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The Depths Of My Thoughts (Scary place.)
Member Since
Student (Hopefully an Author some day!)
Real Name
Twig =)
Umm... uh... Nothing? XD
Anime Fan Since
2004, when I discovered the Galaxy Angel manga.
Favorite Anime
Galaxy Angel, Fruits Basket, and Naruto! =D
To become a hard-hitting journalist. And... to some day get a boyfriend. (Not likely.)
Reading, Writing, Drawing, Dancing... that kind of stuff.
I can roll my tounge...? Oh! I can memorize song lyrics really easily, too! XD
| TickleMeTwig
Hiya, Everybody!!! =)

My name is (as you already know) TickleMeTwig, but you can call me Twig or Twiggy, like all my buddies do. =)
Well, to start this thing off, i'm a complete and total Japan Nut- I love the music, culture, entertainment, language, fashion, food... and the Anime and Manga, of course. =)

I'm a hopeless little romantic who loves cute guys (BISHIES!!!!) and one certain boy at my school. ;)
My favorite foods consist of sugar, chocolate, pizza, and chicken. ^.^

I love to just be myself. I'm a complete and total nutjob, and i'm proud of it! =D
Well, I hope you have an awesome day and an even awesomer tommorow! <3

Saturday, May 19, 2007
Me, Again! (Who else could it be?)
Twig here! =)
I had a friend come over last night- we took a butt load of pictures and just goofed off. Pop's family came up last night, too, because he's playing down at the Coffee Shop/Livewire tonight. =)
I'm really excited for him- he's been practicing for weeks. I know he's gonna do great! ^-^
There's really not much else I have to talk about. Sorry that my posts seem to get more boring and short as I go. XDD
Well, with all that said... This is Twig, signing off! =)
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Thursday, May 17, 2007
God! I'm officially a horrible person! I haven't posted in nearly a week! I'm so sorry! T.T
A couple things have happened, too. XDD
Kayla and I's catapult did great, and i'm sure we got an A. which i'm not complaining about- my Science grade could use a good boost. XD
Our Reniessance day was awesome! We got to parade around the school in our costumes and do absaloutely no work for the entire day. We even acted out some Shakespeare stuff during Langauge Arts.
School's almost out, too. We only have about two weeks or so left. My step-sister, Makayla, is coming in on the Twenty-Fith, too. =)
Hmm... I think that's it. If I think of something else, i'll be sure to post it! See y'all! =)
This is Twig, signing off!
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Friday, May 11, 2007
What's the DEAL with people!?
At the assembly today, I got freakin' ticked off. I don't know if you care or not, but i'm going to tell you anyway. >.<"
Why did I get ticked off? It all started when the martial arts people decided to take volunteers. A buddie of mine (Kandy- y'all know her as Darthsasuke.) got called up, and everybody starts groaning and complaining.
For background info- Kandy is a tottally awesome person, just... you know, different. Not like everybody else. She's unique and not afraid to be herself. Everybody picks on her because of this, because they think she's annoying. It bugged me since the very begining of school- And it's only gotten worse as the years gone on.
Anyway... she got called up by the host/sponsor/announcer lady to demonstrate something or another. This girl next to me groans and says something like "Oh, here it goes."
I got P.O.ed. I couldn't help it. I turn around, my eyes on fire, and stare straight into her eyes with one of those "Shut up, or i'll murder you on the spot" looks. She shut up real quick. I burned a hole in her non-existing soul, the B... B... Big... Butthead.... >.<"
(I have problems with getting myself to cuss. XP)
But... I just don't get it. Everybody seems to take out all this crap on Kandy and just bully her around. I hate the fact that she gets pushed around. She smiles and jokes and brushes it off liek it doesn't bug her. But....
I don't know. It just bugs me.
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I'm Back!
Hey, there! Twig here (finnally)!
Sorry I haven't posted in a couple days. XD
To catch you up on my mundane life, I went over to Kayla's on Teusday to work on our catapult. It turned out she and her step dad had already worked on it (THANK YOU, MISTER DON!!!) so we wound up goofing off, drinking rootbeer floats, talking about our stories, and walking around her subdivision. =)
Nothing much else happened after that, until today. We had a huge assembly and got out of fith, sixth, and seventh periods. We watched the Tae Qoun Doe (I have no idea how you really spell that. I just know that it's a type of martial arts. XD) club do some stuff, then we went home. =)
I'm going over to Kayla's (Again. =D) tommorow so we can paint the catapult. We're going to call it the 'Bluebird' and paint it blue with wings and stuff. It's bound to be pretty darn cool. =)
Oh! Before I forget! My story!
I left my notebook that has my story in it in my locker on accident. I'm so sorry! I'll try to get the three chapters I promised up as soon as I possibly can! -determined, heroic pose-
Well, with you caught up on my life... I bid you adieu!
This is Twig, signign off. =)
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Monday, May 7, 2007
Hi Hi. =)
Twig again! ^.^
I'm very sorry that I didn't get the second chapter up yesterday. I went to go play on the playground with a family friend (Mrs. April) and her little girl, Ashley. =)
To make up for it, i'll (attempt) to post three chapters next time. XDD
We finished insulting people in Language Arts. (If you don't know, me and Darthsasuke go to the same school. ^.^) Cory Deskins, a buddy of mine, called me a 'Frothy Fat-Kidneyed Harpy' so I called him a 'Frothy Mush-Brained Flirt-Gil.' XD
Then we read Shakespeare Stealer and, of course, I was called upon to read aloud. I lost my voice halfway through, and I could feel my face heating up. I HATE reading outloud. XP
We took a vocab quiz in Drama/Latin, and did a bunch of Bookwork in science, same with social studies. Then, in fith period art, Me and Chace where goofing off together, smacking each other with rulers. It was rather fun, actually. XD
We did research in math, and more work in science. Al together, a pretty good day. Not to eventful, but not completely dull. =)
Well... I guess that's about it. =)
This is Twig, signing off!
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
Chapter One: The Taho's Ride To The Airport [Iris]
Vinny and Leo are about to kill each other. Vinny's got Leo by the throat (almost) and Leo's about to punch her in the face. If looks could kill, then every living organism within a million mile radius would be dead. But don't worry. This happens all the time. (Why they do this? Nobody knows. I don't even know what the heck they're fighting about this time.)
"You are so immature!" Screams Vinny.
"And you're so Ignorant!" Retorts Leo.
"Ugh! Whatever!" Scoffs Vinny, waving her hand in his face.
"Ugh! Whatever!" Mocks leo in a whiny, high-pitched girl voice, imitating Vinny's wave.
"Why you-"
Okay, cue mom in 3, 2, 1-
"Now, Now, Vindelonda, Leonardo," Mom chatsies, keeping her eyes on the road, "Be nice."
"Mom!" they both cry. They hate when she uses their full names. Thet's pretty much the only thing they have in common. Mom smiles knowingly.
"Come on, now. Why don't y'all get along nicely, like Iris?"
My brother and sister roll their eyes simultanoiusly. Both pop in their headphones at the same time.
Would you believe that I'M the youngest?
But, it's true. They're twins (agai, hard to believe) and are each fifteen years old. Vinny's technically older, by half a minute. Atleast... acording to my mom. But, she tends to get reality and fantasy mixed up a lot. (I personally think that Leo's older.)
My mom's an artist. A really good one, too. It's not abstract, but it's not realistic, either. She kind of combines the two (Sound familiar?) and creates these crazy, colorful wonderlands full of weird but beautiful humanoid creatures. I'm tottally captivated by her work, the rainbow beauty of it all.
Mom got a job down in Florida for some big art Company. We're moving from small-town Kentucky all the way to big-city Florida, and her artwork is going to be sold in huge art auctions. We even get a brand new house, with partial help from said big art company.
I'm totally psyched for my mom. I really am. And it's not like i'm leaving behind a whole buttload of friends or anything. I've been homeschool my whole twelve and a half years of life. Same with Vinny and Leo (and their respective fifteen years of life). But... that's the thing. Since mom's going to work in the company's studio as an actual JOB, she can no longer home school the three of us. We're going to public school. And not even the same one! They're going to 'Oranbero High School' and i'm going to be imprisoned in 'Cherryville Middle School'.
Mom says that it'll be good for us to 'bridge rhe gap seperating us from the whole rest of human society.' I've yet to disect what the heck this means so that normal people can understand, but I think she means something along the lines of 'Ya'll need to learn to make friends.' Vinny and Leo will have no problem with this. Vinny is beautiful, clever, nice, and a wonderful dancer. Leo is handsome, funny, witty, and a truely gifted musician.
I, however, am a different story.
I'm clumsy, misanthropic, and timid. The only thing I seem to be good at is using my hands. Other then that, i'm untalented to no end.
"Huh?" I snap out of my daze as my mom speaks to mr.
"We're almost to the airport. Tell Leonardo and Vindelonda, okay?"
I nod, even though they've already grabbed their carry-on luggage.
(Next Chapter- Enter Jasper!)
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Writing Power!!!
Hey, y'all. Twig again. =)
I've been thinking (scary idea, I know). I've stated that I want to be a journalist, but I'd also like to be an author. Anything where I can write for a living would be good, actually. XDD
But, i'm getting side-tracked. My point is, i'd like to get some of my writing out to the public eye. Not sure that anybody'll be interested in reading a thirteen year olds stories, but, what the heck?
So, i've decided to post two chapters from my story 'Dragon Meets Girl' every few days or so. =)
My story has bit of a strange format- the chapters have a certain format that they follow. Each chapter is told by Either of the main characters, Iris or Jasper. (I.E. First chapter is by Iris, Second by Jasper, Third by Iris, fourth by Jasper, etc.)
To avoid confusion, i'll put the name of whoever's telling the story at the end of the chapter's title. =)
With that said, this is Twig, Signing off!
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