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myOtaku.com: ThunderingRain

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Last Elfling #11
The oddest curse she bares is the one with the Moon. it says in a great Another curse is immortality, witch is a good curse, more like a gift, witch was an accident. this is how this curse works, if someone kills her, witch is possible, her last words will be a riddle, witch will grant the one who answers it correctly one wish, that wish can not kill her though, she starts her riddles like this "twenty-four hours past this time, i will reawake, leave me above ground, not under soil, and come when this time repeats it self on a different day, answer my riddle correctly and you may have one disire, her is thy riddle you seak.......(then she says the riddle)" she will die and stay dead forever, when it is four days before the death of the earth.

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