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Quiz Results
Member Since
I'm a student/manga-ka!! Non-pro
Real Name
Hoshiko! i adopted that name in the start of 7th grade!it's because the first word that i could write in Japanese was "hoshi",meaning "star" and "ko" is a very popular end for a girl's name in Japan. that's all you know
graduating middle school, becoming a manga-ka (still not a pro), and being named ms manga artist at the end of 8th grade...not like i had any compotintion!
Anime Fan Since
as long as I can remember!! like K to 1st grade!! possibally 3?!?!?!
Favorite Anime
...that's tricky. There are so many that I like!! I CAN'T CHOISE!!! It's either TMM, Sailor Moon, Digimon, Naruto, DNAngel, Furuba, and som many others!!! Help me pick!! T_T I like MANY others of course!!
To become a manga-ka and move to Japan!! but at this rate, graduating high school would be a good choice!!! *ha ha ha*
I'm a manga-ka, I have been for a year now. That's like my only hobby! of course, any hobby that you would expect an otaku to have! ^______________^Oh yes, I also enjoy going on toad hunts! Hey, it may sound weird, but it's fun! Yes, i'm a nerd!
I draw... that's just about it! other than i'm pretty flexible, good at prodicting things, and other things... but mostly draw! also, i'm good a spotting toads from a distance in toad hunts! the things you find out when going on a walk in the woods with y
| Tohru-chan142
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/14/05:
Ah...ok! that dooes sound like me, though I don't like edmiting it!
Result Posted on 04/14/05:
That's of my friends at school (many of them really) are in real life pisces! And I'm a little unique! YAH!!!^-^
Result Posted on 04/14/05:
An other one that is like one of my friends! not very surprising!! ^-^ I love being around them!
Result Posted on 04/13/05:
yah!! I'm Kyo-kun!!! ^_^ again, i took this on!
Result Posted on 04/13/05:
I took this a will ago, on! anyway, it came up the same! It gives my friends who love Inuyasha to push it on me! Yeah, I'm talking 2 u!!
Result Posted on 04/13/05:
Red! I told u people! I'm like Kyo, Hiei...Oh, u get the idea!
 Red! Your eyes are red! You're a very distant person, and you tend to hunger for power. In a Manga, you'd be the sexy evil villan. Nothing wrong with that, although you may want to think about toning down the killing.
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 04/13/05:
Ah!! that's creepy! What kind of gardian angel doesn't gard you!! *look around scard!* I'll get back to you if i ever find that out!! Sayonada!!!!!!!!
Result Posted on 04/13/05:
Not bad! I don't think that I'm a villan though! Oh well! my anime eye color is red after all!
Result Posted on 04/12/05:
Yep, that's me! Aizawa Minto 2 the bone! armed with a bow and arrow, able 2 fly, and a little friendly deep, deep, DEEP down! I can't help it, it's me
Result Posted on 04/12/05:
That's weird/a first!
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