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Saturday, December 27, 2003
Vacation all I ever wanted... Vacation, had to get away...
Ahem, yes. I'm on vacation right now at my grandparents house. I just came to put some quiz results (suprise, suprise!. Anyway, it's hard to type on this keyboard. I'll be back home tomorrow. And you know what? I'm gonna bring you all gifties! Well... sort of...
 Your the wild type..
Your the toughest, wildest, bravest, and you've got spunk as well..
You definitely appeal to me.. i hope that i can get to know you better..
What Type of girl are you? (For girls only!) (Updated) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 14, 2003
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*genki* Hello! *genki*
It's 1:30 am here! Still very early, yes? Well, I was supposed to be asleep by now (but we all knew that wouldn't happen no matter how hard I tried). Why? Because I have a very busy day tomorrow/today. The bulk of it starts at noon when I have my first lesson of aiido (I wanted to take kendo but I couldn't find a good dojo anywhere near my house... sigh). And then it's off to go Holiday shopping. And then, if there's time, I'll go see a movie. You don't think it's that much, do you? Well, a busy day for me is a day where I walk two blocks to go to the library. I really am just -that- lazy. Sad, I know. I'd say the worst part of is that I'm totally wound up right now and have no chance of getting to sleep anytime before 4 am. Siiiiiigh. You know who I blame? Count D and Leon Orcot. Yup yup. You know how I spent my day today? I got up around 2 and stayed in my room hiding from scary people downstairs. What was I doing? Reading Pet Shop of Horrors. So, I was gonna go to sleep right after watching .Hack//Sign. Buuu~ut! I had to see if I could find any manga translations and scans of Pet shop of Horrors. So fastforward a couple hours... I wind up somehow on www.yaoilovers.com! Unfortunatly, I have yet to find what I'm looking for... So, if any of you kind folk reading this right now could direct me to some PSoH scans it would be oh so kind. I'll even buy you fruit tarts! ^_^ (You probably have no idea what I'm talking about...)
Love and Squishings,
Tog (My Goodness! What the Hell is going on?! I'm being.... Sweet! AAAIIIEEE!!!)
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Saturday, December 13, 2003
..... Friggin'.... grr!
Gosh darn it! I'm not evil! Really! I only have a few attempted murder scemes to my record! Argh! But... but... I'm so good and pure... really...

What Anime Stereotype Are You?
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Monday, December 8, 2003
"I Hate My Friends."
Hello and hi. OH! I've good news and bad news! Which would you like to hear first? The good news? Okay. No quiz results right now! Whoo! And the bad news... In place of quiz results, I have.... a rant. A long and boring one... Uh... But just for you it will be filled with betrayal! Intrigue! Anime! Manga! Typos! See? Doesn't that sound nice? No? Who asked you anyway?! Right. This is just the prerant. I know. I can't believe it either. Anyhoo, here we go.
You know those people who you begin to think are just mirror images of yourself? Like, you dye your hair blue and they dye theirs blue? Or you buy a fancy handbag and they buy the same bag? Or you raise your right hand and they raise their left? ...Okay, maybe not the last one to that extent, but you get what I mean.
Well then, you know those people who do anything to be just like you. Do you know that car commercial where the guy's in his car and he takes a sip of his drink and everyone holding drinks does the same thing? And then he drops something and everyone holding something drops it. And he coughs, everyone coughs. Yeah. Like that.
Well, it seems that I'm one of those people who people try and follow.
Person A: I like anime!
Tog: Gee, that's funny. Me too. Haven't you noticed that by my collection and inability to go 2 minutes without referencing something relating to anime?
Person A: Uh... no... You like anime too? Hee hee hee hee, how funny!
Tog: So... um.. what anime do you like?
Person A: ....uh... you know...
Tog: Nu-uh. Tell me.
PA: What's that one you're always talking about?
Tog: ...Trigun?
PA: Yeah! I like that one!
And so it goes.... but of course, because my friends are teenaged girls, it goes something more like:
"We're into anime too now! Isn't that funny? Just few months after you show how much you like it, we like it too! Ha ha ha ha! Isn't that funny?! Oh yeah, and since we have more money than you'll ever have, we get to buy a lot of stuff and give it to each other! Ha ha ha ha! But you don't get anything. Oh, and since we can buy anything we want, we know more than you."
Otakusennen: Direct quotes are fun!
And then of course, there is the merchandise.
-Person A has a Chii plushie-
Tog: Oh! Neat! Chii-chan!
Person A: What? Oh this? Yeah, Person B bought it for me.
Tog: Oh? Are you two Chobits fans? (In head: Please tell me at least one of you is!)
Person A: Cho-what?
And this, is exactly why I want to kill my friends. But my story is not finished! For it seems that I have left out a vital kog in my reason towards hatred of my closest friends. There is some types left out. I like to call them flip-flops... but then again, I like to eat instant ramen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (Great, now I'm all hungry and stuff...)
Do you know the types I mean?
Person C: Gawd, Tog! You're such an idiot prick for liking anime. Die, you geek.
-Person C comes back from vacation-
Person C: I love manga! It's so wonderful! I've been reading it so long! Hey! It's Tog! Uh.. I don't want to talk to you. I'd rather read my manga.
But then...
Tog: Eeewww! Shoujo... painful...ness... owwiee... (Ooh! Yaoi! I'll be right back!)
Person C: Yeah, I know. It's dumb and girly, but I can't stop reading it. (What's yaoi?)
-Person C gets more into that series-
Tog: You still reading that dumb shoujo stuff?
Person C: It's not dumb! You're dumb! Die, butt****!!
Tog: Um... okay... I'll be over there... Watching pretty boys kiss...
And for the last type, the type that I'm pretty sure you've encountered before. The I-Hate-You-And-Everything-You-Stand-For type of friend.
Tog: Okay! It's my birthday so we're all gonna watch my favorite anime until we puke! Doesn't that sound fun everyone? Oh, and if you don't want to watch it you can sit outside and do other things.
Person D: I hate ALL anime. So, even though it's your brithday, I'm going to talk really loud through your favorite things so that no one will be able to hear it. And then, when we can't watch anime anymore because I'm a total bitch (((Tog's note: That's right! I didn't bleep it!))), I'm going to eat five slices of the pizza you ordered while complaining about it and not leaving you any! Oh, and yeah, I know that it's almost entirely my fault that you shoved your hand through a glass door causing you to get a huge disfiguring scar and lots of bloodloss. ...And I didn't get you a present.
Again, direct quotes ARE fun. And so is the sad, sad tale of Chickenfoot... I mean, Tog. And the longest rant in MyOtaku.com history! ^_^
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Thursday, December 4, 2003
Heh.... I have nothing remotely clever to say. So, in that case, here some more results from a neat webcomic that you should check out.
 Which Saturnalia Character are you?
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Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Ohayoo gozaimasu!!
Heh... I'm hyper and stuff... whee!! Okay, I'm pretty happy just for the heck of it... Can't really say why, though. By the way, if you haven't been, Muted Faith is really neat-o. I first found out about it a few years ago on a message board and it was good for a few laughs. Check it out.

find your element
at mutedfaith.com.
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There's Always Room for EVIL!
Heh... guess what? More quizzy results! Whoo! Hey... I gave it at least 24 hours before I did it again... Ooh! Ooh! Guess what time it is! 7:45... AM! Whoo! I haven't slept! The problem was that I slept in yesterday... until 6 pm.... Aahh... I love homeschool.... Anyway, if you've been paying attention (which you probably haven't), you'll have noticed that so many of my little result thingies say I'm evil. Now, honestly, do you think I'm evil? Tell me the truth! Am I, Tog, pure evil? Well, you know what? If I get another result telling me I'm evil, I'll... I'll... I'll take over the world, I will!! MWAHAHAA! Oh.. maybe it's things like that...
 <<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics ) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, November 22, 2003
Never Ever, Ever, Ever Take My Word For Anything, 'kay?
Heh... You remember how I said I wouldn't upload anymore quiz results tonight? Well, funny thing about that... yeah, I lied. Uh... But I had a good reason! Yeah! (no) I did! (no) Ah, but I have more to say than just me arguing with myself. Yes, I do. (no) Shut up! Anyway, I may start writing a new story (maybe, things seem to have settled down a bit and I don't feel so inclined to write about Vanilla and his many adventures). It's about an RPG I'm doing, so it's not like it would take a lot of brain power for me to do it. So, if I do write it, and you just have to read, feel free to contact me using one of the many ways to contact me.
The results of the test... You see, I've always had this little um... -thing- for those silver haired bishounen types. You know what I'm talking about. Well, I've gotten a little teased for my complete and utter obsession over it... uh... did I say obsession? I mean, -thing-. Yeah.
Tog: Nnng... That whole Playstation as a pillow thing gave me strange dreams...
RoRo: You mean, like you being carried across a river by a silver haired Japanese boy?
Tog: No! (And I said strange, as in, out of the ordinary.)
Well, yeah, now do you understand my pain?! Heh, I thought so. I was just looking through some quizes and such. (oh yes, because we all know you can never post enough quiz results on your whiney little online journal) And I found this one that was "What is your anime hair color? (Bishounen)" So, I knew that it would just have to include silver, but I never dreamed I'd get it! Heh, well... Oh yeah, it pegged my personality pretty well too... but I don't have a girlfriend. Uh, and I'm not looking. I'll stick with boys for now, anyway. (Not that you've got a boyfriend, hag!)
Long story short (A little late for that, eh, Tog?!):
What is your anime hair color? (Bishounen) brought to you by Quizilla
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I swear... this is the last one!
Heh... Technically, it's the next day here... that way I don't have to feel so bad about putting more quiz results. Oh, and I should warn you, I'm in what my friends and I call "GIR Mode". It pretty muchs means that I'm hyper. REALLY hyper. I mean, I just ran up and down a flight of stairs to calm myself. You know what? It didn't work. So I tried out some neat-o kendo moves with a roll of paper towels. You know what? It works a lot better if there's not any paper towels on the roll.
Oh yeah, the results...
And you all needed to know what kind of bishounen I went for. Why? ...I thought I told you to shut up!!
What Bishounen stereotype do you love? brought to you by Quizilla
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