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myOtaku.com: ThunderingRain

Friday, December 9, 2005

The Last #30
After that life wasn't the same. Curiousity would come by and visit at least once a week. Every time leaving saying something about some bizzar Expedition, and Thundering Rain would always tag along with him. Everytime he visited she asked the same question "What is your real name?" Then one day Manu woke up and looked around for Thundering Rain for she was usaully the first to rise, but she found her no where. She checked Thundering Rain's room, but no one was there. The Manu ran and jumped onto Ayra's bed "Unas gone!!!!!!!!" Ayra leaped out of bed and searched everywhere, Manu was right, Thundering Rain had dissapeared. They woke up Luna and they all searched for Thundering Rain, then their thoughts were disrupted by a knocking on the door. Ayra answered the door, by swinging it open, it was Curiousity. Then Ayra got ideas about what happened to Thundering Rain, she grabbed Curiousity and shook him "Where is she?!?!? what have you done with her?!?!?"

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