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Thursday, March 1, 2007
Today was better...
until 8th period...
Instead of telling the story, I'm just going to say what I got.
I got an office referral, a violation(dont feel like explaining..), and I have Saturday school from 7-12.
I hate this school.
I'm moving. end of story.
well, w/e. bye.
Avatar of the day~

Picture of the day~

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I went home from school early today.
I had a really bad stomachache.
I still don't know what's up with them!
hmm, Today wasn't that good at all.
But, is any day?
I'm really close to just..breaking.
I've held it in too long, and it's starting to even hurt my chest at times. Which, to me, is not a good sign. So, maybe I should write poems again.
Oh, I'm writing a new story, it's going to be a Kingdom Hearts vampire story. =]]]
And, I'm making a new lyt! So, be ready for it!
I bet you guys are tired of Aiden by now. haha.
Well, ima go now!
Avatar of the day~

Picture of the day~

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Today was kinda sucky.
This morning I had this really bad pain in my chest. -_-'
But, then it went away, and I became hyper. o.O
lol! It was hilarious.
Though, school always.
In too many ways too name.
Well, im on my moms computer, so I can't be on here long. So PM me, and once I get on mine, I'll talk to you! =]
|•|Avatar of the day~|•|

|•|Picture of the day~|•|

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Monday, February 26, 2007
Uhmmm, today wasn't that bad.
Except that I have ALOT of makeup work.
My stomach hurts really bad right now..T_T
idk, I've been getting alot of stomachaches since I got told that my uncle died. Anyone know why? =/
Help would be great..^^'''
I painted my nails blue and black last night(random, I know..~_~''')
Uhm, I'm going to try to eat something to see if it helps my stomach. Bye!
PM me if you want, I'll be here. =]
avatar of the day:
--heh heh >:D --
Picture of the day:
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
Last night was really fun...
We took a BUNCH of pictures.
*dies from happiness*
ok, im dead now..
so byeee
Avatar of the day:

Picture of the day:

Why flowers?
idk. =]
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
Mood~Bored, hungry, and sad
Currently listening to~Three Days Grace-Riot
well, it's kinda early, but oh well. ^^
uhm, today is my party...
that some ppl didn't know about..-_-'
Maybe I meant to tell them but forgot..dont know.
But, oh well.
I decided, that im going to be doing a picture of the day, and an avatar of the day. =]
don't know why..just for fun I guess.
Well, PM me, I'll be here until 3. ^_^
Avatar of the day:

Picture of the day:
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Friday, February 23, 2007
idk what to really say in this post...
Well, my week sucked, and it went by slowly...
I miss my aunt Kelly...
She took her jacket back. >_<
I think im getting a little sick...
I missed a week of school...
ALOT of make-up work..
I'm not doing any better about my uncle...
God is a mean person..
That's all I have to say...
R.I.P Uncle Jay
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