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Sunday, February 22, 2004
Was that mean? It was a little... scary... I dunno.
Did the title of this make any sense to you? It shouldn't have. Well, I just wanted to pop in to post some quiz results. A lot of things have happened since I last posted, some good, some bad. But we won't go into that. Anyhoo, I'm off to go back to APE in a bit. Damn, I'm cool. Okay. Bai bai.
 you are DAISHI...whoohoo.
Who are you in Psycho Le Cemu? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, February 12, 2004
I'm bored. And upset.
 You are a Twisted Angel. You are a strange one. Your path is unclear, and you often do strange things for the fun of it. No one can really discribe you, you are just too odd.
What Different Kind of Angel are you...? ( Anime-ish pics ) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Name Tog's 3 Favorite Anime/Manga: Trigun, Saiyuki, Petshop of Horrors. Bingo! And what do they all have in common? Toshihiko Seki. Bingo! TEEEHEEEHEEEHEEEEHEEEEHEEEHEEEEE!!! Now, why do I find this so amusing? No idea? Well, who provides the voices of Vash and Legato? Masaya Onosaka and Toshihiko Seki. Bingo! And Seki plays Count D, right? Uh-huh... But do you know who plays Leon? .... ONOSAKA?!?!??! HAI! ^_^ Isn't that just super-duper-totally-wowie-neat-o-skeet-o-cool-hip?! Now... if I only I could find some connection with Onosaka and Saiyuki... ke ke ke....
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Friday, January 30, 2004
Tog's love!
Yup, you read it right. I'm madly in love. MADLY. I can't stop thinking about him. I mean, my poor Harem of Doom is being ignored all because I fell in love with a guy whose name I don't even know! Ahh.... it hurts to be in love! I can't focus on my school work, Hell, I can hardly even focus on video games! Oh, cruel fate! Why dost thou punish me so? Huh, Fatey-Fate? What'd I ever do to you?! Yeah, I'll tell you more about it if I get the chance.
What's your sexual appeal? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, January 23, 2004
Uuwaaaa! Happy Birthday Ro-Ro-chan! XD Just the other day something soooo funny happened!! (Actually it happened twice, exactly the same each time, her reaction and mine) I was siging Bel Air by Malice Mizer, "Anata wa nani o ima mo omotte iru no~~!" and that tends to get on Ro's nerves because last year, when I was just learning how to sing it, I'd sing it nonstop, and now I've started to do it again. Anyway, I was singing in art class while painting and she's get's all pissed and says, "Stop singing or I'll kill you." And raised her paintbrush threateningly. Of course, me being a rabid fangirl shouted, "Waaaiii~~! Just like Sanzo! Can I glomp you?!" Ro-ro-Mochi already thinks I'm completely crazy and hates my anime obsession (she also hates it when I sing Obsession. "How come I must know where obsession needs go? How come I must --" *get's in the head with a fan by Ro*), so she of course says, "No... get the Hell away from me, freak." But I keep going on... "Sanzo.. oi, Sanzo!" Roro twitches. "Hage-Sanzo!" But then, the next day (yesterday) I was telling her about the word "Glompies" and saying that it had many meanings, and she was going on about how many people were glompable in the school. "There's three... no.. four glomable people in the school." "Who?" I ask. She doesn't say anything. I turn around to look at the stoplight and she glomps me from behind! I start fwapping her with my newly made paper fan until she cries for mercy. And then, later that day, I start singing again and she threatens to kill me again! I ask to glomp her again and she refuses again. Heh heh heh. Tog's funny. She has to play so many roles in her group of friends. Sometimes she plays the pleasant, quiet one who stays out of the fights (this one is rare these days). Othertimes she plays the easily annoyed one who will throw her closest friends into traffic if they bug her enough (this one is less now, used to be pretty much all the time). Usually, she's the cute/annoying tag-along, always bugging everyone else and begging for food. "Ro-Ro, it's your turn to feed me today." "What the Hell?! When'd you become my responiblity?!" "When I spent all my lunch money on comic books!" Next day, Tog steals Ii-chan's sandwich. "Itadakimaaaasu!!" "Heyyy! That's mine! *Ii pretends to cry* My mother made that!" "Then tell her I said thanks!" Next day.
Tog: Sanzo... oi, Sanzo!
Ro: Are you talking to me? Don't call me that!
Tog: Onaka ga suita... ueta! Ueta! `
Ro: Stop! Stop speaking in Japanese or I'll-
Tog: Hit me with your paper fan? ^_^
Ro: Dammit! That was another reference, wasn't it?!
Tog:...Feed me...
Ro: Buy your own food! I work for my money!
Ii: My mother packs mine. Why don't you just pack your own?
Tog: No where to cook instant ramen around here.
Ro: That's all you have?
Tog: Yup.
Ii: Then, that's all you eat at home?
Tog: Yup.
Ro and Ii: That's not good!!
You know what the really strange thing about Tog is? She sometimes refers to herself in thrid person. -_-;;
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Monday, January 19, 2004
Still Bored... Mmmyep...
I'm still so friggin' bored... so, here.
 'Sadistic Bastard' PLEASE VOTE!!!
What Type of Lunatic are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, January 18, 2004
Bored... Bored... Bored...
I'm rather bored. How are you? Okay, then. Anyway... quiz results, just because.
 Yours are DEMON wings, possibly resembling those of a bat - huge, black, and clawed. You are cold and impure, and a born Creature of the Night. Possibly with an interest in those of a vampyric nature, or possibly one yourself. You have little sympathy or care for humanity and see them as existing for no real purpose - thus, you can be very manipulative and bend them to fit YOUR purpose. And you do have a purpose, to everything you do. Nine times out of ten it will be strictly for your own self gratification or perhaps merely amusement. As soon as a person or situation is no longer productive or pleasurable in your life, you will rid yourself of it or them. You could very well have just a touch of superiority complex (or perhaps more than a touch?). Despite all of this, you are capable of love so intense that you place that person's wishes even above your own - the only time that you will do so. Chances are you are attracted to people in which you see...yourself. Though many hate you for your carelessness and evil...Sexy, fierce, sinful, and mysterious...
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
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Stupid Monkey!
...!!!! Oh, wowie, wow, wow wow~! What do Pet Shop of Horrors, Trigun, and Saiyuki all have in common? ...Tog is completely in love with all of them and can't go two minutes without mentions at least one of them? ...Yes... But something else! Give up? Toshihiko Seki!!!! Count D, Legato, and Sanzo! \(^o^)/ wai~ wai~! Heh heh, but now I can't help but imagine Legato hitting Vash with a fan and shouting, "Baka Saru!" Or D licking his left hand. Etc, etc... Haa haa haa! I just remembered something my mother said while I was listening to Kuroneko Kuukan!! She thought that Legato had a sexy voice! AHAAHAAHA! Riiiight... >_>;; Anyway, I'm very sick (and I mean more than just in the head). I have the stomach flu... It's no good. On the other hand, I think I've lost some weight. After all, it's hard to gain weight if whenever you eat something you puke it up a few hours later. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Bai bai.
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Thursday, January 15, 2004
I've got a seeecret~!
Ku ku ku... I've somefin' that I'm not about to say! Fu fu fu... I'm so horrible! It's actually pretty funny, I'll trash my friends right out in the open, but I won't talk about my imaginary love life... Oops! I've said too much already... chi chi chi... wait... isn't that how you call a cat?! "Juukun! Chichichi!" My cat's name is Duke... Duke becomes Juku-kun, which becomes Juukun. And there you have it. So, if you ever hear a high pitched girl screaming, "Juukun! Chi-chi-chi!" And then, "Nyaaa~!" and then you hear a loud crash, keep your eyes peeled. I'm somewhere about. (The crash is how you'll know it's me!)
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