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Wherever the winds take me; at the moment... Florida. Blast from the past, and hello homeplace I never thought I'd live in again.
Member Since
Student, striving writer/artist, human fighting to survive, many things... but in the end, just a person with a different view on life soaring for the sky. Wings weren't made for walking...
Real Name
Lately I've taken a liking to simply being called either Tigra or Kyra.... but some of y'all know my real name. If ya must know, PM me.
...I dunno...I've gotten better at keepin' my temper? I'm Secretary of the Poetry Club? I've written stories that make my teachers' and friends eyes bug? Is this a trick question...?
Anime Fan Since
...I'm a fan now. Been so for a long time. ^_^ That's all that matters!
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Shaman King, Inuyasha, Teen TItans (is that anime...?), One Piece, Bleach, Gundam Seed, Gundam Seed Destiny, Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden, Vampire Knight (big favorite ^_^)...
To become a professional author and artist, to win at an art competition!!!!! To see the snow in real life again and build a monster snowman!!!!!!!! Oh, and see Adam again someday... Y'all don't know who I'm talking about ^_^U
Writing, drawing, playing catch with my friends, buggin' my friends, playin' video games, jogging/running, singing (A LOT lately)...
drawing, writing, gettin' on Tish's nerves, procrastinating, gettin' on Tish's nerves... and apparently I'm good at advice. That's a nice one ^_^
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Your Power Element is Water

Your power colors: blue and aqua
Your energy: deep
Your season: winter
Like the ocean, you evoke deep feelings and passion.
You have an emotional, sensitive, and spiritual soul.
A bit mysterious, you tend to be quiet when you are working out a problem.
You need your alone time, so that you can think and dream.
.... I guess Joe was right, lol. He's gonna come over in a little bit, but Mom's iffish (yes, iffish, I made up the word) about him being in the house, so I'm gonna end up dragging him around the neighborhood, lol, and I don't think my li'l bro will have to chaperone ^_^. I don't get upset with him having to chaperone... I know a lot of ppl who need chaperones my age get all upset, "It's not like I'm five years old!!!" and all that, but for some reason, after the first time pulling my brother along, it didn't bother me. It just shows Mom cares and is worried, not that she doesn't trust me. And also, she just told me she'll only make me bring him if we're going ot the movies.
Now THAT I understand fully, lol, paying $7 for a movie you're not gonna see.... I don't see sense in that, haha, we actually watch the movie we paid for! (nobodoy believes me ^_^U)
Well, today's sunny. I prefer rainy days, but seeing as I'm gonna be walking around, I guess the sun is better. It's not that hot either! Wow, today's a pretty good day. I'm happy; I was really in need of a day like this =]!!
Mucho love y'all!
Ja ne!
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