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Saturday, January 15, 2005
 Your dark side is centered around Destructive Power. A strong powerful castel built above broken fragile glass, behind this setteled confident look there is a beautiful, innocent child waiting for someone to play with. All you want is an independent caring soul, completes you, no more lies or worries, just a strong connection bonded by trust so you can feel special and confident, find a new meaning for everything, life will be almost perfect like you want. You will find what you want when know that life is not always like we want it to be.
What is the center of your dark core? (updated) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a water girl. You are flexable and very nice. You are quiet so people who don't know you thnk you are weird or just mean and high and mighty like. You aren't though. You like to have a good time and you also just like to relax and just enjoy the stars.
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only brought to you by Quizilla
 You like the ones that understand you.
What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Lover- you are a loving person, you love people you are happy being you and you have fun all at the same time, you are very sociable, popular, and nice. go u!
What Kind Of Person Are You? (Great Anime Pics) (Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
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I have been sickfor over a week now and I miss my boyfirend! I get to go to his house this coming friday after school and he wote me a song! One of my friends told me that he is getting me a rose for Valentines Day! Yay! I can't wait! Plus i only have 18 days left untill my birthday. I am in a good mood today! This is weird. Anyway i hope everyone is dong well. I have to go rite more of my story! Talk to you all later! Bye!
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
Sorry i haven't been posting latly. I have had a lot on my mind with me finding out that my boyfriend will be moving in march and my moms birthday is coming up and mine is too. We have had lots to do. Well i am still working on my story so it wont be lond befor i get more of it down. Most likely when i post it again it will be over 5000 words. Well i have to go. Talk to you later. Bye.
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy New Year!
Happy new year everyone! Sorry i haven't posted much latly. I have been really busy! Well anyway to day is my dad birthday and to 20th is my mom so we are celbrating right now. I hope everyone had a good christmas and new years! I g2g. Bye!
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
My story (i updated it and rewrote it)
It was 1792 and Sara and Lilly where best of friends. Sara wore a ruby red skirt that cut off just above her knees and a shirt that stopped at her upper abdomen and bell sleves that flowed judt past her finger tips. Lilly on the other hand, wore a emerald greenskirt that was cut off just below her ankles with aq slit from her mid-thigh down and a sleaveless shirt that cut off just above her navel. Both wearing knee-high boots that matched their ensemble. Sara had long brown curly hair that reached her lower back and Lilly had stright brown hair that reached just past her shoulders. Lilly was 14 and Sara was 15. Both had ice blue eyes. Sara and Lilly had the same opponion on getting married...they didn't want to. Sara had once befor fallin madly in love but he did not love her in the same way. Lilly had not wanted to get married because of that reason but because she wanted to expolre the out side world. But they knew that their time to be married was coming near. For where they lived is a place to where we can never enter. A place of tales and things only young children belive in. They live in the land of Faeries. Every young woman in the land must be married by the end of their sixteenth year. Sara and Lilly were both sisters and the daughters of the faerie king, so this law was inforsed on them more than ever. They hated the law and wished so badly that it would be stripped of their world. The laws were becoming harder each and every day to follow. Sara only had a year left to find a husband or her father would chose one for her. Lilly did not like the idea of her sister marring and leaving her and nither did Sara. Lilly knew she had to do something. Lilly only had a few weeks to come up with a plan and put it into action. She told Sara of a way to esacpe their world. They had to use their powers to turn theirselvs in to human beings (or what looked like it). They had to learn how and fast!
It was now six months befor Sara's sixteenth birthday and they had learned everything they had to know. Now all they had to do was wait until night fall to exit their realm. That way when they left their father would be unknowing of the leave they would take. So at midnight they flew out of their bedroom window's and met in the forest that boarders their world and the human world.
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I only got 4 hours of sleep last night cause of my nephews! Joshua woke me up at 2:30 and then Seth woke up at 5:30 so i didn't get back to sleep until like 6am and i didn't go to sleep until almost midnight. I NEVER WANT KIDS! EVER! If i do i will adopt a child that is like 5 years old that way i don't have to get up at 2 am to feed them. I keep saying to myself:"I only have 4 more day until they are gone, only 4 more!" And trust me i can't wait! OMG do they cry. if josh or seth wake up and i hear them i am up until they are back to sleep! Well i have to go. More crying is taking place.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Here is something i did just for fun!
T | Tame | I | Industrious | S | Shiny | A | Accurate | K | Kinky | I | Insane | T | Tempting | A | Awesome | H | Handy | A | Astounding | R | Respectable | O | Odd | U | Unforgettable |
Name Acronym Generator From
dreamland lady, in a realm all of ur own.
wake up and make that dreamland a reality.
what r u? (girlz) (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
oh yah only 3 more days left until christmas. I am still working on my story so hold on for just a little while longer. I hope every one is having a good day so far. Don't forget to have fun!
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
4 more days!
Hello everyone! There are only 4 more days untill christmas! I hope everyone is haveing a good time! Well i might not be on much cause my sisters are here with their baby boys (2 sisters and each one has their own baby). I havn't been getting much sleep latly either. With a 2 month and a 3 month old in the house it's kind of hard to do anything with out one of them crying! Well i have to go now. The youngest is crying!
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
Thank you so much for all your help with my story! There will be more soon. I am trying to come up with more as i go. Well we have 5 1/2 more days untill christmas day! I bet no one can wait!
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
My story (so far)
>It was 1792 and Sara and Lilly where best of friends. Sara wore a ruby red skirt that cut off just above her knees and a shirt that stopped at her upper abdomen and bell sleves that flowed judt past her finger tips. Lilly on the other hand, wore a emerald greenskirt that was cut off just below her ankles with aq slit from her mid-thigh down and a sleaveless shirt that cut off just above her navel. Both wearing knee-high boots that matched their ensemble. Sara had long brown curly hair that reached her lower back and Lilly had stright brown hair that reached just past her shoulders. Lilly was 14 and Sara was 15. Both had ice blue eyes.
>Sara and Lilly had the same opponion on getting married...they didn't want to. Sara had once befor fallin madly in love but he did not love her in the same way. Lilly had not wanted to get married because of that reason but because she wanted to expolre the out side world. But they knew that their time to be married was coming near. For where they lived is a place to where we can never enter. A place of tales and things only younchildren belive in. They live in the land of Faeries. Every young woman in the land must be married by the end of their sixteenth year.
>Sara and Lilly were both sisters and the daughters of the faerir king, so this law was inforsed on them more than ever. Even though they are so young they have to hide. They have to hide from the humans, ifthey are found bad things will happen. As you know faeriesare magical. They have many powers to hind with and only they can see each other.
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