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myOtaku.com: tigerwolf

Sunday, June 5, 2005

   Anime-talk...At last!
I just watched part of Adult Swim. I watched Inuyasha, Samurai Champloo, and Paranoia Agent. I'd watch s-CRY-ed but it's my internet time. ^.^ Nothing comes between me and this lovely monitor at this time of night O.O...It's when all my rp buddies are on!Anywayz, I thought that the shows I watched were great! But there's one thing about the Inuyasha episode that I don't get: how do they know that the gay guy was a guy?!?! (Not to sound homo-hating or anything)Seriously, how come, when they're talking about that Jeno-...Jenij-...J-something-tsu(the one with the bending sword) person, the first thing they say is "he"?It was very confusing to my friend as well, because she called me about the episode and we were talking about this very subject. Anywayz, Samurai Champloo is pretty fun to watch too. (Cuz of the fight scenes mostly. They're so very bloody! ^.^) And Paranoia Agent isn't bad. I didn't watch the first episode, because frankly, it was kinda boring at the beginning. But this episode was much better. But that Yuichi kid...I don't really like him...He's got a fat ego and he's pretty f***ed up in the head. Well, I guess I'll be going now. I have so much to do on the internet...Bye!
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