You feel love. You've reached true enlightenment.
There is never cross tone in your voice, never
a frown upon your face, never a person you
don't love. Wisdom is one of your most
prevailing traits, for people always look up to
you and come to you for advise. You've
discovered what is the true meaning of life to
you and understand things to a copassity that
others can not. This makes you a good leader
but you are too modest to take that position,
and you know the others won't grow up unless
they try to step up. You have lots of friends
that are very close to you. Almost everyone you
meet falls in love with your beautiful
personality because you are the closest thing
to an angel. To be divine and loved is also a
hard job too because everyone has such high
expectations for you, yet that doesn't phase
you. For you feel all the same that it is only
natural for them.
Element: Light
Color: Red
Quote: Some people see things are and ask why,
othes see things the way they might be and ask
why not.
Expression: Kind smile and understanding eyes that
have an unusual depth to them.
Symbol: A red rose/simple white gown/Kiss
.:Look me in the eyes... Tell me how you feel:. (anime pics) [Detailed results] brought to you by Quizilla