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myOtaku.com: Tog

Friday, May 7, 2004

   All alone.... so very alone..... But not depressed!!
Yes, I'm coming to terms with the fact that no one every reads this. But, surprisingly enough, that's not what the title is about. I am very much alone in the real world. And don't give me that crap about having friends and loved ones. Nu-uh. I was thinking about starting a dog walking business to help pay for Fanime, but I didn't want to do it alone. So, I started thinking about who would want to join me. "Well, Ro-Ro is busy all the time. Ii-chan.... she might get annoying after a while... I know the perfect person! My wonderful boyfriend M--- Oh, that's right... He doesn't friggin' exist!" After naming off about 10 other perfect people for the job I realized they were all fictional. If that isn't the most pathetic thing you've ever heard I would like to know what is. Really, the only people I can stand to be around are fictional. And most of them are even my own personal characters! Can you believe that? Tog really lives in a fantasy world. T_T;; I'm talking in third person again... You see? Reality is so far gone from me that I become the narrator and then a different me becomes the main character in this comedy of my life! What the Hell's the deal with that? Okay, so we all have figured out that I have serious issues. But what does it really all mean?! Simple. I cannot (or will not) face reality. It sickens me. Tog's Number One Sworn Enemy: Reality! Siiiiiigh.... is this normal for a teenager? You always hear about teens having all these emotional problems and everything. But, to me, this is different. This has nothing to do with emotions. *mock drama* Are my emotions even real?! Are my memories... even mine? My past... my present... my... future... Oh, cruel fate! How dare you mock with your laughter?! Your cold embrace, my eternity! *Tog gets randomly punched* Okay, okay, okay... 'nuff of that. Remember how I promised you (threatened??) a rant? Well, expect more of these in the near future. Noooo, I'm not going through some personal issues or some self pity phase, I merely feel like ranting about everything I don't have (PS2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;_; What? No one said that I only get to whine about 'emotions'.).
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