Birthday 1983-05-25 Gender
Female Location A Castle on a Hill (a really big one too!) Member Since 2004-10-09 Occupation Dreamer, and ruler of fantasies (writer, sub, aide, sound/light technician, voice actress, singer, and all round good person) Real Name Refi, aka Tiggerola, or Queen Refinnej
Achievements B.A. in University Studies (integrated degree); improved drawings from stick figures; Russian Club VP; high GPA ; PTK; Young Women Recognition award; Who's Who & Deans List; and my most proud moment: I COMPLETED WRITING A FANFIC Anime Fan Since "It's a long story, but I'll tell you anyway:" *officially when I had my possie...but* once upon a time, Dad fo...AND THERE ISN'T ENOUGH ROOM FOR ME TO TELL THE WHOLE STORY!!! T_T (the full story is burried in my archives...*hands shovel*) Favorite Anime Absolutely has to be FRUITS BASKET!!! ^_^ And then YYH as well as Spiral, Utawarumono, Full Moon, YGO, Kenshin, DBZ, Teen Titans (even though it isn't real anime) and slight aquantence w/ Tenchi Muyo! Sailor Moon and Escaflowne Goals Go to Russia; WRITE DOWN MY YYH BEYOND PROJECT (equivalent of DBZ to Dragonball); Write a Manga w/ Equus and submit it to TokyoPop's competition; Break into Funimation; Get married and raise a family; Leave a positive influnce for the world Hobbies plastic canvas, Russian, crafts, draw, write, making good things enticing Talents music, listening, intellect, creativity, patience, long suffering, advice; dedication tiggerola
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Well, I can at least put another section up XD Oh, and I'm thankful my bro noticed how I'm always thankful in my headings XD I'm sure others notice too!
Haven't seen me around much lately? Yes yes I've been pretty busy, but the announcements are building up again, so I might as well get some of it off my chest here XD
Thank you all who attended the ball! Ended up nothing fancy ('cept for those of us with big imaginations ^.~) but it looked like all of us there had fun!
Beautiful work of art, an AMV for Eye to Eye:
(me and others singing ~ low alto trio)
Hiei in RainbowLand is underway and with the recent developments of converting it to audio...I can add the element of music! So now it will be a Musical and HIEI WILL SING! I even did some Eng translations to some YuYu Songs, I really like how Wild Wind turned out! I have a new talent ^_^ Well, it's all casted, I got the music ready, I'm just waiting for the voices to come in.
I'm deciding whether my next radioplay production should be Cartoon Cops Dating Service where Sally Sue tries to set up Kurama and Raven on a date (remember that fun story? o.O) or if now would be the time to start preparing for Christmas in doing An Anime Christmas: Year 1 where Hiei is Scrooge (I'm so mean to him XD) Then again, by the time I'm done with Hiei in RainbowLand, I wonder if I could have a decent script to go with my original radioplay I just had an idea for this past week...Any preferences on what you guys want to see/hear?
Snape's Diaries is now beginning to be released. I got to be Lily's best friend. It's only a small part in the first episode, but there will be more of me as the other 6 come along!
Oh yeah, and I don't think I ever mentioned how I'm a female lego version of Han Solo in a Star Wars thing, so you can hear me there too! There are 4 parts to the first episode and I'll be working on episode 2 soon as the director finishes the script.
I could go on with other VA works going on...but instead of boring you here, you can always check out my resume, I've been pretty good keeping that updated.
Now if the announcements weren't enough of a novel, here is the next part to YuYu Hakusho Beyond! ^_^ Yes, it's only episode 10 even though I have things planned out for 8 sagas...and I recently discovered a brilliant way to tie factors of the first 3 together, even though you guys don't get to learn about it until Saga IV! BUWAHAHAHA! *cough* ahem. Anyway, as I was saying, it may be another month before I post announcements again, but the more interest I hear on Beyond! the sooner I post the second half of the episode ^.~ after all it's already ready for release as well!
YYH Beyond: Episode 10 {first half}: THE CRYSTAL CAVERNS
{Previously: Kurama bent to the will of his siblings and has again donned the appearance of the notorious Yoko Kurama. Soon after, Remayolo revealed a plot to go after power-enabling treasure. Simultaneously, Yusuke and Hiei were offered to go on the same journey, but without the knowledge of the power the legendary Ziberian Crystals hold. Now is the time to prepare, but who will succeed?}
[The sun is setting on the shore where the Mermaid rescued Sukeyuay. Sukeyuay leans against a rock, waiting. Splashes are heard among the water, and then the Mermaid appears and sits on the shore. Sukeyuay walks over and crouches down beside her.]
Mermaid: So good of you to come.
Sukeyuay: You best appreciate it. It was hard enough to sneak away from that ‘special training’ they’re having me go through.
Mermaid: Then let’s get down to business. But first, drop the disguise?
Sukeyuay: What?
Mermaid: You wondered what treasure I acquired from Draconta. Well, with it I can see that you and your friend are fakes.
Sukeyuay: [miffed] Well, well, isn’t that something.
Mermaid: You are a lot cuter the other way. [reaches and strokes the side of Sukeyuay’s face] I’d prefer to drown and rescue the real you.
Sukeyuay: [sways Mermaid’s hand away] On second thought…I don’t need a rain check. [stands up] I saw your ‘real you’ once and it wasn’t pretty.
Mermaid: [rises on feet] Do you want me to expose you to the rest of Zerka?
Sukeyuay: Do you have any proof? As far as I see it, you could have some goons hiding out here waiting to see if I’d expose myself. [turns and begins to walk away] But you’re barking up the wrong tree; so that ain’t going to happen.
Mermaid: [grabs Sukeyuay from behind, whispers] You have friends for enemies and enemies for friends. I could help you distinguish who is who.
Sukeyuay: And just what side are you on?
Mermaid: Yours…all it takes is an alliance…sealed with a kiss.
[Teen Koenma, Botan, and George have been observing this meeting from behind a hill covered with fake bushes.]
George: Do you think he’ll accept?
Botan: He better not, Kayko would kill him!
Teen Koenma: But on the other hand, what is all this talk of friends and enemies?
Botan: To me, she sounds like an enemy herself!
Teen Koenma: Be quiet so I can listen!
Sukeyuay: [turned, looking down at the Mermaid] hmmm…Say! Do you like shiny things?
Mermaid: [perplexed] Shiny?
Sukeyuay: Yeah. When I’m done with the training, I’m going off on a little expedition for Zerk to bring back some shiny crystals. I’m bringing them back to show the council my great leadership skills, so obviously these aren’t your average gems at the store. [rubbing finger under nose] I could bring an extra one back for you. You don’t tell, I don’t tell, and you’ll help me distinguish. What do ya say? Sounds better than a dumb little ol’ kiss!
[The Mermaid bites thumb in calculating thought.]
Mermaid Voiceover: He couldn’t be referring to the Ziberian Crystals could he? The fool wouldn’t be giving them away so easily if he realized their power. But then again, he may be unfamiliar with the legends. This would be an interesting gamble to see if he could actually deliver…
Mermaid: em…All right. I’ll keep quiet for now, but I won’t help you until bring me one of those crystals!
[Behind the fake bushes, Teen Koenma, Botan, and George anime fall. They get back up.]
Botan: Well that’s one way to do it I guess.
Teen Koenma: But now we have to wait for Yusuke to get back to learn about the enemy’s friends!
George: What should we do in the meantime?
Teen Koenma: Ogre! I want you to go with Yusuke and Hiei and bring me back a crystal!
George: Huh?
Teen Koenma: [noble stance] Such a rare and precious gem would be most befitting for a mighty ruler of Spirit World! [waves crash behind]
[George and Botan sigh with a sweatdrop.]
* * *
[Yukina sweeps the porch of Genkai’s shrine. Kuwabara arrives.]
Kuwabara: Hey Yukina! How’s it goin’? [wink]
Yukina: Hello Kazuma.
Kuwabara: I…eh… [presents bouquet that was being held behind back] brought you some pretty flowers!
Yukina: [takes bouquet] Thank you, they’re lovely. I’ll go and put them in a vase. [leaves]
Soketsu: Hey Kuwabara.
Kuwabara: Oh hey Soketsu. What’s up?
Soketsu: This place makes a pretty sweet sanctuary, you know? A lot of the other demons here were about to start a little friendly tourney. You in?
Kuwabara: Well, with being a scholar right now and Urameshi gone, I don’t fight as much any more.
Chu: [walking up to join conversation] ‘Ere now. We’ll be ‘avin’ a rip-snorter of a brawl you don’t want to miss! See everyone fights everyone an’ the bloke with the most wins is the winner!
Soketsu: Kind of like training in actual combat, without the killing. Like Raizen junior said, “If you’re dead, then you can’t fight.”
Chu: Yeah, ya might even pick up a trick or two ta try out on Urameshi next you get the chance…that is if there’s anythin left of ‘im after I had my rounds!
Kuwabara: Well, if it’s just between friends, sure I’m in. I can spend a couple of days up here while school’s on break. [sees Yukina come back] Hey Yukina! I’ll be staying up here a bit while we have a little tournament, so you and I can also do some fun things while I’m here like play at the beach!
Chu: [nudging Kuwabara] Oh I see, ya just agreed so you could find an excuse to spend more time with the little missus!
[Chu and Soketsu laugh while Kuwabara blushes. Rinku appears behind Chu and hangs from his shoulder.]
Rinku: [to Chu] Don’t even try to hide the fact that Natsume still creams you! You’re only doing this because you want to get strong enough to beat her!
Chu: [reaches to hit Rinku on the head] Watch et bludger!
Kuwabara: [quietly] I’ll fight as well as play at the beach…
Yukina: I’m sure you’ll do fine, Kazuma.
Kuwabara: [dramatically] Don’t worry baby! [grabs Yukina’s hands] With you watching I’ll be sure to win this with the power of love shining through!
* * *
[Midori is at her apartment. She places some dishes in a cupboard and closes the door, revealing a hanging calendar with most of the days crossed off. She sighs. As she thinks, a ghosted layer of Yoko Kurama and his siblings running through a forest of living plants and ferocious animals fades on and continues through her monologue. In the ghosted layer, Yoko Kurama and Remayolo continually ward off the different plants and animals that threaten the fox pack with their plant and animal manipulating powers.]
Midori Voiceover: I can hardly wait to see you again, Suichi dear. Just a few more days until you return. It seems so long since you left. [reaches out to touch the calendar] You will be coming back, right? You said you would. I believe in you… [pulls hand back] but what if? You were a demon much longer than a human. What if you find it more comfortable to live there, the way you used to? [turns] No! [walks to the living room] I can’t think of that. I mustn’t. [walk slows down] But…what if something happens to you…where you can’t? [slumps into couch and stares at scrap booking material spread on the coffee table, a happy picture of her and Kurama on top the mess of photos] I must believe. I know you can do it and you’ll make the right choices… [picks up photo] but, what if? What if you don’t? Or if the right choice is for you to stay there? [sets photo to the side and picks up a few more photos] What if you never come back? [sees a picture of Genkai] What if you leave? [flips to see a picture of her as a young child with her parents] In the end, everyone leaves. [drops pictures as tears swell] Please…don’t leave me… [falls to laying position] I can’t do this on my own! [cries]
[In the ghosted layer, the fox siblings reach a clearing of the forest across from the portentous miasma which stretches high and wide. Midori fades away as the ghosted layer takes full visibility.]
Remayolo: Here we are, siblings, the legendary Crystal Caverns.
Yokira: With all the mist, how can you tell? [kneels, putting a hand to the ground]
Remayolo: A little birdie told me.
Yokira: [rises] This miasma has abolished the very earth it touches. A crater lies under that wall of mist, but there is land that hovers within. Considering it remains, either the miasma does not touch it, or it is made of near-invincible construction.
Remayolo: These are smart caverns. If any of us tried to go alone, with our abilities over a single element, the cave would spring traps to counter and destroy us individually in the process. However, working together—each using our powers at the appropriate time—will ensure our victory.
[Okiya blows at the miasma to test it. The air pressure dents it and ripples out. She nods to Remayolo. Yoko Kurama sticks a twig in the miasma, pulls it out, and examines the deterioration.]
Yoko Kurama: I can reinforce a bridge with lichen that compliments the composition of the miasma.
Remayolo: Very well. Okiya, Yokira.
[Okiya causes a tunnel to form in the miasma while Yokira extends the earth in the air tunnel and Yoko Kurama causes lichen to spread across the newly formed surface. The pack proceeds towards the caverns.]
Tune in later to see if Kurama and his sibling can survive the caverns. Not to mention Yusuke and Hiei will be there shortly themselves. It is probable they will run into each other, but what will happen if they do?