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• 1993-01-18
• wherever the timber moon shines
Member Since
• 2006-05-15
• being a person and a mormon!!! oh and i guess ametuer artist xD
Real Name
• that's a good question...
• *shrugs* I made the art club for advanced artists, and advanced chorus.... and I am the winner of the official timby-laziest multi-tasker award!!!(ok i made that up, but i am a lazy multitasker!)
Anime Fan Since
• about fourth grade is when I began to get into it(or at least when I found out about Anime) but I was into stoff like Sailor Moon and Digimon since I was about four
Favorite Anime
• tch... lik.. almost every single anime in existance.....
• to publish a manga book that becomes an anime series and to get better at my drawing. Also to finish FFX-2 since I'm a lazy player
• video games, drawing, watching Orlando Bloom movies, Listening to music(especially RBD),reading, watching Rebelde, shopping,writing
• drawing(barely),writing,speaking spanish(okay I can barely speak spanish but when I do it's usually fluent),being a lazy bum, swimming
| timbermoonkiss
Friday, March 16, 2007
 Thanx For 300+ Votes!!x3 Hosted By why?! becaaauuuussseee i finished my pic of my kh oc so u can draw her for my contest now!!XD aaannnddd no more mean tests!! I'm DONE! yay!! and wat else?!
Well i haven't seen my buds at school FOREVER since during those intense test were in homeroom all day and they're all pretty advanced and the others who aren't advanced are in different classes. but i was with my other friend =D which is cool!! But my friend dan asked cresent moon kiss out!XDXDXDXDXD soooooooo funny! that 'ol flirt!! wat a dumb ass!! and she said no at first thinking he was kidding, but then he tried to get her jealouse and she wasn't sure after that! so now its undecided. He says his last gf broke up with him for flirty too much!XD duuh! he flirts with me, cresent moon kiss, and my other friend(i mentioned it in the last post. She hates him now) and then lik he tried to benice to my other friend but she just got mad!! And was gonna bad mouth about him at the councelerO_o and wanted me to join her!! So wen i told him he was sooo mad! and i sad "dan I luv you!! So i won't bad mouth u! I'll try to get her to change her mind!" and it worked out!^^ but man was it stressful!! so now EVERYONE'S happy.. except cresent who is upset we keep buggin her trying to get her to say yes. So yeagh that's the friend thing!XD
now with art, my scanner won't scan my scans! T-T but it sure likes Sonny-san's scans!! So im just enjoyin MGI!X3 and well im just hanging out! we had a major snow/sleet/rain storm today so lik we got out of school early and i worked my butt off on that picture! but u don't hav to see it peeps.
i don't get to comment as much cuz i just realised im a senior otaku! O_o holy crap its true! when i found out i put on these bunny ears and made them look sad. I felt. Yet when i meet someone else on the otaku who's a senior otaku i dont think their old. Or even an otaku legend! so yeagh... I SHALL FOREVER BE AN OTAKUITE!! LOL... and well... yeagh i'll get to commenting!XD EVENTUALLY!!
and i'm gettin yelled at on tokyopopXD but i think its funny. Cuz im being an art theft copper and trying to track down on that stop and i asked a person if one of the things was theirs but i still believed them and they totally yelled at me :P oh well!! I explained everything and they're nice nowXD and yeagh... well i kno im going on... but its cuz i haven't been ABLE TO SAY MUCH!!
my mom went to see Ahtianna, my sobrina(niece), and brought back pictures and a video. Of course i waas mor interested in seeying how everyone else was doing. So then i noticed my brother-in-law was MEGA TALL! and im tall, too but GEEZ!! He's lik 6'2"... mad at him... -_-~~ which reminds me of how all my cousins liked them!! And they where like "stay away from me phsycos!!" lol it was funnyXD
and finally, im outta mangas to read!DX my daddy wont buy me anymore and now im sad!! sad sad sad!! so im lik sad... but happy too!! i drew TONS of picturesX3 so yeagh... but i need a new manga! but on the brightside i got Twilight New Moon! The second book!! If u haven't already red it go read it!! Especially if ur into vampire romances like Vampire Knight!!
now i hav to ask:
1.workin on anything new?!OwO's everyone?!
3.least favorite shojou beat manga?!
adiose!! tomorrow its platform shoes huntin at DSW!!XD with my buddies!!*creppy corner kids rox*
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