Umm.... yeah... So, I've started to update again. Can you tell? I'd really like some people to read this, if it's not too much trouble. I'll try and do interesting things.

Thursday, September 23, 2004
That was so super creepy! Some guy called my house asking for someone named 'Rui'! Rui! Like Hisoka's mommy, like the common Japanese nickname for people named 'Ludwig'... Not to mention, it was a random name that I once used for a video game!
Rui~~~~~!! I think I shall use that name more often now. It's like... Louis... but it's got an R and doesn't make me think of Anne Rice! Well, okay, now it does. Damn.
Curse you, Anne Rice!!! (We have a long history together...)
"Those who live in darkness wonder aimlessly."
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Baka! Baka! Baka!
I forgot to mention something about Hakkai's birthday on the 21st... but I knew it was then! I kept ranting about it all day (but no one seemed to care.) But I was too caught up to mention it here... So, yeah.
A lot of people have their birthdays tomorrow. Hisoka Kurosaki and Eric Stuart have the same birthsay... and it's a day after mine..
Anyway, I was thinking about joining this RP board that Test Subject D wants me to join. It's about a school for teenagers with special powers... well, I don't really have any characters that would fit that (what with my two characters and all). So, I was talking it over with my characters, V Myth and G Myth to see which one would be better modified to have super powers.
Tog: Well, someone else already has the power of healing... so you two doctors are out. Any other powers?
G Myth: Well, I have the super amazing power of uncontrollable pheromones....
Tog: Uh, no. You just have a 'Rape Me' sign stuck on your back.
Okay, so... that may not be funny to you, but it's really funny to me... You see, G Myth is constantly getting molested (funny, huh?). The joke is that at every bar scene he's in, Tog and V Myth are hiding under a table somewhere giggling their heads off. While G Myth is getting hit on by random men. The reason is because G Myth has a sign that says, 'RAPE ME' taped to the back of his labcoat, that V Myth and I stuck there.
Okay, that hasn't exactly happened in any RP. But it's still a funny little scenerio that I've been thinking about a lot.
....What? I found it all amusing.. .
Tog is easily amused.
"I won't be beaten next time either!"
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Remember the Old Adage?
"Never trust Tog."
 your jrock alter ego is - klaha!
who is your jrock alter ego? brought to you by Quizilla
Now! I'll go do my homework! Really!! Either that, or eat... I like food. "I like sweet tasting things. Like Tsuzuki." - Tog... if you say that outloud you'll see how wrong it sounds... I didn't mean it like that! Well, not at first, anyway. The funniest thing about it was probably that I was wearing my Watari costume at the time when I said it.
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Tog just sneezed really hard...
Okay, now I'm off to go do my homework. I swear. Really. Really. Probably. Maybe...
But anyway, I just wanted to give some last quiz results before I go write a huge essay.
 SHINYA should suit you!
Which JROCK male should suit YOU? brought to you by Quizilla
This one doesn't even have anything to do with yaoi!! I'm so dissapointed...
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Tog misread the word 'Strong'...
Well, I did... I should probably be doing my homework right now... but this was so much more fun.
 You are Reno/Rufus! You know the drill. Employee doesn't like how Mr. President is runnin' the place, so he goes to prez's office and things get out of hand. Congrats on being a carefree spirit without a one track mind, unlike myself.
What Final Fantasy 7 yaoi couple are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Did Tog just hug the computer screen? That can't be healthy...
Yes. And I've been taking mean lessons from Master Sanzo. Don't ask.
I feel like putting up some lovely results. Deal with it.
 The Yaoi Selector: Which Seme are You? brought to you by Quizilla
For some reason, I was surprised that I didn't get Tatsumi. I was even more surprised when I found out that Tatsumi was actually one of the choices. Heh, Tatsumi's uke to no one. XD Not like Sushi the Baka Uke... ((Oi!! Nani da?! Ore ga?!))
And now for the other side of things...
 The Yaoi Selector: Which Uke are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Tsuzuki?! I wonder if I'm actually like him at all... Actually, one of the phrases I want to learn in Japanese is, "No! Don't rape me, sensei~~!" Whaaaaat? XD It's a very useful thing to know. Especially since I'm just so damn rapeable. Just ask my...err... Master....
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Monday, September 20, 2004
Tog ish a luuuuzaa!
Well, I got through Japanese homework ok, but I didn't get a chance to do humanities... so it looks like I lost that battle. But I've still got like an A in humanities, so it's ok.
And part of the Japanese work was really weird... We had to write ten random questions in Hiragana just for Hiragana practice (my class is way behind me...). One the of the questions that I wrote was "Kimi wa shinigami desu ka?" XD Are you a shinigami? I couldn't think of anything!! So, yeah. That was mildly amusing.
Anyhoo, on to the meat of my post. The part you've all been waiting for... Tog really, really is a loser.
You all remember Test Subject C, correct? The nice, cute, likes anime one. Well, he's got a girlfriend. No big surprise. But that's not what I wanted to tell you about! Nooooo~ooo! That would be too easy!
This other girl, let's call her Variable A, also has like a major crush on Test Subject C. Now, that's too be expected, right? After all, he's nice, cute, and likes anime. But she has been his friend since preschool! They act just like brother and sister! It's really cute. But today she pulled me out and told me that she had a crush on him! Why'd she tell meeeee? I mean, I kind of figured that she had a crush on him considering how they acted together. But did she have to tell me?
It was really awkward! She kept asking me what she should do about it! Gaaaaaaahh!! Nani o shimasu ka!? Taihen~~~~!!
Anyway, Tog has given up on actual people. She has found the wonderful and lovely Meine Liebe and is content with her new virtual life. I love you so much, Ludwig. There's only one problem....
I'm so pathetic...
In fact, I'm so pathetic that some how after school today I managed to come home with a giant H on my forehead. Evidently, talking about graphic male x male sex in class will merit you as pervert. Who would have guessed?
"I'm so sick of studying sadistics!" - Tog... she meant to say 'Statistics'...
Anyway, next time I might have to include my reflections on what people have said in math and science class.... hee hee, it still makes me giggle...
"You'd do well to watch!"
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
I want a party change.....
Printer Breaks!!
Bio Report Homework:
HP: 150/700 MP: 20/65
Tog: -flu-
HP: 30/150 MP: 0/30
Tog uses M4d Typ1ng Sk1llz attack!
Bio Report Homework:
HP: 100/700 MP: 20/65
Tog: -flu-
HP: 30/150 MP: 0/30
Bio Report casts Distraction!!
Bio Report Homework:
HP: 100/700 MP: 15/65
Tog: -flu- -distracted-
HP: 20/150 MP: 0/30
DragonLance White Robe uses Modivational Glomp!!
Tog is no longer distracted!
Bio Report Homework:
HP: 100/700 MP: 15/65
Tog: -flu-
HP: 50/150 MP: 20/30
Tog casts Crappy Ending!!
Bio Report Homework:
HP: 000/700 MP: 15/65
Tog: -flu-
HP: 50/150 MP: 00/30
Tog defeats Bio Report Homework!
"Yahho, watashi wa kattaze!"
Next time, on Tog's MyOtaku... Humanities and Japanese homework attack!!
"DOOOOWWWWAAAAAAA??!?! You mean I'm not done yet?! ....Those who don't do their homework wander aimlessly."
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Phoenix Down Anyone?
*Final Fantasy random battle music plays*
Bio Report Homework:
HP: 700/700 MP: 65/65
Tog: -flu-
HP: 130/150 MP: 30/30
Tog casts Introduction
Bio Report Homework:
HP: 600/700 MP: 65/65
Tog: -flu-
HP: 130/150 MP: 15/30
Bio Report uses Data attack
Bio Report Homework:
HP: 600/700 MP: 60/65
Tog: -flu-
HP: 100/150 MP: 15/30
~3 hours pass like this~
Bio Report Homework:
HP: 150/700 MP: 20/65
Tog: -flu-
HP: 15/150 MP: 5/30
"Hah! I'm beating it!"
Bio Report Uses Graph Attack!!
Bio Report Homework:
HP: 150/700 MP: 20/65
Tog: -flu-
HP: 5/150 MP: 0/30
Tog uses Diet Coke
Bio Report Homework:
HP: 150/700 MP: 20/65
Tog: -flu-
HP: 80/150 MP: 5/30
Tune in next time to find out the exciting conclusion to this amazing battle!
"I'll try not to be beaten next time..."
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
And now for something completely different.
Instead of telling all of you how wonderful JTAF was (it really was), I will put up something I'm working on for school.
For 'Advisory' we have to write up a credo. One of the formats is to make a list of ten rules you live your life by. This is the one I'm considering submitting...
1. Do not tentacle young boys
2. Do not tentacle young men
3. Do not tentacle old men
4. Do not run with Scissy-chan
5. Do not give Doctor Muraki as a Christmas present. Birthdays are OK.
6. Do not feed Goku
7. Do not listen to One Winged Angel for 17 hours straight
8. Do not kidnap Cho Gonou’s lover
9. Do not live in darkness. You will wander aimlessly
10. Do not buy pets in China Town
I wonder what my teacher would think of me if I actually submitted that one... yiiiikes... 0.0;; Still, I might do it... XD
"You'd do well to watch!"
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Featured Quiz Result:
Heh... I'm not really surprised at all... But it's not like this was what I was trying for!