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| ThisxBlackxHeart
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
okay..I just wanted to say this..mkay. It's just things about me. I thought that if maybe you guys knew me better...w/e...
By the way..this WILL be a long post.
First of all..some people on here think I am fake.
Which I am not! here is proof: click here you fag
THAT IS REALLY ME. I know, im ugly..but that is proof to you.
Go ahead and look all over the internet for that picture.
I can tell you right now, you wont find it anywhere! Except on my myspace: My myspace~ADD ME
I understand that there is fake people everywhere these days. But, I can guarantee I am NOT fake.
I hate fakes. If you are one of my friends...
and your fake, you better tell me now..cause if I find out wont be pretty.
Yeah, I'll be angry at first...then, I'll make fun of you.
ALOT. I just find it amusing how people use other people's pictures and say it's them!
I don't know, it's just so funny!
Second thing: I love when you people send me hatemail. It's amazing. I'm always up for a good laugh. And this is what gives it too me besides my friends.
Lastly: Do not tell me I have no friends. I know I have friends.
Amazing ones at that..
here's something I wrote...and do NOT make fun of what I say.
Jessica W: She is so hyper all time. I've never seen anyone as hyper as her before! Seriously. I love her. She is my best friend, and always will be. I'm so glad that I met her!<3
Holly A: She is one awesome person. And if I was a guy, I'd probably like her lmao. I'm so glad that her and JD are dating. THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER. Try to break them up..I.DARE.YOU. Holly is so nice, and cool, I don't know how she is my friend! Especially with me! I used to think she hated me, and when I found out she didn't, we became close! Holly, is my best friend and I love her. Forever and always, best friends until the end.<3
Melody L: A quiet person at school and an hilarious person at home. She makes me laugh. I love how we talk about flying chicken and what not. Flaminyon is STEAK NOT A BUDDAH MEL. if I even spelled that right. Melody is my best friend, I love her. Best friends until the end.<3
Danielle L: Danielle is one to speak her mind. And let me tell you...her mind is ALWAYS occupied with SOMETHING. She is so freakin hilarious...I can't even begin to tell you. We love KFC, and one day we will own our very own KFC. Danielle is my best friend, I love her. Best friends until the end.<3
Angel R: He's the hottest mexican I've eva seen! fo reals. We are gangster buddies. oh and to get this across to all you girls...HE IS ELLIE'S!! NO ONE ELSE'S! you got that...try breaking them up...and you'll face hell. mkay? Anyways...Angel is a little dancing taco. He is so cool, im happy I met him. I hope that one day, we can meet, that would be awesome. Angel is my best friend, I love him. Best friends until the end.<3
Jessica L: Oh man oh man...what to say about this little chickling. She's too amazingly amazing....ONE WORD: downrighthilarioussssness. mkay?
She can make the globe turn upside down because of laughing. No matter what mood im in, she always seems to enlighten my day. I wish I could go back to Ohio and see her all the time like the old days. That...would be perfect. I miss her like..WOAH. Jessica is my best friend, I love her. Best friends until the end.<3
Elisha H: She keeps to herself alot..but when she opens up, she is so funny. We have alot in common too! Even though she reads so much she'll probably turn into a book, she is my best friend, and I love her. Best friends until the end.<3
Malakai J: This kid is amazing. He makes me laugh so much. I hope we meet someday, and we can go to Burger King and get crowns. He even says: "Meeting you in on my to do list." That makes me so happy! He's too amazing to be my friend...but, I love him, he is my best friend. Best friends until the end.<3
I have alot of friends...but these are my very close ones.
I know this post is odd...but yeah..w/e.
I don't think any of you will comment on this..oh well.
PM me okay?<3
Ja ne!
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