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Author, To-be OtaQueen
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You'll never find out.
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1997? I dunno
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Trigun and Saiyuki
To become the OtaQueen! Bwahaha! And, while I'm at it, to rule the world.
ANIME to Manga to Doujinshi to BIDIO GEEMU
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Friday, September 10, 2004
Yaaaaaaay! I'm an idiot!
What was the one thing Tog vowed never to do?
No, the other thing.
No! Not that one! The other one!
What?! I'd never do that! Eeeww!
Anyway... she has a confirmed crush on a real person! Dun dun dun! (I'm so ashamed that I'm speaking in the third-person....)
Is that just terrible? I have to go ask Agent R for advice now... I don't know how to approach these kinds of things. I think he might like me too. But probably only as a friend. Gaaaaaaawd! I feel like such an idiot! It's all like...
*insert really girly voice here* Dear Diary,
Today Experiment Subject C put his arm around me! I felt like I was gonna melt!
Gun to head!
Stupid teenagery-ness finally caught to me, dammit! Oh, and ES C did put his arm around me today... hee hee hee! ^///^
*punches self*
Dammit! Get a hold of youself, Tog! Anyway, I can't tell if he was trying to flirt or if he's just that kind of person. You see?! I'm such a naive kid! I mean, someone could say, "Tog, would like to go on a date?" And I'd be just like looking and then finally catch on and say, "Huh? A date? Like... a calender? Or like a fig? I don't think standing on a calender would be very interesting and standing on a dried fig could be messy..." Either that, or faint.
You see, I've never been on a date before. I've never had a boyfriend. I've never even had mutual like. Yes, some people think I'm pathetic. Others think I'm a prude (or, well, they did before I started going "Yaoi! Yaoi! Yaaaaaaay!"). I don't know. I've gotta go play online games.
Bai! And then I need to talk to Agent R... And other things need to be done too... hmm...
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
T^3 Typical Teenaged Trash
Welcome to a very special installment of Tog's My Otaku page. Why is it so special you say? Well, I just got my cast off! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Actually the real reason is becuase I'm going to talk about something that I don't think I ever have before. That's right, folks. It's the deadly topic that you've all been waiting for.
You see, I recently started school at a new highschool filled with new people and new experiences. Okay, so that last bit was kinda cheesy. But expect that today. Anyway, before my ADD kicks in, I've been eager to make friends. If someone wants to talk to me, I let them. I even let one of the teacher-y people try to help me make friends (Today's Experiment: FAILED). So, this one guy (let's call him Test Subject B) and I are sort of becoming friends. But here's the big problems... he's really ****ing annoying and he has a huge crush on me. And he's a pervert. And he's under the impression that I'm a bigger pervert than I (or rather, he doesn't understand what manner of pervert I am). Did I mention that he's ****ing annoying and has a huge crush on me? Well, he does. So, I'm having the whole issue of "How do I tell him to bug off without hurting him?" and other such problems that can be seen on every teen drama ever.
Gee, is that all?
Nope! Not by a long short! There's another boy who I'm sort of becoming friends with (Let's call him Test Subject C). Now, what could the problem be here? Oh yeah! I think I'm developing an itty-bitty crush on him! Is that so bad? He's nice. He's cute. And he's like the president of the anime club. And, well, a friend of a friend of mine used to have huge crush on him!! Urgh! That's not cool! Yes, so, I'll just have to see what happens with him.
Gee, that does seem pretty typical. Anything else you'd like to add, Tog?
Yep!! There's ANOTHER boy (let's call him Test Subject D) who may be developing a crush on me. Not a horrible situation. He's not bad (my mother thinks he's cute... And she's madly in love with Muraki!). But I thought I'd mention that just to add to the whole ordeal.
But other than all that, things have been going really well. I'm going to JTAF this weekend! Yaaaay! Watari cosplay! I need to go dye my roots... I can't believe it's been a year since the last JTAF. I can still remember writing the morning of the first day... My mother was late coming home and I was late getting to JTAF because of that... Grr... Anyway, yes.
"I won't be beat next time either!"
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Hisashiburi desu ne!
It's been a while, hasn't it? A lot has happened since I last wrote. I made new friends. I got nicknamed Sushi the Baka Uke. I broke my wrist (it sucks to type in a cast!). I went to a new actual high school instead of the last place I was at.
I'm currently involved in a classic teen problem! Yaaaaay!
But these are not the words of wisdom I wish to impart upon you, young one. No, my story is much interesting than all that (expect maybe about the nickname...). You see, my school is currently studying equity. Don't ask. Anyway, in drama class we learned that Give+Take=Equity. Now, do you think that my teacher would be upset if she knew what I meant when I wrote 'Seme' and 'Uke' on my page? XD!
Yes... well... I find it funny, anyway... Oh, yeah, and I've been coughing up blood all day. I feel like Hyatt. Yes, well, I have homework to do. Goodbye. Sankyuu.
Episode Preview
"T^3 Typical Teen Trash"
He likes me! But I like another guy! But my friend used to like him! ..."Those who live in darkness wander aimlessly." Because they can't see!
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
From the East Coast
I'm in NJ. And I love Watari.
My #1 result for the selector, Which Yami no Matsuei Character are You Most like?, is Watari Yutaka
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Saturday, July 3, 2004
Heeeey! Remember me? Yeah, I'm Tog. I run the place. I haven't been here in a while, have I? Well, you see, no one seemed to enjoy my Journey to the Fanime segment, so I decided to discontinue it. Yeah. But I shall sum up my entire journey with the daily mottos I held close to my heart each day of the con.
Friday: "Journey to the We.....uhh.... Fanime!"
Saturday: "Damn it... the monkey's hungry again!"
Sunday: "Corn!"
Monday: "Smile. It makes people think you're up to something."
As for the Monday one, I was all alone at the convention... so sad... but I was wearing my Hakkai costume that day. So, every now and then I'd just smile completely randomly. I think it scared a few people. Oh yeah, and technically "Corn!" wasn't really the motto for Sunday... it was just the Yaoi Word of the Day. ^_^;;
Now, on to the part that everybody including Tog hates, the seriousness. [Dun dun dununnuh! (Err, Tog... that doesn't sound very serious to me...)] Ahem, yes well, teenagers are some horribly messed up people. Really. I hate them. I would like to steal an infant from a hospital and raise it to be a good person just to show these freaks that they are dumb fools. Freaky dumb fools, that is. So many teens these days are some fucking drugged up junkies who get away with because they're "ohh, just teenagers experimenting!" Wrong! They should all be arrested for the laws they break. But before I get too serious and ranty, I shall leave this subject for now.
On a lighter note (yet, maybe almost as creepy as Tog wanting to kidnap babies from they're rightful caregivers), I have recently gotten into RPing and double entendres (I don't know how to make French words plural...).
Such as this lovely little double entendre that I claim to have "given my double entendre count a nosebleed."
Tog's favorite male RP character, Myth, is having dinner with a guy who has just confessed his oh-so-obvious attraction to Myth. After some dramatic prose, Myth says "What am I going to have to do with you in the end?"
XD!! Just think about that one from a yaoi obsessed pervert's point of view.
Uhh... did I warn you that Tog's little space here has just been given a higher rating... It now ranks as an Older Teen (16+) web journal. But if you know Tog, think about that age limit... -_-;
Speaking of Tog being a yaoi obsessed pervert who likes to speak in third person (I don't remember speaking about the whole third person speaking thing...!), would you care to hear something creepy? Of course you do! Or otherwise you probably wouldn't be reading through this journal right now. Anyway, my creepy point is....
After reading Yami no Matsuei, Tog wanted to become a doctor.
So, I shall now leave with that and this quote to think about. "Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put a tomato in fruit salad."
Oh, yeah and these quiz results because I love you all so much.

Impetuous, loud and noisy. You are a classic case of act first, think later, yet your naiveté and surprising innocence is enough a reason for anyone to want to kidnap you home! You live for food as well as fight for it, and
on many occasions, squabble with your friends over that last chicken wing. At first glance, people would term you no more than a noisy kid. However, courage stands true in your heart,
often surpassing that of an adult and you would not hesitate to lose a limb to protect loved ones from harm and danger.
Which Saiyuki Traveller Are you? by Kemuri Dono
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Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Journey to the Fanime
So, the trip started off with a few hitches. We left really late and then when we were half way there.... I had forgotten my passport which was the only way I could get my badge. Well, we had to turn around and get it. When we finally got there it was pretty late and I didn't even know where the Dealer's Room was. It was pretty late so my mother and I stalked around for a bit. I changed into my Hakkai costume. Hah! Magic Girl Hakkai Transformation Scene! Only, no one had to see me naked, luckily. So, then we had dinner at the restraunt in the hotel.
Let me just tell you this... Cosplayers get no respect! First, we get sat in the back. Second, they don't give us lemons with our water. And the finally thing that just set it over the edge... The tomatoes were frozen! Eeeew! Bleeeh. Well, needless to say, we didn't eat there again (actually, I pretty much didn't eat for the rest of the convention).
So, then we headed for the karaoke contest but it was so late that I didn't even bother signing up. But that's ok, I can't sing anyway. I waited around and then 'kaachan brought Ii-chan. Ii-chan and I went off and explored until sometime around 1am. Someone took my picture at the elevator. And that was my first day. ^_^
More to come!
"I won't be beaten next time either!"
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Random Things That Make Tog Laugh
Yes, just as the title states, here are a few random things that make Tog laugh like a little school girl.
*Tog's cat hisses at the new kitten, Uke-chan*
Annie: Don't worry, he's just trying to show him...
Tog and Annie: who's the uke here!
Tog: XD
*Tog makes a comment about one of her older cats being the seme*
Annie: What's 'seme' mean?
Tog: Opposite of uke.
Annie:.......Hah hah hah... Is your Japanese teacher teaching you these things?!
The idea of wearing a lot duct tape for a Hakkai costume.
The fact that when Uke-chan meows it sounds like one of those squeaky hammers. XD
Yes. What are some random things that make milk squirt out of your nose?
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
I need a harisen.
Sanzo's would work well. Yes, anyway, right to the points I'm trying to make.
....Now, what were they?
1.) Sei Mei Sen is a scary, scary song. Yet, I can't stop listening to it. Damn you, Akira Ishida!
2.) I don't like Gojyo!
3.) Okay, I don't really not like Gojyo. Today's just my Gojyo bashing day.
4.)Hakkai can do better than that!
5.) Damnit, Gojyo!
Yes. And thank you all for coming.
"You'd do well to watch!"
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Thank you!
Tog here! Reporting from live while wearing my Hakkai costume with Uke-chan (aka Cloud, Goku [okay, I'm the only one who calls him Goku..], my new kitten) sitting on my lap!
I'd like to thank Panda for all her very nice comments. Sanzo belongs to her. I'd be leaving this in her guest book... but I may very well be the biggest idiot in the world... I somehow don't know how to sign guest books! Someone shoot me... So, yay for here! Also, yay for Lone Wolf! In fact, I'm in a good mood... Yay for just about everyone!
....My costume just fell apart... well, this is only the prototype that's held together with safety pins and bits of tape. Actually, the finished costume has a quite a bit of tape on it somehow... You know Hakkai's ear cuffs? Duct tape. The silver bracelet type things around his sleeves? Duct tape. You know his monocle? ...Well, okay... I hope that's not gonna be duct tape! Yikes! Although, I'm not entirely sure what I'm gonna use, so it may end up being duct tape... somehow... -_-;;
Duct tape saves the day once again!
I accidently said that 'Uke' was meaningless and now my Yaoi-sampai is forcing me to read some mannor of smut where Hakkai is the uke... But he seems to always be the seme! One day, I'll find some completely random Goku x Hakkai doujinshi where Goku is the seme. XD Okay, now I've got to start talking about this before I do some sort of magical girl transformation into Tog the Mad Yaoi Pervert! Heh heh heh... I am t3h f|_|/\//\/3h.
"I won't be beaten next time either!"
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By the way...

Which Saiyuki character would sleep with you?
This is what I got for my second choice in that quiz. I thought it might be funny to see that. So strange... Heh heh. Well... COSPLAY!
"You'd do well to watch!"
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