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Saturday, November 22, 2003
Second One of the Night
Heh... Why am I putting too online quiz results up on one night? Because I can!
Error. The thing you have tried to upload has failed.
Why are all my quizes from Quizilla? ...Shut up... just shut up...
 You are Form 7, Gryphon: The Wyrm.
"And The Gryphon displaced the balance of the world in his favor. With grace and control, Gryphon deceived mankind and ruled over civillization. But even he realized that all good things must come to an end."
Some examples of the Gryphon Form are Satan (Christian) and Baphomet (Assyrian).
The Gryphon is associated with the concept of control, the number 7, and the element of wind.
His sign is the gibbous moon.
As a member of Form 7, you are a very in control individual. You maintain your coolness in most situations and always seem to be prepared. Though some may say you are a bit of a control freak, you know that you really do make the best leader even if others can't see it. Gryphons are the best friends to have because they have a positive influence on people.
Which Mythological Form Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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And Tog Said....
Heh... I love these things.... Uh.. But I think there's a theme going on with all my results... They keep saying I'm evil! I'm not! Really! Despite what everyone says...
Heh.. the person who made this really couldn't spell very well, could they?
 Dark goddes. You are responsible for all thats bad and evil in the world. Some would say you were let out of Pandoras box
What beutiful goddess are you?(with anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Heh... Typical....
Well... I've always loved taking these tests things. A lot. I mean, A LOT! Really. I have an addiction... I can't help myself... Buuu~ut! I finally have a place to show off my answers! Whoo! (Gosh... I'm such a sad person.) Anyway, here it goes. (This is probably going to come out all wrong)
 Guys just love...how cold and wicked you can be!
What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, November 15, 2003
Wow... long time no post, huh? It's not like anyone ever reads these things, right? It's always, "Oh hey! Check out my neat web journal thing!", isn't it? And then a few close friends look and laugh, yes? But they never look again, do they? Kind of sad, ne? FWAAHH!! Change the World (by V6) just started playing! AAAAAARRGGHH!
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Saturday, September 13, 2003
Whee! JTAF!
Just about leaving for the Japantown Anime Fair. Gonna have fun. I'm already late, though! Grr! I would have gotten there sooner if I had walked! ...Actually, that might be true. I live about twenty blocks from JapanTown.... Oh well. Guess there's no use whining... well, 'cept... WAAAAAHH!
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Saturday, September 6, 2003
Too Little, Too Late. And waay too early!
It's almost 11:20... AM! Argh! It's saturday! This is just too early. And I haven't been updating much either, have I? Well, kiddies, today I have another excerpt from the pages of my memobook. I'll have to find a good entry, though. Okay, I'll have give you a bit of a background story. Math class. These kids were teasing this kid that they always tease just because he's a little... off. And I was just sick of it! I couldn't take it anymore! So I did something. I jumped up and with pencil in hand shouted, "If you two don't shut the F*** up, I'll jab this pencil through both your heads! At the same time!" But you know what? I'm probably the luckiest person in the world. As it turns out, the teacher was most likely out of the room. Or she just didn't care (but that's unlikely, she's strict!). So, without futher backstory, my entry from yesterday:
^_^ Everyone's afraid of me! Maybe I'll become a famous outlaw again! [In sixth grade I was well known for my violent temper and my skill with a spork. But in 7th I changed schools and got really quiet and unfamous.] BWAHA! Tog the Stampede strikes again! Nice headline! Am I horrible or what? Sometimes I wish I were the peaceful and serene type able to not make a fool of myself. HAHA! But then life would be no fun, you know? [The two kids I yelled at just got in trouble for talking about how much they were afraid of me.] Ahh, I am good. Maybe too good for my own good... or the good of others. Siiigh, I wish my talents could be used to help others. It's terrible. "I think I'd like to do something for somebody." I'm such an awful person! I don't know why I'm allowd to go on living! But... there's always time to renounce my evil ways! The ticket to the future is always blank! I will be a good person! But... I was trying to be a good person... I was standing up for what I believe is right... can I only find the answers from behind my trigger? Blade? ...Pencil?
~Skip ahead from all my morality crap~
Oh dear... Rumors are being spread about me... apperently, I have a huge gang of toughies on my side. AHAHA! If I aquire the name "The Humanoid Typhoon" please let me brag about! Or... maybe I'll have to go into hiding! What if insurence workers come after me? Gasp! Or bounty hunters! AAIIEEEOOU!
And there you have it. Now you all know just what a horrible person I really am. I'm so sorry. I really was trying to do it for a good cause! Ooh... I'm going to be sick.
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Tuesday, September 2, 2003
Hi There!
I don't know if you all know how insane I really am. I get the feeling that some of you are doubting it. Soooooo, I have decided to copy down something that I wrote in my memobook today. This is a little book where I write down all things I'm not allowd to say, mostly because I'm in class while writing in it. This one is from today in woodshop. I'll start some where in the middle.
I've got Outlaw Star and Hellsing DVDs in my pocket. Well, the pocket of my bag. I've got sunglasses in my coat pocket. And I've got Pocky and Ramune in my lunch. Why am I telling you this? In shop we have to write down what we want to make and how. Lessee... A DVD player? Heh. A stake? Hellsing is really good, you know. Maybe a wooden cross... A big one! And we could wrap it up in cloth! How 'bout a portable confessional! With a slot for coins! We could make a good living that way! But... would we have to give our earnings to orphans? "I met a lone man in the desert, a traveling priest, Nicholas D. Wolfwood." BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAA!
Yep. And that's a sneak peek into the life of Tog. If you'd like to hear more out of my little memobook, please sign my guestbook. ....Wow. I never imagined there'd be a day when I was begging for people to sign my guest book...... Creepy. Oh yeah, and I finally got a pair of my own cat ears today. And no, they're not off a real cat..........................................................They're not! There are no kuroneko walking around without ears because me!
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Monday, September 1, 2003
Talking to Oneself (09-01-03)
Hi there. If you're reading this than the likely chance is that you're me. If the case is other wise, then welcome! This will be a peek into my life and the crazy adventures I have. Wow. I feel sorry for you already. Shall we begin the decent into horrible icky pain now? Yes. We'll start with a few things about me.
Name: Tog
Real Name: Tog
Current Favorite Anime: Trigun
Current Anime series that I'm following: Outlaw Star, Hellsing, Inuyasha (shudder)
Current Manga: Chobits and Cowboy Bebop
Occupation: Published Author and fulltime student.
Current favorite bands: the Cruxshadows (nya! I'm seeing them this month!), Ghoultown, Malice Mizer, BLOOD, Trance to the Sun
Last thing I ate: Can of Kona Coffee (ok-ok, so I really drank it)
AIM: Meteorpig
Current Song: Gunslinger - Ghoultown
This is my first journal-y thing. So, it may seem a bit odd at first, and second, and.. actually all throughout up keep. I'm going to try to use it as much as I can, but I probably won't. Sorry. Well, that may be a good thing.
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