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I'm a student/manga-ka!! Non-pro
Real Name
Hoshiko! i adopted that name in the start of 7th grade!it's because the first word that i could write in Japanese was "hoshi",meaning "star" and "ko" is a very popular end for a girl's name in Japan. that's all you know
graduating middle school, becoming a manga-ka (still not a pro), and being named ms manga artist at the end of 8th grade...not like i had any compotintion!
Anime Fan Since
as long as I can remember!! like K to 1st grade!! possibally 3?!?!?!
Favorite Anime
...that's tricky. There are so many that I like!! I CAN'T CHOISE!!! It's either TMM, Sailor Moon, Digimon, Naruto, DNAngel, Furuba, and som many others!!! Help me pick!! T_T I like MANY others of course!!
To become a manga-ka and move to Japan!! but at this rate, graduating high school would be a good choice!!! *ha ha ha*
I'm a manga-ka, I have been for a year now. That's like my only hobby! of course, any hobby that you would expect an otaku to have! ^______________^Oh yes, I also enjoy going on toad hunts! Hey, it may sound weird, but it's fun! Yes, i'm a nerd!
I draw... that's just about it! other than i'm pretty flexible, good at prodicting things, and other things... but mostly draw! also, i'm good a spotting toads from a distance in toad hunts! the things you find out when going on a walk in the woods with y
| Tohru-chan142
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, June 24, 2005
Hey everyone! I'm back!
I was in International Falls 4 the week, so I didn't exactly have axcess 2 a computer! Sorry about that to my regular visiters!!! I had a lot of fun up there (dispite it constantly being in somewhere around the 90 degrees faronhight range!!) We were going 2 dye my hair pink during that time, but we never got the chance! please coment on my borring story that I'm sure non of u really care about!
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Friday, June 17, 2005
I have no idea what to say today, so i will just say random things! Blahdy blah blah! la la la la la la la...!
OK...that was quick!!
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
...*not the same as my last massages!!* My weird fact of the day...or week...or mouth!!!
This kind of goes with out saying...But Konichiwa!! It's been a wail!
this weird fact goes a bit out of my consitering that i haven't talked about Furuba in ages, but not really! 4 those of you who know of Tohru's hat that she has had since the day the boy (who is in my mind a Sohma (most likely Kyo)) helped her find her way home, might know of the rule that it plays in the story! well, it's not that hard to draw, I drew it for the frist time a few hours ago! As far as i have gotten in the manga, the hat plays a main role in vol. 2,4, and 5. (I've only have 1-5 saddly)
Tohru-chan142 sighing out! ^_^
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
*can't think*
Tohru-chan142 out!
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*can't think*
Tohru-chan142 out!
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*can't think*
Tohru-chan142 out!
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
SUMMERS HERE!!!!!!!!!!
Konichiwa!!! I have been on summer break for the past 2 days! Anyway, at my school graduation everyone is honored with something, and I was honored for being a manga-ka!! No lie! on my ceritvicate thing, it says "Ms. Manga Artist"! Ok, I'm the only girl, and quite possibly the only student, in my graduating class that is actually a manga-ka; so what with the "Ms." put in front of it?! Anyway, it's summer, a time away from classes and family where you can just hang with your tomodachi watching anime and reading managa! Ok, so many of us, including myself, are stuck sitting with our folks at home wail our buds are out having fun at your fave hang-out spot with out you! I can't stand that part of it!! g2g! Tohru-chan142 signing out!
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Monday, May 30, 2005
I don't believe this! It's only been 11 days but it feels like it's been a month! Man!!! Time has flone by! I can't wait for the seventh to come, the end of my school year!!! I don't have to got the the last 2 days of the school year!! Thank You Graduation!!!!! ^_^ You people have no idea on how long I have been waiting to get out of my stupid school, it's the type of school that consithers "shut up" to be a sware word!!!! i mean, how stupid is that?!! I'll tell you, so stupid that all the students hate, and i do mean HATE, the school!! I'm shocked that the school has been around for 5 whole years!!!! that's right, 5 WHOLE YEARS!!!!!!!! let me tell ya, they have been the wrost five years of my whole life! anything from shaving 75% of my eyebrows off (very long story), to thoughts of comiting suicide, all in the past 5 YEARS!!! But it did come with it's perks, like the sixth sence!! i think i might have mentioned that!! Oh well!
Well, sayonara!!!
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Friday, May 20, 2005
Hi everyone
It's been a while! I don't really remeber the last time i was on myotaku! oh, look, it's 6:22 pm! I should go! Hoshiko sining ot@@@
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Where i get my pics from...
if u people gested and (as u probibly guessed)!!! if u didn't guess that, u know me as well as that kids at my school!! (note: it's a small school that has been on the news in my area (250 kids tops)) most of them don't know me taht well! Hoshiko signing off! *trying 2 eat me soup, stupid illness*
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