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Author, To-be OtaQueen
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You'll never find out.
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1997? I dunno
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Trigun and Saiyuki
To become the OtaQueen! Bwahaha! And, while I'm at it, to rule the world.
ANIME to Manga to Doujinshi to BIDIO GEEMU
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Attention everyone! I desire your feedback and comments!
How the Hell do you do message board roleplay?! I play an actual RPG in the real world (AHAHAHAA!!! That doesn't make sense at all!), but I don't understand how people do it on messageboards! Isn't it confusing? I don't get it! Won't somebody please tell me??

Find your Role-Playing
Stereotype at
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Saturday, April 24, 2004
Cute but Psycho....
Hi hi hi there! Okay, I have nothing to say. As usually. But I generally feel inclined to speak. It's for all you little people out there who live off my crumbs. Kyaa-haa-haa-haa! ((Warning! Warning! Tog is Mad Egotist mode! Run for your lives!))
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Friday, April 23, 2004
My wrist hurts too!
You are god, master of all that you see, all that exists. The world is at your fingertips, nothing is beyond your grasp!
Are you god? brought to you by Quizilla
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My heeeead..... itai itai!!
Yaoi... my head hurts.... uhh... I mean... yowie, my heads hurts... owie? Bleeeeh! I don't know! I should be asleep! I was so tired! But I'm completely hyper and wound up! And I've listened to the same Moi Dix Mois song for the past hour it feels like... ;_; Mana...
 Lady Fairy of the Night
What Fairy Lady are you? (Ladies) brought to you by Quizilla
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Whaaaat?!! My right hand has nothing to do with this!! How dare you!
I....have no idea....
 Die smashed on a SFI-FI/Anime/Comic convention
Choose your Dramatic Death (Now w/pics!!) brought to you by Quizilla
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My left arm!!!
You know what? ....I hate my friends! ^_^ But that's pretty normal for me, isn't it? Oh, and I have somemore quiz results too.
Fight Club! \/\/007! Sorry... had to...
 Fight Club!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla
What does this have to do with Tog's left arm? ...You'll find out one day...
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Monday, April 19, 2004
I really, really, really, really need to be working on homework... but I'm not... more results!
This is from a quiz my friend made. This is how she sees me:
You are Tog (almost goth backwards). You are Gothic and obsessed with ll things Japanese, including the gay guys. You love gay guys (join the club I say!), you are rather insane and kind of Geeky. 99% lazy, 1% hot air, That's you! *caughVOTEcaugh*
Are you like anyone I know? brought to you by Quizilla
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Hey, hey, hey!
Looooook!! The Sephiroth picture! It shows up! ......Okay....
Loooook! This result says I'm not entirely evil! ....That's a first...
 Your a Magical Angel!Out of all the angels, you are the one most afflicted with magic. You can do many enchantments as well as sorcery. You cant do black magic, because even though your not so "pure" your still an angel. A very kind and curious one at that. Magical Angels are always very easy-going with humans, but intrestingly enough, like to expirement with them with their spells.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
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Why don't any of the images on my site work?! This one... right here... And I keep listening to the same song over and over! ...And I didn't even want to listen to it in the first place! Heh... I'll spare you from test results. Because... I'm feeling kind today... WAIT!! No, I'm not!!
 You have a Lost Soul. No one is really sure what that can always mean, because it can be defined in many ways. As Legend goes, lost souls were the spirits of passed away people who are neither in heaven nor hell. They walk the earth, brooding mysteriously, always appearing when you expect it least. So hence, if you have a Lost Soul, then you are probably very insecure and shy. Stuck in your own little box, you watch the world fly by as a loner. You dont know your place. You seemingly dont have a place in society or an interest. You are a very capricious person, and are confused and frustrated about where you belong. You crave for the sense and feeling of home-but have not obtained it yet.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
I am a dirty, dirty liar.
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I'm onna roll! ....Wanna hear something funny/scary? I've been answering all these questions truthfully.... o.0;; Do you think this does actually mean I'm evil??
border="0" alt="Find out which FF7 Character you are!">
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