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I'm a student/manga-ka!! Non-pro
Real Name
Hoshiko! i adopted that name in the start of 7th grade!it's because the first word that i could write in Japanese was "hoshi",meaning "star" and "ko" is a very popular end for a girl's name in Japan. that's all you know
graduating middle school, becoming a manga-ka (still not a pro), and being named ms manga artist at the end of 8th grade...not like i had any compotintion!
Anime Fan Since
as long as I can remember!! like K to 1st grade!! possibally 3?!?!?!
Favorite Anime
...that's tricky. There are so many that I like!! I CAN'T CHOISE!!! It's either TMM, Sailor Moon, Digimon, Naruto, DNAngel, Furuba, and som many others!!! Help me pick!! T_T I like MANY others of course!!
To become a manga-ka and move to Japan!! but at this rate, graduating high school would be a good choice!!! *ha ha ha*
I'm a manga-ka, I have been for a year now. That's like my only hobby! of course, any hobby that you would expect an otaku to have! ^______________^Oh yes, I also enjoy going on toad hunts! Hey, it may sound weird, but it's fun! Yes, i'm a nerd!
I draw... that's just about it! other than i'm pretty flexible, good at prodicting things, and other things... but mostly draw! also, i'm good a spotting toads from a distance in toad hunts! the things you find out when going on a walk in the woods with y
| Tohru-chan142
Saturday, November 5, 2005
Kyo: It took you long enough to update your site...
SHUT UP, KYO-KUN!!!!! Konichiwa minna! I'm not in a very good mood today...if you visit my site and can't let me know who you are because your not a member...then you don't have to worry about this! I may not get a lot of visits--mostly because my families scanner is evil--but I would like to know who comes to my site! if it's just a GB signing or a comment on what i put onto my site, jsut let me know what your sn is!!!
Kyo: so your with it! Maybe it's because you scare them...
*glare* GRRR!!! I can't help it if I'm pissed off!! i'm understress right now!! Things aren't easy for me you know!! it's not the homework really (other than in Health (i'm falling)), it's the end of the grading period! it's only a few days away!!
Kyo: So you don't really have time to do all the stuff that you have/want to. Big deal! no one does!!
Kagura: You're just making it harder Kyo-kun!!!She can't take everything she's going through and you yelling at her!! APALIGIZE!!!!
Momiji: yeah, apaligize Kyo!
Tohru and me: *look at each other**turn to kyo*
It's alright, Kyo doesn't have to apaligize to me. he was telling the truth, that is something that is just part of life. I was being stupid, i got a little to into my reading and art!!
everyone: *stare at me*
It's hard...losing a lot in a year, finding something you love...trying to keep it alive, it's hard! keeping something that has become a part of you...alive and well. Because...*tear-up* when you lose that something...*begin to cry*it's're losing... a peice of... of wh-wh-who you are!!*sob**run off*
Kyo, Yuki and Tohru: Hoshiko!!
Tohru and Kyo: *run off after me*
Hatsuharu: Ja ne minna!
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