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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
tired as hell, but still doin my thang ;)
umm yea, def have not been gettin any kind of sleep lately- and i partially blame the pageant. they worked me to death from the moment i got off that train to the moment i got back on, and i got even more behind on sleep than i already was. the good part it was fun, and even if i didn't get to see my friends at home, i at least got to see my friends on court w/ me. and a girl who was really sweet, intelligent, and worthy won the title of this yr's queen which is pretty sweet too.
so yea i'm back at school, trying to catch back up on the readings for some of my classes . . . oops. at least i got some other heavy stuff i had to finish last night over w/ so i have time to focus on catching up now which is cool. and i'm hoping to go visit my friends at their college this weekend if all goes well.
sadly also, my bf has decided to join the military so i decided it would be best if we broke up. i mean, we've been friends for so long and we haven't been dating for a long time. to top that off he lives 8 hrs away, and i know it's really best for him because he is just gonna be stuck in that town forever if he doesn't leave now. hopefully everything will work out.
on a happier note, i am addicted to the art work of this 1 chick on this site my friend showed me, her name is Yuko Shimizu, and she is going to recieve a Gold Medal from Society of Illustrators for this 1 piece she did. and if you love the Gorillaz, u should check it out too cause i LOVE the illustration she did of them, it rocks. some of the stuff is a lil more risqué, so view at ur own risk- but come on what art doesn't have nudity classic and contemporary? here's the address for all interested:
so yea, how is everyone? i'll def try and get around to some sites tonight if i can, but i hope everything's cool. i'll ttyl!
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
back at school
i've been dreading coming back- mostly due to the fact that i'll be put back to work ::sigh:: staying up till ungodly hours of the day and night, studying, doing hw, and working on projects ((and no, my procrastination has nothing to do with it!)). i packed this morning and was home all day getting ready to move back into my dorm, and said goodbye to some friends. i slept part of the 3 hr drive here, and it only took one trip for all 3 of us ((me, my friend here, and his dad)) to lug all my stuff up to my room.
tonight, i got to see some people i really missed, hung out in my room w/ some friends & watching Project Runway mostly and eating out of my pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream, and i began to appreciate being back. no being woken up on off days by the rents, no being told when to go to bed, and no cleaning the house. sitting here i began to think, "it's good to be back!" and it is! now i just have to make sure i'm not late for my first day of classes tomorrow . . . hehe.
i know prolly every1 is prolly still having an awesome break; what has been the best part so far? 2 of my highlights were the pageant sleepover, and New Year's Eve which we will not discuss in detail . . . ;) ttyl!
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
hey, sup? i'm good. i slept all day today and it was awesome. i placed in a pageant last year, and last night i had to go to the overnight with this year's contestants. i was completely dreading it but it went pretty well, i think better than the 1 i went to as a contestant. all of us on court this year r really goofy and approachable so when everyone else left the girls found it easy to connect with us, which is awesome. i seriously have no idea who i think will win/place though- whoever it is will be a surprise to me.
it was kinda sad tho, cause they were talking bout how they get crap at school for going out for it because people place them in this stereotype of being slutty, girly, and stupid. i guess people tell them they're not pretty enough, not smart enough, and why would they think they'd win. it really made me sad/pissed me off to hear that. so, could u guys do me a favor? if you know of someone going out for a pageant or something like that, don't stereotype them or write them off as some shitty, slutty person and don't draw conslusions until you meet them? i mean, i was one of the winners and i don't really fit into stereotypes, lol i like to think i'm a pretty sweet person.
neways . . . i started this post to talk about L'Arc~en~Ciel, an awesome j-rock band. right now i'm listening to their cd "Awake" and i love it!!! i burned it off of motoko747 ((gotta love her!)) and they have very diverse styles of music on their cd's. i'm hooked on track #3 "Peom" right now. do u guys listen to j-rock? if so, what bands? i love The Pillows too, but they're th only bands who's actual cd's i have that aren't for an anime.
well, that's enough ramblings for now . . . i'll ttyl! Happy New Year, hoep everyone has a great time tonight! i think i'm goin to my friend's party ;)
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
i'm lovin it
hey, sup? it's all good here. my neice and nephew are both here w/ my bro so that's cool. i love em to death but i can only handle them for so long u know? mainly my nephew- he's the demanding 1- my neice is just adorable.
Christmas was alright, the actual spending-time-w/-the-family part went better than the recieving-presents part this yr, but i can't complain i'm blessed. my best presents? some clothes i picked out before hand, money, and the 4 Hyper Police that motoko747 bought for me! i love Hyper Police- u guys should all check it out. we went shopping yesturday tho, and were disappointed to be unable to find the 5th volume, but i can hopefully get it thursday. she also bought me Mark of the Succubus and Chobits 5 for my bitthday since it's next month and i'll be leaving again for school soon. i'll read them both and let you know how they go. motoko and i went to South Bend, Indiana yesturday to shop and if any of u guys r in the area Media Play is closing so there's a big sale. it's not amazing or nething, but it's still cool. we were just mad out coupons for everything were not valid because of the closeout sale, ugh!
well right now i'm just hangin out and trying to enjoy my time off school while i can. if only my mom would stop nagging me to go to bed at about 2:00am every night and let me sleep in, i'm almost 19 . . . isn't that what breaks are about??
what's u guys get for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/whatever?? how's it goin? i hope everyone's breaks r goin well! i'll ttyl.
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Friday, December 23, 2005
vote for her!!!
here's a message from my girl ILuvKyoKun . . .
"Hay i was wondering... if you could please vote for me at Blaized contest thing, if you did it would mean a lot ^^"
so do it, her site's sweet and she's close to winning. it only takes 2 seconds. here's her site if u wanna see for urself:
well, maybe i'll write more later . . .
luv, -alex
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good 2 be home
i am so happy to be here! i got back late monday night, and it's good to see everyone u miss at college. it would be perfect if my car was working, but the brakes r shot and my parents don't wanna pay 4 it right now so i have to hope i can use my mom's or get rides which sucks. i'm not gonna complain tho, cause it's worth bein here.
thinking of everything i want for Christmas, my list reads more like a grocery list than some1's gift list; it's kinda funny. i'm def not done getting everyone else's gifts, but i'm working on that tomorrow. hell, we havent even gotten a tree yet! and people act like it's a mystery where i got my powers of procrastination from . . .
well neways i gotta get to bed, it'll be a long day tomorrow. happy holidays!!!
luv, -tohru
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Monday, October 17, 2005
miss u guys!!!
umm, yea sorry i kinda haven't been around. unlike usual though, i actually have a real excuse: college! it's pretty cool so far, and it definitely would be better minus the school part. i've met sooooooo many new people though, it's sweet, and it's cool just hangin out and doin what you want cause ur parents aren't around. i do need 2 work on the actually doin my homework part . . . it's not that i never do it but that i end up doing it the night before. as u can imagine, i'm running on NO sleep right now so we'll see how that goes, lol. i'm home for the weekend but i'm leavin tomorrow to go back to school, but class doesn't start back up till wed ((fall break!)). i'm not complaining- 2days is better than nothin! it's good seeing everyone i miss tho, speaking of i better be able to see motoko before i leave tomorrow or i'll be really sad/mad! right now i'm transferring some music i left at home on my computer to my laptop.
well, u guys r prolly bored of my ramblings, so i'll just say bye for now. i know i prolly won't have time to update again till my next break for thanksgiving or somethin, but i'll see if i can't do it sooner and i'll try and visit some sites before i disappear for another few months. how r things? i hope u guys r havin an awesome school year.
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Friday, September 9, 2005
i'm back!
sorry i've been gone so long- i wasn't anticipating it @ all. i just got my new laptop for school like 2 days ago ((cough powerBook G5 cough . . . damn expensive tho, i'm broke!)) & i've been so busy!! it's been fun tho. last night, @ like 1:30am, some of my friends & i started playing soccer in the hallway- girls against boys ((i'm in a coed dorm, hells yea)) . right when i scored on the boys team, we got busted by the RA. the 1 on duty is really nice tho, & we agreed 2 quit. we were all so hyper & crazy it was insane. i'm really glad i'm in a coed dorm tho cause i'd prolly go crazy with so many girls around. i like having all my guy friends, & girls get so prissy and catty. my friend is in an all girls dorm, & she hates how it's weird when her guy friends visit & she has to "escourt" them when the leave her room or go to the bathroom ((on the 1st floor)). it's awesome tho- i've met so many awesome people & we just hang out all the time. the only thing is that i'm kinda sick right now i've had problems w/ my throat for a few days now, & yesturday i started sneezing & got a runny nose. it was bad this morning ((the only day i have an 8:00am class, all the rest are 10 or later, not to mention all of my classes were back 2 back . . .)) i'm OD-ing on orange juice & about to attempt a nap. it's nice 2 be back. later.
p.s.- i finally changed my quote, hehe
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
not much
not much happened 2day- mostly going around & buying things i'll need 4 school ((w/ my money! it would be easier 4 me if my parents paid for everything . . .)). i got some cool stuff tho. good news: i'm almost done w/ thank you cards!!! yay! but i'm not moving in tomorrow anymore tho. now i'm moving in thursday. oh well, maybe i can go off 2 hang out w/ my guy friends again before i go, hehe. we'll see. i saw motoko747 @ work today for the 1st time @ her new job. she looked so cute in her lil apron, omg!!!
but to answer every1's questions, his name was P.K. McPhearson. his former owners were priests ((in my church, women can be priests & priests can be married)) & they didn't have any kids so they named him P.K.= preachers' kid. he was a scottish terrier ((like the lil scottie on Lady & the Tramp- don't even act like u don't remember!)), & he was dying because his kidneys were failing. he was getting a lil old.
have u guys had ne pets? what was ur pet/s name & what was it?
well, i luv u guys & i'll ttyl
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
here he is

wasn't he adorable?
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