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A Castle on a Hill (a really big one too!)

Member Since
Dreamer, and ruler of fantasies (writer, sub, aide, sound/light technician, voice actress, singer, and all round good person)
Real Name
Refi, aka Tiggerola, or Queen Refinnej
B.A. in University Studies (integrated degree); improved drawings from stick figures; Russian Club VP; high GPA ; PTK; Young Women Recognition award; Who's Who & Deans List; and my most proud moment: I COMPLETED WRITING A FANFIC
Anime Fan Since
"It's a long story, but I'll tell you anyway:" *officially when I had my possie...but* once upon a time, Dad fo...AND THERE ISN'T ENOUGH ROOM FOR ME TO TELL THE WHOLE STORY!!! T_T (the full story is burried in my archives...*hands shovel*)
Favorite Anime
Absolutely has to be FRUITS BASKET!!! ^_^ And then YYH as well as Spiral, Utawarumono, Full Moon, YGO, Kenshin, DBZ, Teen Titans (even though it isn't real anime) and slight aquantence w/ Tenchi Muyo! Sailor Moon and Escaflowne
Go to Russia; WRITE DOWN MY YYH BEYOND PROJECT (equivalent of DBZ to Dragonball); Write a Manga w/ Equus and submit it to TokyoPop's competition; Break into Funimation; Get married and raise a family; Leave a positive influnce for the world
 plastic canvas, Russian, crafts, draw, write, making good things enticing
music, listening, intellect, creativity, patience, long suffering, advice; dedication
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Virtual Easter Eggs are Fun! ^o^
Refi: Well, I’m in the middle of hosting a DDR party, but thought I’d take a break real quick to post the stunning conclusion of the Kurama/Raven adventure just in case anyone has been following along. I’m going on vacation so bye.
~*~If you want/need to review/catchup on the story, you can visit the Cartoon Cops Mission Archive and under the “Works in Progress” Click on “CC Dating Service” for the full up-to-date story! Even if you haven’t read the previous parts, every section starts with a recap so you don’t have to be lost coming in mid-way!~*~
*Compilation of clips from all the previous parts of the story flash on the screen during opening narration* It’s been a long fight to the epic confusion, er conclusion of an innocent hand at matchmaking turned total disaster. Kurama and Raven were doing well on a mission that was fake but turned real even though they did not know the mission they were one was originally only made up to get them to go on a date without them realizing they were on a date. In their quest for an answer they found the Tower of Terror in which they were separated. Kurama may have been captured, but Hiei is dermined to free Kurama and exact his revenge on the Mastermind (for forcing him to listen to happy singing marionettes) come what may. The trials have been many, when at last Raven and Hiei arrive at the desired door.
Title “Master of the Marionettes: Part 2” Flashes on the screen
*Ominous music plays in the background. A shadow stands up.*
Sally Sue’s Voice: The time has come.
*The shadow glides over monitor and leaves.*
*Raven looks longingly and hopefully at the door. Hiei puts his hand on the doorknob. He glances at Raven for a moment before turning the knob and throwing the door open. The room is silent but in front of them stands a slanted table facing a dark screen with Kurama bound to the table. Raven and Hiei approach the table. Kurama turns his head and sees them.*
Kurama: Glad you could make it.
*Raven starts unlatching the straps which are holding Kurama down. Hiei stands back, hands in his pockets, scanning the room.*
Raven: Are you okay?
Kurama: Well enough, thank you.
Raven: What happened?
Kurama: Well, you’ve seen how the tower can do strange things. *freed from table* You go where it wants you to go and apparently it wanted me to end up here.
Raven: Wait, how did you kno-*follows Kurama’s pointing finger to the giant monitor that is turned off* You don’t mean you saw all of that… *(inner) face flushes (so only audience sees true reaction)* O~O
Kurama: So Hiei, you must elaborate how you got caught.
Hiei: Hn. *averts eyes* Those stupid puppets kept coming back each time I destroyed them! And every time I was only more caught in their appalling web of chains and shakles >.< WHERE IS HE? I’LL KILL HIM
*A pair of eyes twinkle from the shadows.*
Sinsiter Voice: *small sinister laugh* My, my. That was a fun game wasn’t it? You have been wanting to meet me, and now you have earned your reward *emerges from the shadows* Tada!!! Puck is here!
Everyone: Puck?!?! O.o???
Sally Sue: *pops out of nowhere* Yes Puck. A fairy sprite from the series Gargoyles; known for stirring things up and witting people into traps…all for the sake of his enjoyment.
Yangus: *tiptoe side shock step* Cor Blimey!
Sally Sue: >.> Nice effect Puck, but Video Game characters do not have a place here *pulls out a control panel and pushes a button that makes Yangus fizzles out*
Puck: Oh come now, I thought you would have really enjoyed that one.
Sally Sue: I suggest you nullify the territory power here, the game is up. We’ll discuss charges back at headquarters.
Puck: Charges? You shouldn’t put any charges against me. After all I have done for you. I haven’t even had a chance yet to reveal my master scheme to everybody.
Raven: I am curious to hear.
Hiei: Talk quickly before I kill you.
Puck: Tut tut. Some of you have no sense of humor. You see it all started with a dating agency.
Kurama: Dating Agency?
Sally Sue: *sweatdrop* Just stick to the subject.
Puck: But that is the subject. To cover up a date to get two characters to agree to with it, an elaborate scheme was thought up. “Dating Service” was disguised as “Department of Spies” and a case of a missing character was the mission. Sounding familiar?
*Raven and Kurama turn to Sally Sue.*
Sally Sue: ^^; Eh, well…things were working out, you two were enjoying it… >.> until the little short-stop came in
Puck: Poor little Puck here could not stand seeing Sally Sue make a liar of herself. So I took the liberty of involving Ditz. Managing to wrap Hiei into the equation was, say, the expense fee to twist things up for enjoyment.
Hiei: This was anything but fun.
Puck: *face close to Hiei* But think of what you gained *rolls eyes towards Raven*
Raven: *does not see Puck’s hint* That’s right Ditz is here, but where has he gone?
Ditz: I’m right here. *emerges from the shadows* I agreed to this because I was tired of playing the minor character. Only appearing in one episode, and being picked on by my co-aliens. I wanted a bigger role! I wanted to be a star! It was so cool to be those other characters with their strengths and special powers!!! *diabolical laughter* *pause* …uh Puck, I’m hungry, I want my Urk-Burgles?
Puck: Well there you have it. Some of you have too much time on your hands if you’ve been coming up with pairing schemes or carrying them out. Come now Alexander, *pulls a baby out of Ditz* we’ll just be on our way now that we have completed another magical lesson. *float back into the shadows and fade out* Oberon would be proud of you…
*moment’s silence*
Hiei: Ugh. So he’s just going to get away with toying with us like that?
Kurama: Calm down Hiei, I knew we weren’t going to be any mortal danger…
Hiei: You weren’t sent to places that stripped you of your power!
Kurama: I would have gladly switched… *looks forlornly at Raven*
Raven: *to Sally Sue* Why did you set this whole thing up?
Sally Sue: ^^;;; Well, after seeing how Malchior messed with your emotions, I really wanted you to meet a gentleman that truly would respect you instead of use you…
Ditz: *gaining consciousness* uhhhhhhhhhh…………What about my Urk-Burgles?
Sally Sue: *in a motherly tone* They are all on Feeblebrox back in your original cartoon. Now run along like a good little alien.
*Ditz scurries away. *
Raven: *slight blush and adverted eyes* Thank you, but why did you cover it up?
Sally Sue: I honestly couldn’t picture either of you agreeing to go on a blind date. *pause* And besides, fighting evil is a shared favorite hobby for you. *shifts into thinking pose, tapping side of face* I suppose I really should thank Puck, things did get exciting after his involvement. Grrr…I’d hate to admit it, though >.> the jerk. Although, Raven, it did leave you with two fine suitors.
*Everyone else in the room blushes at such a bold statement.*
Raven: Excuse me. I really need to meditate on all of this… *leaves the room*
Hiei: Well if this is all done and I can go, I have better things to do… *leaves the room*
*Sally Sue and Kurama stand in the room in silence for a moment. Sally Sue ponders what to do with this golden opportunity of being left alone w/ Kurama while Kurama looks down in disappointment until recalling the issuing of the mission.*
Kurama: What about the pradingoms? I presume that offer was fake, along with the case?
Sally Sue: ^^; Don’t worry, I’ll have a shipment sent out to each of you for your troubles; they’ll be disguised in pocky boxes so the other toons won’t steal them.
Kurama: Sounds good as long as the fangirls don’t raid my mailbox again…
Sally Sue: …Soooooo…do you want to play a round of hide and seek? Or mother may-I?
Kurama: O.O;;; Are you one of those crazy stalker fangirls???
Sally Sue: *laughing* Oh-ho-ho no, I was…Oh wait, but you’re not suppose to know that, hm… {Side note: Sally Sue created the character Leilani for her mission to YYH, but that is another story in the archives as Mission to YuYu Hakusho} (thinking: He’s not suppose to know I was Leilani, but technically we are in his cartoon right now so I could change into that form but…no, NO! Must refrain! Must Refrain!)
Kurama: >.>;;;
Woman’s Voice: *screaming* KURAMA!!!
Kurama: O_O Oh no!
Sally Sue: o.O? What now?
Kagome: *storms into the room* KURAMA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?
Kurama: Well, you see…I was…and then …
Sally Sue: *evil glimmer in eye as head turns to face Kagome* And just what do you think you are doing? Do you realize what Kurama has just been through? He has lent his irreplaceable skills to help the Cartoon Cops solve a very important mission and has even survived being a PoW!
Kagome: *kneels down to look at Kurama in the face* Is that true?
Sally Sue: *on communication device* Hey HQ, we’ve got a severe case of cartoon abuse here. I may need backup if she gets hostile, I’ll bring her down for charges…and then we can throw her in the slammer!
Bob’s Voice: I don’t think your position is liable. I’ve been watching the whole thing; she’s the same way to Inuyasha.
Sally Sue: But, but…this is Kurama she’s being mean too! She must have slipped one of those demon soul binding necklaces on him!
Bob’s Voice: She’s just being true to her cha…
Kurama: *getting up* That voice…
Sally Sue: *scrambles to hide communication device behind back* …eh ^^; Pay no attention to the man in the communication device ^^;;; heh heh heh *ahem* Well, if the Force isn’t on my side, then I’ll just have to resort to plan B! *pulls out a control remote* Kagome! For hurting Kurama, you must now feel the wrath of the fangirls!!! *pushes a button*
*Streams of fangirls pour in through the door and flood around Kagome, sweeping her away (who knows where to-the room only has one door yet the room is not feeling any more crouded as more girls come. Kurama stands up and brushes self off.*
Kurama: That really wasn’t necessary. I must be off. I’ll await my payment of pradingoms. *disappears into the shadowy corner and leaves under a masked presence*
Sally Sue: *sigh* So much for a serious happy match-making ending >.> *watches the river of fangirls still streaming through the room*
~*~THE END~*~
Well there you have it folks. {minus a bonus scene that I will either post later or just add it directly to freewebs copy-depending how bad you want it} Next weekend post after my vacation I will be bring back YYH Beyond! I’ve had then next episode done and edited for a long time now…but I really wanted to finish posting this story first. But I guess that was bad because we left off at a cliff hanger *looks back* o.O Oh my, yes we did, we last left Yusuke falling to his doom…he’s been falling for 6 MONTHS now! That dragon must have been way high up! Well, you can still catch up with the YYHB! episodes on the CC Mission page as well.
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