Birthday 1983-05-25 Gender
Female Location A Castle on a Hill (a really big one too!) Member Since 2004-10-09 Occupation Dreamer, and ruler of fantasies (writer, sub, aide, sound/light technician, voice actress, singer, and all round good person) Real Name Refi, aka Tiggerola, or Queen Refinnej
Achievements B.A. in University Studies (integrated degree); improved drawings from stick figures; Russian Club VP; high GPA ; PTK; Young Women Recognition award; Who's Who & Deans List; and my most proud moment: I COMPLETED WRITING A FANFIC Anime Fan Since "It's a long story, but I'll tell you anyway:" *officially when I had my possie...but* once upon a time, Dad fo...AND THERE ISN'T ENOUGH ROOM FOR ME TO TELL THE WHOLE STORY!!! T_T (the full story is burried in my archives...*hands shovel*) Favorite Anime Absolutely has to be FRUITS BASKET!!! ^_^ And then YYH as well as Spiral, Utawarumono, Full Moon, YGO, Kenshin, DBZ, Teen Titans (even though it isn't real anime) and slight aquantence w/ Tenchi Muyo! Sailor Moon and Escaflowne Goals Go to Russia; WRITE DOWN MY YYH BEYOND PROJECT (equivalent of DBZ to Dragonball); Write a Manga w/ Equus and submit it to TokyoPop's competition; Break into Funimation; Get married and raise a family; Leave a positive influnce for the world Hobbies plastic canvas, Russian, crafts, draw, write, making good things enticing Talents music, listening, intellect, creativity, patience, long suffering, advice; dedication tiggerola
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
This post will {not} self-destruct…
Refi: So I got this letter that has, “Time –sensitive” scrolled across the top of the bottom detachable half…and of course my wild imagination says, “Is this another way to say, ‘This message will self-destruct’ o.O?” Well I guess instead of tearing it up and throwing it into the garbage can like junk mail should be treated, I may hold on to this to see if what will happen to it when it expires…
Everyone: …
Refi: …
Everyone: …
Refi: …Oh right ^^ Trivia, peoples wants the trivia answered, as said before I knew it was too easy >.> but I didn’t know what else to do because I had spent the whole day w/ my friends celebrating a birthday. Any request for the next batch of trivial questions?
Here’s another round of Trivia! YELLOW: Who is Padfoot? I was seriously looking for Sirius Black Winners: Silent Love, KirbysDouble, Zakuro Rose, and Mike Attak GREEN: Name two of his friends (code and actual please). The three of them were James Potter (Prongs), Remus Lupin (Moony), and Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail) Winners: Silent Love, KirbysDouble, Zakuro Rose, and Mike Attak PINK: How many HP books are there in the series? Seven Winners: Silent Love, KirbysDouble, Zakuro Rose, Mike Attak, CardCaptorRyoko, and Swords411 ORANGE: What was the name of the competitor from the Russian boy’s school in the Tri-Wizard Tournament? Victor Krum Winners: Silent Love, KirbysDouble, Zakuro Rose, Mike Attak, CardCaptorRyoko, and Swords411 BROWN: What HP year was Oliver Wood’s last? ToT I am sorry, there is so much controversy in this topic, when consulting experts, I’ve heard so many things (year 1 in the books, year 3, year 4 and year 5) I don’t know any more the answer to my own question…good thing I had a bonus *sniff* BLUE: Who was new on the team after Oliver graduated? Ron Weasley (He’s our King!) Winners: KirbysDouble, Zakuro Rose, Mike Attack, CardCaptorRyoko, and Swords411 Bonus Question: What is the name of Harry’s crush? I was looking for Chou Chang (I haven’t read the books, so I didn’t know Harry later will like Ginny, I just knew her crush on him) Winners: Silent Love, KirbysDouble, Zakuro Rose, Mike Attak, CardCaptorRyoko
Congradulations to KirbysDouble, Zakuro Rose, and Mike Attak for earning full circles (And Silent Love, you’re REAL close!). I’ll bet working on prizes for them, tune in next time for more trivial fun.
Tribute to Kurama and Maya (and if you don’t watch YouTube, I heard you the first many times and did take precautions, I’m sharing my beautiful work while I can)