscream: ( )<........
Chaozu sama: <^^-^)>
myscilentscream: ( )<..........
myscilentscream: =<('.'<) ^( '.')^ (>'.')>
Chaozu sama: take it off kirby take it off XDD
Chaozu sama: >>; thatd be scary actualley
myscilentscream: lol?
Chaozu sama: riight\
myscilentscream: brb
Chaozu sama: mmkay ^^;
myscilentscream: go trampoline again
Chaozu sama: Kk bye bye ^^
Chaozu sama:
myscilentscream is away at 8:56:13 AM.
Chaozu sama: brb
Auto response from myscilentscream: I am away from my computer right now.
Chaozu sama: back
Auto response from myscilentscream: I am away from my computer right now.
myscilentscream returned at 11:29:44 AM.
myscilentscream: hi
Chaozu sama: YaY!
myscilentscream: i love you
myscilentscream: hey... another i con!
Chaozu sama: Chaozu sama: hes spending much more time with it than he use to!
TuRnUPdABaSs012: lol
myscilentscream: ?
myscilentscream: when was that? and what is "it"
Chaozu sama: Chaozu sama: My lover still hasnt returned from the trapmoline
TuRnUPdABaSs012: lol
myscilentscream: lol
Chaozu sama: I kept telling all my friends that when they came on ^^'
myscilentscream: lol
Chaozu sama: TuRnUPdABaSs012: that sucksChaozu sama: yeah, i think hes cheating on me with his trampoline >3
myscilentscream: lol
myscilentscream: im going paintballing today and tomorrow. and dont blame me when im out of energy at the dance
Chaozu sama: Lmao, no youll just have 2 pops and then youll beat up micheal miller and youll feel renergized
myscilentscream: yay!!!
Chaozu sama: Lol
myscilentscream: beating him up is fun
Chaozu sama: Yeah lots'a of fun, he goes to almost all my core classes so I do it often ^^'
myscilentscream: ok mom is home change icon!!!
Chaozu sama: why?
myscilentscream: i gtg
myscilentscream: bye
Chaozu sama: ...
myscilentscream: love you
Chaozu sama: whatever bye
myscilentscream: sorry!! i got to go eat lunch!!! love ya bye!
myscilentscream signed off at 11:36:31 AM.
Chaozu sama: love you to bye
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