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A Castle on a Hill (a really big one too!)

Member Since
Dreamer, and ruler of fantasies (writer, sub, aide, sound/light technician, voice actress, singer, and all round good person)
Real Name
Refi, aka Tiggerola, or Queen Refinnej
B.A. in University Studies (integrated degree); improved drawings from stick figures; Russian Club VP; high GPA ; PTK; Young Women Recognition award; Who's Who & Deans List; and my most proud moment: I COMPLETED WRITING A FANFIC
Anime Fan Since
"It's a long story, but I'll tell you anyway:" *officially when I had my possie...but* once upon a time, Dad fo...AND THERE ISN'T ENOUGH ROOM FOR ME TO TELL THE WHOLE STORY!!! T_T (the full story is burried in my archives...*hands shovel*)
Favorite Anime
Absolutely has to be FRUITS BASKET!!! ^_^ And then YYH as well as Spiral, Utawarumono, Full Moon, YGO, Kenshin, DBZ, Teen Titans (even though it isn't real anime) and slight aquantence w/ Tenchi Muyo! Sailor Moon and Escaflowne
Go to Russia; WRITE DOWN MY YYH BEYOND PROJECT (equivalent of DBZ to Dragonball); Write a Manga w/ Equus and submit it to TokyoPop's competition; Break into Funimation; Get married and raise a family; Leave a positive influnce for the world
 plastic canvas, Russian, crafts, draw, write, making good things enticing
music, listening, intellect, creativity, patience, long suffering, advice; dedication
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
My First Convention
Okay so I went to AnimeFest this weekend, my very first convention. I missed Friday because I was sick and bedridden, Saturday we were running late so I missed the story writing panel that I REALLY wanted to go to ToT AND I lost my cell phone in the first hour of the convention ToT As for the shops, all I wanted was a Kurama TShirt and a Hatori plushie, but no one had any-when I asked about anything YYH to one dealer the answer was “No, they haven’t had anything new come out.” >.> like they only have the latest things thinking only the latest animes will sell XP bah! I did find a deck of YYH cards and got a YYH and Kodocha Wallscroll {the YYH one is the cover pic that has Yoko and Hiei w/ the DT semi-final guys, not really a pic of my choice, but at least it has Kurama on it}. I have found a new love for wallscrolls, before I have only seen them online and they look just like posters and I’m all like, “why are they more expensive?” but ah-ha! It’s because they are not only bigger, but they are on fabric, and I’m finding cloth pictures on my wall have a very homey feeling to them ^^ Oh, I got to go to the FUNimation panel…but what I learned there is gonna stay there, so don’t be disappointed if I don’t say what I heard there ;p And also Greg Ayers doing a commentary for Beck-and we gotta see the clips as the voice actors saw them w/ the numbers running on the screen-that part was cool. Also I cosplayed as Misaku Kurada from Kodocha (Sana’s Mom) and my friend was Sana. We had babbits and mallets and I wore a kimono and made a crazy hat. That hat really stuck out-lots of people kept wanting to take pictures even though they had no idea what Kodocha was! So that’s what its like to be a celebrity…I also got about 2-4 random hugs o.O from people who don’t know me nor the character I was playing.
Today we were running late but still got there early enough to do stuff and for the rest of the gang to get bored. We went to a Q&A w/ Q&D panel (also I’m going to be on their documentary! In the dealers room their peeps filmed me and I had to sign away my soul for permission that they could use me-like said it was my hat!) then waited in line for VA autographs. Chris Ayers joined the buch of signers while we got to the point of getting sigs and said Greg was going to be down soon, so we went through line again so we could see Greg Ayers. That was the highlight most worth while part of the con, it was worth the wait. Sana, I, and her sis did the Kodocha opening credits dance for him and he was SOOOOO happy! And we got to talk with him {that info I think I could share upon request} and I’m going to message him to tell him who the Blade Children are (he was Kouske from Spiral, and in Kodocha he was Tsuioshi, and Aya (they became a couple)’s VA Monica Rial was there, but she had some work and had to leave the convention early so unfortunately we didn’t get to meet her too. Still that part was soooooooooo cool!
Sorry for my unsympathized comment in my last blog-saying things like that is a paradox because the people its directed to skim over and don’t see it and those who actually read are the ones it’s not to >.< so chances are if you’re reading this line, I wasn’t referring to you. I’ve been doing lots of stuff so actually writing has not been happening for me and I guess I was feeling lazy lik it wouldn’t be worth to write out about my laptop breaking. You could probably tell anyway by the extreme delay I have of visiting sites. Really I’ll try to get caught up w/ that tonight, sorry and thank you for your patience.
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