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Thursday, May 10, 2007
hi peoplez.
I'm so bored..
and tired from the heat!! ~dies~
I turned on my fan, but it's STILL hot!
I wanna just jump into the pool!
but it isn't opened yet >_>
I keep telling my mom to hurry and open it!
Ima change my site again! XD
I have too much fun with that..haha..
Anyways..uhm, well...nothing to talk about..
so, PM me!<3
Ja ne!
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Hi pplz!
I'm very very very I took some quizzes! :D
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool..
Opening Credits:
-> Truely, Madly, Deeply: Savage Garden
Waking Up:
-> The Crimson: Atreyu
First Day At School:
-> Pale: Within Temptation
Making Your New Best Friend:
-> Raining All The Time: Kill Hannah
Falling In Love:
-> Imaginary: Evanescence
Breaking Up:
-> I'm So Sick: Flyleaf
-> Try Again: Aaliyah
-> Fallen: 30 Seconds To Mars
Life's Okay:
-> You Raise Me Up: Celtic Women
Death of a Close Friend:
-> Immortal: Evanescence
Mental Breakdown:
-> The Only One: Evanescence
-> Perfect: Flyleaf
-> Tekesuta Kousen: An Cafe
Getting Back Together:
-> This is Halloween: Panic! At The Disco
Birth of Child:
-> Have You Ever: Brandy
Wedding Scene:
-> This is Why I'm Hot: MIMS
Car Accident:
-> Overrated: Three Days Grace
Final Battle:
-> Fall To Pieces: Avril Lavigne
Death Scene:
-> Room of Angel: Akira Yamaoka
Funeral Song:
-> Seether feat. Amy Lee: Broken
End Credits:
-> They: Jem
 | You scored as Jigsaw. You are Jigsaw. You dont enjoy killing people at all. You instead love to see how far people will go to live. However if it ends in a bloody death, you still sleep with a smile on your face.
You are intelligent, and know how to outwit just about anyone. And that spells bad news for anyone who falls into your games of death and torture.
Jigsaw | | 90% | Leatherface | | 60% | Freddy Krueger | | 60% | Hannibal Lecter | | 40% | Jason Voorhees | | 40% | Pinhead | | 40% | Candyman | | 40% | Michael Myers | | 35% | Captain Spaulding | | 25% | Buffalo Bill | | 0% |
Which Horror Killer are You? created with |
 | You scored as Blue. Your heart is blue. You are a very calm and relaxed person. You are very caring and like helping others. You're grateful for what you have in life, even if it's not perfect. People love you for who you are, don\'t ever change that- it's what makes you the great person that you are.
Blue | | 86% | Pink | | 79% | Red | | 64% | White | | 61% | Yellow | | 50% | Purple | | 50% | Black | | 46% | Green | | 21% | Orange | | 4% |
~What colour is your heart?~ created with |
mkay, that's all..
I'm bored >_>
So PM me!<3
Ja ne!
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I'm really bored x.x
I came home around 11:27 from school.
I didn't want to do the science lab, so mom agreed to pick me up. ^^
I came home and cleaned my room :|
I hurt my wrist doing it..!
But, my computer's connection is all messed up, my mom is trying to fix it.
So, I'm on another copmuter, that's really annoying! grrz.
But, I'll be here, so PM me!!<3
Ja Ne!
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Monday, May 7, 2007
hey, I changed my site up :)
And changed the song.
thanks for the few comments on my poem.
Anyways..I'm really bored, and I'm eating grapes =P
I took some odd pictures the other day..O.o
Here's a picture of me uhm..drinking coke...

mkay..this one is weird..I was bored one night...XD
Here's me..being a zombie o.o

I'm bored, so PM me!<3
Ja ne!
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
Im bored.
My computer is a fag.
Tomorrow is monday oh yay.
I hate sundays.
I want an orange and mountain Dew.
Here's a poem I wrote:
I don't care what you think of it..
It was just from the top of my head.
But, if you have a bad comment about it, please keep it to yourself.
No running anymore:
My soul begins to shatter
While my heart begins to break
The peices are beginning to scatter
How could I have believe your smile that was oh so fake?
I can't even believe what you've done
Your heart of stone is what I didn't see
This is not the worst thing for one
But I can't believe what you done to me
I should have killed the lies way ahead of time
But now, it's way too late
All those lost peices, I'll never find
Didn't realize how much I couldn't take
Slowly but surely I'll begin to come back
It'll take a while for sure
Yes, I know that for a fact
But, I can't run anymore
there...But, do you think I should continue it, or no?
well, PM me!<3
Ja ne!
(o^_^)o o(^_^o) dance dance
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
I LOVE this expect it to stay on here for awhile<3
We are singing this in choir, and I thought it was really pretty.
Well, I just woke up not long ago.
Right now it's 10:38am
I'm eating a muffin!!
I'm so bored right now..
I put a shoelace around my neck and put a pink braid in my hair yesterday :]
here's a picture ^_^

THE ugliest picture..~_~'
but oh well.
I'm bored..
so yeah, PM me<3
ja ne!
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Friday, May 4, 2007
hey people..
I changed my site once again! XD
Ya like it?
Yeah, the song is annoying, but I like it!
Well, im really bored..and yeah..
yesterday(I was too tired to type this in yesterdays post),
Jake wrote HOOKER on my right leg(on my jeans of course) >:[
grr. And he broke my purple sharpie!!
~moves stuff around~ little asian...>_>(he really is asian.lmao)
LOL! (no offense if your asian o.o I just say that cuz it's funny..I don't mean it to be mean! >_<)
He got sharpie on my face too..but it's off now..
mkay, well, im bored, so here's the lyrics to the song. XD
Best Friend:
He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too?
It tickles in my tummy, he's so yummy yummy
Hey, you should get a best friend too!
My best friend!
Hoo ha, hoo ha!
Hello, baby, I can see a smile
I'm going to a party, and it's gonna be wild
Can I come, I'm sitting alone
Friends are never alone
Maybe some pretty girls are in your world
Excuse me, I could also be your girl
Lately, everyone is making fun
Na na na na na na na na na na na.....
Aloha, baby, let's go to the beach
yeah, girls in bikini are waiting for me
But I was hoping for a summer-romance
So why can't you take a chance
Maybe some pretty girls are in your world
Excuse me, I could also be your girl
Lately, everyone is making fun
Na na na na na na na na na na na.....
Maybe some pretty girls are in your world
Excuse me, I could also be your girl
Lately, everyone is making fun
Let's get this party on
Hit me with your lazer-gun!
Come on boys!
Hoo ha, hoo ha!
You should get a best friend too!
Hoo-ha, hoo-ha!
He's sooooo sweet!
Na na na na na na na na na na na
mkay, PM me!!!<3
Ja ne!
random pictures! :D

This image is from Elusive Moon

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Thursday, May 3, 2007
I added a new song to my site.
It describes how I least a little..
Well, today was okay.
I'm going to the school play, and it's 7:30 from 9 something =/
So, I'll be on later..
send me PM's to come back to ^^
Here's the lyrics:
The world seems not the same
Though I know nothing has changed
It's all my state of mind
I can't leave it all behind
I have to stand up to be stronger
I have to try
To break free
From the thoughts in my mind
Use the time that I have
I can say goodbye
Have to make it right
Have to fight
'Cause I know in the end it's worthwhile
That the pain that I feel slowly fades away
It will be all right
I know
I should realize
Time is precious
It is worthwhile
Despite how I feel inside
Have to trust it'll be alright
Have to stand up to be stronger
Oh, this night is too long
Have no strength to go on
No more pain I'm floating away
Through the mist I see the face
Of an angel, calls my name
I remember you're the reason I have to stay
Ja ne.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
sorry for the confusing post yesterday!
Today was odd..
At school there was a "fire" but not really..
it's was just smoke I believe.
But, we missed some of 3rd period and all of 4th period, because we were standing outside.
I took out my cell phone and started to call my friend Jeskuh. XD
But, the phone line was busy. Oh well.
I'm putting songs on my new IPod right now. ^_^
It's taking forever because of all the songs. lol!
I'm probably gunna watch the movie Little Black Book later ^^''
But, PM me, cuz I'll be here!<3
Ja ne!
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
okay..I just wanted to say this..mkay. It's just things about me. I thought that if maybe you guys knew me better...w/e...
By the way..this WILL be a long post.
First of all..some people on here think I am fake.
Which I am not! here is proof: click here you fag
THAT IS REALLY ME. I know, im ugly..but that is proof to you.
Go ahead and look all over the internet for that picture.
I can tell you right now, you wont find it anywhere! Except on my myspace: My myspace~ADD ME
I understand that there is fake people everywhere these days. But, I can guarantee I am NOT fake.
I hate fakes. If you are one of my friends...
and your fake, you better tell me now..cause if I find out wont be pretty.
Yeah, I'll be angry at first...then, I'll make fun of you.
ALOT. I just find it amusing how people use other people's pictures and say it's them!
I don't know, it's just so funny!
Second thing: I love when you people send me hatemail. It's amazing. I'm always up for a good laugh. And this is what gives it too me besides my friends.
Lastly: Do not tell me I have no friends. I know I have friends.
Amazing ones at that..
here's something I wrote...and do NOT make fun of what I say.
Jessica W: She is so hyper all time. I've never seen anyone as hyper as her before! Seriously. I love her. She is my best friend, and always will be. I'm so glad that I met her!<3
Holly A: She is one awesome person. And if I was a guy, I'd probably like her lmao. I'm so glad that her and JD are dating. THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER. Try to break them up..I.DARE.YOU. Holly is so nice, and cool, I don't know how she is my friend! Especially with me! I used to think she hated me, and when I found out she didn't, we became close! Holly, is my best friend and I love her. Forever and always, best friends until the end.<3
Melody L: A quiet person at school and an hilarious person at home. She makes me laugh. I love how we talk about flying chicken and what not. Flaminyon is STEAK NOT A BUDDAH MEL. if I even spelled that right. Melody is my best friend, I love her. Best friends until the end.<3
Danielle L: Danielle is one to speak her mind. And let me tell you...her mind is ALWAYS occupied with SOMETHING. She is so freakin hilarious...I can't even begin to tell you. We love KFC, and one day we will own our very own KFC. Danielle is my best friend, I love her. Best friends until the end.<3
Angel R: He's the hottest mexican I've eva seen! fo reals. We are gangster buddies. oh and to get this across to all you girls...HE IS ELLIE'S!! NO ONE ELSE'S! you got that...try breaking them up...and you'll face hell. mkay? Anyways...Angel is a little dancing taco. He is so cool, im happy I met him. I hope that one day, we can meet, that would be awesome. Angel is my best friend, I love him. Best friends until the end.<3
Jessica L: Oh man oh man...what to say about this little chickling. She's too amazingly amazing....ONE WORD: downrighthilarioussssness. mkay?
She can make the globe turn upside down because of laughing. No matter what mood im in, she always seems to enlighten my day. I wish I could go back to Ohio and see her all the time like the old days. That...would be perfect. I miss her like..WOAH. Jessica is my best friend, I love her. Best friends until the end.<3
Elisha H: She keeps to herself alot..but when she opens up, she is so funny. We have alot in common too! Even though she reads so much she'll probably turn into a book, she is my best friend, and I love her. Best friends until the end.<3
Malakai J: This kid is amazing. He makes me laugh so much. I hope we meet someday, and we can go to Burger King and get crowns. He even says: "Meeting you in on my to do list." That makes me so happy! He's too amazing to be my friend...but, I love him, he is my best friend. Best friends until the end.<3
I have alot of friends...but these are my very close ones.
I know this post is odd...but yeah..w/e.
I don't think any of you will comment on this..oh well.
PM me okay?<3
Ja ne!
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