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Total slacker
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Sari n_n;
Hmm, haven't broken my wrist while drawing, yet! \(>_<)/
Anime Fan Since
I saw Goku first time on TV!
Favorite Anime
So many but i've watched every single episode from Inu Yasha... so ..
To be an animator! >_<
Drawing, reading, and watching anime! And most of all; sleeping!
A-yaa.. i'm pretty good at creating awkward transitions.. is that a talent?
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/27/04:
 Intellect! Brainy you ^^. You are hight intelligent. You love riddles and to solve them. You think logic and you have a great creativity.
Why do people admire you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/27/04:
 You're the Heartbroken. You loved...once but something terrible happened and you prefer not to talk about it. You usually sit around and mope, You're friends try to cheer you up but nothing seems to work.
What Kind of Girl are you? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/27/04:
 You are the Prietess- You have a strong sense for when something is wrong and a strong spiritual power. You are learning to fight demons and you meditate using your element water. You like to b eleft alone and your usually keep to yourself, unless you ask advice from your sensei.
What anime girl resides in you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/23/04:
1. Kuka olet?
T-K:Sari, 18 years old media-assistent from Järvenpää (near capital city Helsinki..)
I lived previously in my home town Kuopio (I love the place)
2. What languages can you spek?
T-K:English, bit of japanese (learnin more every day), german, finnish and swedish...
3. How do you live?
T-K:Small appartment house with a roommate
4. What kind of mouse mat do you have?
T-K:Don't have one anymore...
5. Fav game?
T-K:So many.. but right now: Devil May Cry
(I got myself a marionet fobia from this game.. they're creepy),
SSX 3, DBZ Budokai II, Black and White, Warcraft III - RoC and tFT.
6. Fav magazine?
T-K:No, i don't have one..
7. Pleasing scent?
T-K:bird-cherry (reminds me that the school are soon over)
8. Unpleasant smell?
9. Fav sound/noise?
T-K:My cat purring
10. The most frightful feeling?
T-K:to be hated or ignored
11. First thought when you wake up?
T-K:"Geez" or "Must I..?"
12. Fav color?
T-K:I like ruby red, sapphire blue (oh well, all kind of blue),
emerald/moss green but i usually wear black
13. Fav number?
14. Right or left handed?
T-K:Right (though i can draw with my left hand too)
15. Who many time do you let your phone ring until you answer?
T-K:Oh well, as soon as i grab hold of it and it depends on who far
away my phone is.. but I answer on it a.s.a.p..
16. The name of your child/ children (now or future)?
T-K:Kids.. i'd love to have a japanese man and rise my kids in Japan and
give them beautiful japanese names (i'd like to have two kids)
17. Most important thing in the world?
T-K:My cat (this my sound really stupid..
but he saved my life and cos of him i'm here live and breathing )
18. Fav food?
T-K:Sushi, sushi sushi SUSHI!!!
19. Chocolate or vanilla?
20. Do you like to drive fast?
T-K:NO. My driving tutor hates me cos i drive too slow..
21. Do you sleep with stuffed animal toy?
T-K:Nah, not anymore.. there is no room for it.. ^_~
22. Storms – awesome or frightening?
23.What was your first cars brand?
T-K:Don't have one, yet. I'm having my friends parents Volvo..
but i want meself a Toyota Avensis.. that's so sweet.
24. Which deceased or living person would you like to meet?
T-K:Dunno, or maybe Samwise Didier [if you don't know who he is, i feel sorry for you]
25. Fav drink (alcohol)?
T-K:Lemme see... i'd go Bailey's Irish coffee cream liquer or Amaretto.
26. Do you eat the broccolis sterns?
T-K:Umm.. yes
27. If you could choose your profession what would it be?
T-K:ANIMATOR of mangaka!!
28. In which color could u think dying your hair?
T-K:Anime blue or silver or purble! ^_^
29. Have you ever been in love?
30. Is your glass half empty or half full?
T-K: Half empty
31. Favorite movie?
T-K:Tough question... at this moment i'd hafta say:
32. Can you type keeping your fingers on the rights keys?
T-K:Sometimes but if i've been typing allday it goes with the flow
33. What do you have under your bed?
T-K:... 0_o
Result Posted on 09/20/04:
Result Posted on 09/20/04:
Result Posted on 09/16/04:
Result Posted on 09/15/04:
Yay, yay!Yay, yay!
Yay, yay!Yay, yay!
Yay, yay!Yay, yay!
Yay, yay!Yay, yay! |
Result Posted on 09/13/04:
Yay, i had to do this quiz twice cuz i had to choose allways from two..
Result Posted on 09/13/04:
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