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myOtaku.com: tiggerola

Saturday, June 11, 2005

   Can you beleive this is Part 10?
Refi: Ok, tonight we're going to make this speedy-quick, so for the feast we're having tinfoil dinners in the Story Telling Room, Kurama Clone #2 is already there waiting to get started, so grab your dinner, grab a cartoon to snuggle with (and yes you even grab your fav) and head right in!

***Take tinfoil dinner: Everything in them first, w/o onions next, and vegetarian past that. Line past that and migrate to Story Telling room where Hiei in RainbowLand continues.***

Kris: No way! Only horses can run in this race!

Starlight: Why do you care? I can outrun your horse easily, Black Night will provide me a challenge.

Hiei: Don�t bother, I have no intention to run in your silly race.

Starlight: Are you scared Black Night?

Hiei: I have better things to do.

Kris: You heard him Starlight. Leave him alone.

Starlight: Well if that�s the way you�re going to be. *turns to Yukina* At least you�ll be able to see me Ice Gem *poses* after all I am the most Magnificent horse in all the universe! *winks*

Hiei: -_-+ Just for that I think I will race.

Jin: WooHoo! Ifn�s dat il be da case, Oid be joinin ya tuu!

Racers [Jin, Stormy on Skydancer, Kris on Onyx, Rainbow Bright on Starlight, and Hiei] line up and a sprite shoots a water pistol to get them started and they the horses take off

Jin: Weeel be given dem a rune for dere muney!

Hiei: hn.

Jin: Wot cha say tu a little wager if�n ya will. Over de fair Ice Gem�

Hiei: gr. Leave Yukina out of this!

Jin: Well Touya en I were asken her ta sit buy us on da float in de parade. She saad ta take et oop wit cha.

Hiei: Dream on its not going to happen.

Jin: She seemed loike she wanted tu tho�ifn�s oi win, she will, if ya can beat wind, den oi�ll lay uf.

Hiei: Fine.

They take off, Hiei and Jin quickly pass Skydancer and soon catch up w/ Onyx, Jin spurts ahead so Hiei exerts an extra leap ahead and passes Jin, They inch past Staright who then tries to run faster, keeping up

Rainbow Brite: SLOW DOWN STARLIGHT! You�re going to fast.

Starlight: Nonsense! I can�t let them beat me!

*rumble, rumble, BOOM*

The Dragon of the Darkness Flame shoots up from the ground in front of the racers

Yukina: Oh no! Hiei didn�t call that here.

Kurama: No he didn�t, something else summoned it, but what?

The Dragon looms over, revealing Murky and Lurky controlling it with reigns, it starts smashing through carnival attractions

Murky: Ooo hoo hoo! Comeoncomeoncomeon!

Rainbow Brite: Oh no! It�s ruining all the color! We must do something!

Starlight: Right! *charges towards it*

Hiei: There�s not much they can do against it. *darts towards it*

The Dragon heads straight for them and the force scatters them

Yukina: NO!!! Hiei!!! *crys gems*

Murky: *spots glimmer out of corner of eye and sees Yukina�s tears* $.$ I must have that color kid!

The Dragon heads straight for Yukina

Kurama: We must take cover.

Touya: Shouldn�t we fend it off?

Kurama: *shakes head* This is up to Hiei, unfortunately not even I would be able to stand a true blow from it.

Kurama and Touya lead Yukina from the bleachers but Murky cleverly maneuvers the Dragon to pass right next to them, allowing Lurky to grab Yukina

Murky: Get her dodo brain!

Lurky: Duh, you mean like this?

Lurky grabs her by the back of her kimono, Kurama and Touya try to make him let go, but their powers are unusable due to the overwhelming energy radiating from the Dragon right next to them

Lurky: Huha! ^^ I did it! Look! I did it Murky!

Murky: checheche! Excellent! Lets go!

Lurky: But I didn�t get to ride the horsey! >.<

Murky: Keep hold of this brat till we�re back to the cave and you can buy a horse to ride anytime you wish!

Lurky: Realy? ^_^

They fly off in the distance and those knocked out by the Dragon�s force start to come too, when Hiei gets up he is weakened but manages to stand, he faces the horizon that the Dragon flew towards, he falls to his knees, hits the ground with eyes closed and streams of tears down his face

Hiei: NOOOOOOO!!!!!

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