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Author, To-be OtaQueen
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You'll never find out.
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1997? I dunno
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Trigun and Saiyuki
To become the OtaQueen! Bwahaha! And, while I'm at it, to rule the world.
ANIME to Manga to Doujinshi to BIDIO GEEMU
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
One More Thing Before I Go
Yes, well, I'm off to go work on my Hakkai cosplay. Reading smut wasn't exactly as motivating as I was hoping... Did I say reading smut?! Nooo!! LIES!! I admit to nothing!! Although, Sanzo x Hakkai do make a cute couple. But anyway, before I go I have to put up an amusing quote. I was wondering why all the links I opened were being opened in the window I was viewing in and so after an....interesting.... conversation with myself, I'd like to share this one quote with all of you.
"Saiyuki is my bitch."
Thank you.

Which Saiyuki character would sleep with you?
"I won't be beaten next time either!"
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A Friendly Proposition
Okay, so you know how I whine and complain about people not reading my worthless little MyOtaku, right? Well, that's not true. Some people do stop by and read it. And I just think that's so nice, but I don't feel that I show enough of my graditude. So, from now on, if you are to comment on a least one of my posts or sign my guest book, I will add you as a friend. And in addition to that, I will read your journal when I have the time, too. Sound Good? I hope so. Because, I really do love all of you out there. I want you to know that. So, I shall try my best to honor my promise.
"You'd do well to watch!"
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Tog's Top Ten (Take One)
Tog's Top Ten Reasons Why 12 Year Olds Should Not Watch Saiyuki:
10. Goku is a bad influence on children. Hara heta! Hara heta!
9. Lirin is a bad influence on kids. Ririn-chan KIKKU!
8. Sanzo is a bad influence on kids. Omae o korosu!
7. Gojyo is a bad influence on children. Ero Kappa!
6. It is violent.
5. It makes gambling look cool. (It is!)
4. It makes smoking look cool. (C'mon! Just try to tell me Gojyo and Sanzo don't look cool!)
3. It makes drinking look cool. (Although, not until both mind and body have matured. Thank you, Koumyou Sanzo.)
2. It is very lewd and graphic! (Okay, so that may just be the fan fiction... but Kazuya Minekura-sensei is still a pervert!)
1. Although Hakkai is a pretty good influence on kids ('cept not when it comes to driving or drinking), he is mine. No little 12 year fangirl may have him. Mine, mine, mine, mine! Okay, and sometimes Sanzo's... Damn lemon fics...
Yes, of course, Tog was really into JtHM at age 12. And at there was the Anne Rice phase at 11... So pretty much what I'm saying is... you don't want to end up like Tog, kids. It's not a pretty sight. ;_;
One last thing...
HAKKAI IS MINE!! <_< Shifty eyes >_> Of course, he will be made available to most yaoi fantasies. Thank you, folks.
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I just got a new kitten! He's sooooooo cute! We're still currently deciding on a name. So far his name is Cloud Spike Uke Niko Niko Neko [Insert Tog's last name here). My mother almost went for the name Yaoi... but I stoppd her.
Tog: Let's name him Yaoi!
Tog's Mother: ...Hey, that's pretty cute...
Tog: T_T;; I was kidding...
But he did manage to get the middle name Uke. I thought it fit him very well. ^_^ I think he's trying to nurse on my finger right now... He's so cute!!He's likes to watch me type. Which is good because it's something I do very often. I don't know how I'll ever finish my cosplay now... Fanime is this Friday!! Eeeeek!!/Waiii~~!!
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Monday, May 24, 2004
You know, I haven't put up any quiz results in a while. That bothers me on some level. But on the other hand, I've been very busy lately. Well, I mean I have a lot of things I need to do, not that I'm doing any. I think shall put some quiz results now to save myself from further embarrassment.
 Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who!
What Monty Python Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, May 21, 2004
It's That Time Again...
Yup, you guess it. It's time for another one of Tog's oh-so-famous 'I hate my friends' rant. Yesterday I invited my friend (let's call her R) over to help me with my cosplay. Instead we ended up playing on my computer. Now, have I told you how much of a presumptuous, self centered, annoying bitch she is? Well, she really is. So, we started talking about how annoying it was that things that were interesting and genuinely good get popular and liked for all the wrong reasons. And this brings up the topic of Donny Darko, which I saw in one of the six theaters it was released in, in the the US. And she has the nerve to say this:
R: Gah, it sucks. Donny Darko was cool until everyone else started liking it.
Tog: I guess I know what you mean, it's still good. I was the first person I know to hear about it and like it but it is annoying that now people seem to think of it as a new pop icon.
R: Gawd! I know! I mean, I rented it off the new releases section as soon as you told me about it. I hate how everyone's always copying me.
See?! SEE?! Do you see the big point there?! Damn, that pisses me off! She always thinks that the popular trends follow her around. But of course, they only follow her after she learns them from me! Now, I'm not claiming that I start trends. I do whatever the Hell I feel like, who the fuck cares if it gets popular? But R! R! She copies whatever I do and then is shocked when it becomes popular. Okay, now this may sound really dumb, but when I was in 5th grade I was wearing all black, baggy clothes, died hair, the works. Well, I met R in 5th grade. By 6th grade my style had evolved to always wearing a trench coat (I still do!) and all black, with nice big boots with lots of metal on them. Well, by 7th grade R was wearing a coat all the time. She was dying her hair. And then she started to get into the crappy music that I liked in 5th and 6th grade. So, then she became all 'punk'. Going to local 'punk' concerts, playing drums in a 'punk' band. Well, I never claimed to be punk or anything (of course, if I had to claim to be something, it much rather be 'goth' and not 'punk'). I liked what I liked and that was it. Anyway, back to the point.
R! You are always 2 steps behind me, so fuck off!
Thank you, and this concludes another thrilling installment in the classic 'I Hate My Friends' series.
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
No Cosplay = No Pretear
Yes, I'm having trouble working on my costume. I can't sew at all.. oh well, I'm here to post another quote.
"I posted an AD in the Male male one.. what I was bored and I said Shy Uke looking for something other then boredom.. god I still get replies to that damn thing."
I'm not sure why I find that so damn funny, it may have been because he also said "there is a lot of sick people in that thing". Hah hah hah. So amusing....
Completely random quote from the same guy: "I'm the odd Yaoi man out."
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Tog's Favorite Aspect of Coslpay: Being able to look at pictures of her favorites characters without being called a pervert! Yay! Heh heh... and I'm bribing myself with Pretear if I can get a lot of work done on my Hakkai cosplay today. Fanime is in nine days! ARGH! But, yes, there is not much Tog wouldn't do for hordes of pretty boys. No really... cleaning, homework, leaving the house... For the Bishi! Kampai! XD
Anyway, yes... I'm running out of time! Wahh! And I have the first opening to Ayashi no Ceres stuck in my head... which is really weird because I haven't listened to it in months... Oh well.
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Monday, May 17, 2004
Hee hee.
Well, I have to get in shape for Fanime. So, I'm off to the gym. I have to learn to dodge glomps. Last time I cosplayed the first thing that happened was a catgirl glomped me. At least she was cute. ^_^;; Anyway, here's a random conversation that made me laugh my ass off. (The names have been changed to protect... well, if I told you who it was protecting it wouldn't be protecting them anymore... and because the names are long, anyway)
A: Weee ^.^ maybe haku and Hakkai can play sometime
B: how old is Haku, anyway?
A: 16 or 17
B: ohhh... underaged....
B: he's not legal XD
A: Damn.. Xo well i can play with him
B: heh heh heh
A: hehe does that mean you cannot play with Hakkai either?
B: ....nope.....
B: heh
A: heh.. well you can still Legaly give him a bath ^.^
I don't know that just made me laugh really hard. Of course, I'm easily amused. Especially when it comes to bathing Hakkai. XD
By the way, I'm B. >.<;; Whoops... wasn't supposed to say that... no wonder all those people died when they were in Tog's Witness Protection Agency... My mistake!
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I.... honestly don't know....
I've been thinking of this little conversation for a while...
Becky(the GM): Anyway, I've been thinking of how to fix the healing magic...
Tog: Achoo!
Noah: Bless you.
Tog: Heh, thanks. I think I'm allegic to healing magic...
I don't know. I find it amusing. But I also find these random quotes amusing:
"Ahh.... high school... how I pity your shoujo asses." - Tog
"Androbot-type... sounds kinky XD" - Fladdie
"I have so much free time I'm cleaning my ears." - Jiana-chan
"I will not join a temptress that uses boobies for evil purposes." -Raxor, Tog's minion/companion
"Uh-oh, Sanzo. You haven't begun drinking and your eyes are unfocused. Oh, I guess that's normal for you." - Hakkai (because a post from Tog wouldn't be complete without some Saiyuki reference)
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