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haruko girl
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Since I first saw the movie Unico as a kid
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Fruits Basket, Tenchi Muyo, Full Metal Panic, FLCL, Samurai Champloo, Slayers, Ghost in the Shell, InuYasha, Spirited Away, Fullmetal Alchemist, Princess Mononoke, Trigun, Witch Hunter Robin, and My Neighbor Totoro
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
it happened
yes, as u can prolly tell, my dog has passed away now. he died saturday night, but i think he was sleeping. he's in a better place now, & his suffering has ended so i know he's happier now. i'm sure he's eating grapes & cheese right now . . . neways, i've been saying goodbye to people i'm leaving behind. it's so sad, i'm going to miss them all so much, & i feel like i'll really be missing out on all the fun they'll be having w/out me . . . oh well, i guess every1 goes through that. i feel a lil bad cause technically i was supposed 2 move into my dorm room today, but we were planning on moving in Wednesday, so since we weren't ready i'm still goin wednesday & it's fine, but my roomate is there all alone & she doesn't know ne1. her friends move in tomorrow tho, so she won't be as lonely. i've been trying to finish off my best friends special edition copy of DaVinci Code. it's so awesome- it has pictures of all the art, places, & objects mentioned in the book, so u have a better idea of what they're talking about & can see everything for urself. hopefully i'll be able to finish it before Wednesday . . . i hope everythings going well for u guys, and yes i am still tragically doin thank you cards- please pray for me.
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
i love The Pillows
hey, u know how when u buy cd's, you usually don't like all of the songs on it. well i LOVE all of The Pillows' songs. i dunno, i just do. anyone else Pillows fans? i was so mad when i couldn't go2 A-CEN in Chicago w/ motoko747 this spring, but dammit i will be there this year in cosplay! well, i'm still working on thank-you cards. i seriously will never get done. my hand is really pissed @ me right now for doing this to her ((yes, it's a she)).
i went and spent the night @ motoko's house tuesday night 4 the "last time" be4 i leave for school. i almost couldn't go because i got in an argument w/ my parents the night be4, but luckily i got to. we watched some Fushigi Yuugi & downloaded songs from this awesome anime site. there are all those sites w/ only the main, popular songs on them, and then there's, which has everthing else. it's awesome u guys should register, it's free. i'm registered as natsuki_san. if u could have any song u don't have now, what would it be? some of my favorites i downloaded were the full version of "Rise" from Ghost in the Shell, "Genesis of Next" from Cyborg 009 ((techno-ish)), the 2 end songs from Outlaw Star, & "Super Shooter" from Gantz.
i’ve been trying to convince my parents i need a cell phone plan instead of pre-paid for school, but it’s not working. pre-paid is so annoying & don’t even know if there are any places for me to get refill cards where I’m goin to school. i would just use my cell phone instead of my room phone, then we wouldn’t have to pay for both. what’s the holdup?!?! i'm seriously thinking odf starting a thread to ask people for help w/ my argument, lol. maybe if I bite them they’ll listen . . . well, meways, i'm going to get back to thank-you’s now. i drew a lil chibi pic of me doing thank-you notes, so i’ll try & post it later.
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Monday, August 22, 2005
i went fishing yesturday w/ my cuz totoro77 and 2 guy friends. i caught 2 blue gill, only they were lil so i had my guy friend throw them back 4 me, lol. totoro77 caught 1 & our 2 friends didn't catch anything. what can i say, i'm just a lucky girl i guess . . . it was funny, in the car later they were talking about "all of us" goin over to the 1 friends house to spend the night and they said, "wait, but what about her" ((me)) & i was like please, don't even act like i haven't spent the night @ ur house be4. he said "ur not a girl, ur just a really cool guy w/ long hair." yea, i do kinda have a lot of guys i hang out w/- i'm like girly & tomboy @ the same time i guess i dunno. i saw one of my best friends @ work today & drop off a CD i burned 4 her & she gave me a necklace i asked her to fix in like 5th or 6th grade that's like fuzzy white panther print, & she bought me a necklace & matching earring modeled after old Chinese coins that r really cute. i was like "whoa, no big!" i think she's just trying to spoil me before i leave for school or somethin. lol, so is motoko747. i have good friends. i have 2 get back to writing thank you's for all the money i got for graduation. it's pretty sweet cause a lot of people sent me stuff. but i have to finish them before i can go 2 motoko747's house tomorrow! it'll never end. i'll prolly slack & write more later.
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
nice day
i had a nice day 2day ((or technically since it's 2:35am- yesturday)), which is always pretty sweet. my dog is doing alright which is always a plus. my day it picked up though when my friend called me & we met up & played tennis together. it was fun, & we got ice cream afterwards. i haven't been able to hang out with him in a while, so it was nice. then, my sis made me do more workout stuff w/ her when i got home, & i know i'm going to be super sore @ work tomorrow. then, my friend from work called & some of my work friends took me out ((to Ponderosa!!!)) & refused to let me pay since tomorrow's the last day i'm working & i'll be leaving for school soon. it was really nice & i had a good time. do any of u guys play ne sports?? well, since i have to get up for work in a few hours, i should prolly go 2 bed. ttyl.
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Friday, August 19, 2005
it's me
 Ok you are a romantic anime girl and you love and care for a lot of people.There is no evil in you soul or your heart.Though sometimes people don't feel the same way as you do you keep on trying to change their mind.You love to help people out and you are always happy.Keep on trying to make the whole world smile because you know smiles are contagious ^_^.Oh and if it seems like there is nobody who could love you as much as you could love them it doesn't matter the thing is that the only thing that matters is that he cares and loves you and it doesn't matter how much well maybe it does but don't set you standards to high cuz then you'll find nobody
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
pretty much back to normal
my dog is doing better than he was, and i thnak God for that. i can't stand to see him suffer like that, & just wither away. i know he'll have to be put to sleep soon, but i'm glad he's a little happier now. thank you guys soo much for all of your thoughts and prayers.
other than that, things are goin fine. all of my friends are leavin for school- it's just weird. i've been try to spend as much time with them as i can before they leave. i saw one tonight that's leaving tomorrow. me & 2 of my other friends who stayed when everyone else left sat together and belted songs for about an hour and just talked about stuff. it was awesome. my 1 friend from work hs a crush me tho, & wants to talk 2 me & hang out all the time. i liked him @ 1st too, but i'm not interested in him like that anymore. i haven't seen most of my friends that i've gone to school with since elementary school in weeks, and now they're all leaving and i hate to say it but spending time with them is more of a priority than hanging out with him everyday. i feel kinda bad, but i'll be leaving for school in a week and a half as well, and it's not like we're going to try and maintain a relationship!!
neways, sorry if i'm boring you ((i'm almost done, really)). motoko747 came over the other day and we watched some of her new DVD's. we watched her 2nd Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu DVD & then the 1st 3 Full Metal Panic! DVD's. since i saw Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu before Full Metal Panic!, it was weird seing a more actual serious combat oriented & saving the lives of large amounts of people. & i so didn't know that "mobile suits" were involved in any way whatsoever in that series. it was a drastic change for me, but i still love both. i also saw Those Who Hunt Elves Ch1 which was also pretty cool. too bad my cuz only has the 1 tape . . . ne1 else watch these series?
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Friday, August 12, 2005
this sucks ass . . .
sorry i haven't kept up this week . . . but it's been hectic. i've been depressed lately too- i found out my dog's dying. he had been sick for a couple of days, u know- throwing up, bowels . . . it was because he went over to the neighbors house while he was loose & ate some of their dog's food ((he loves to eat. . .)). she cooks her dog human food- who knows how that dog has survived them. neways, he was sick but he hasn't been eating or drinking for a few days after, so we took him 2 the vet. they kept him & ran tests and everything & we got him back today. i guess he lost 7 pounds, his kidneys are failing & other stuff, so when he can't pee anymore we have to bring him in to be put to sleep. i've been crying all day. he's the only dog i've had since i was a little girl & when i'd leave town, he's what i'd miss most of all. we gave him probably his last bath today, & i had my mom take pictures. it's so depressing for me, i get sooo attached to animals & people . . . people ask me if i want to be a doctor an i say i probably couldn't because i would cry everytime a patient died, even if there was nothing i could do. they called earlier today before i knew to tell us his hair appointment is coming up, we'll prolly have to cancel it. it's prolly @ least good it's happening now instead of when i leave for school. i get to be here before it happens. i have a charm bracelet & there r 2 charms for my friend ((& motoko747's too)) who died last september, & i want one for my dog too. he's a lil scottish terrier. well, please pray for my family, my doggie & i- we need it. hope things are happier for u guys.
p.s.- i took this, & it fits.
nn nWhat Samurai Champloo Character Are You?n nHosted by Anime. Done right.n
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
whoa!! i so almost nun-chucked u right then!!!!!!!!!!
yea, i had a pretty sweet day 2day ((or yesterday since it's 1:00 am. . .)). work went by pretty well, and i had sooo much fun today. everyone was acting crazy & goofy & joking around, and let me tell you: it rocked. to make it better, i went out w/ my friend who i haven't hung out with/seen in a lil while so that was cool. not only did we go out 2 eat & catch up, we went to the beach to watch the sunset & went to go see Wedding Crashers which was hilarious. we didn't even have to pay 4 it, her guy friend ((who definitely has $)) bought our tickets for us be4 we got there, and bought us snacks too!! that definitely topped the night off. i just barely made it home 4 curfew and didn't get yelled @ 4 not calling all evening to tell my parents where i went after dinner ((my memory failed me as ususal. . .)). that's pretty sweet is it not?? i am also not working tomorrow morning and it looks like it'll be a good day too. i'm going to a show tomorrow after work; i know some people in it & it's gonna be off the hook. what r u guys planning this weekend?? whatever it is, i hope it rocks. ttyl.
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Friday, July 29, 2005
i don't wanna!
my dad has been complaining nonstop about how my sister & i need to clean the house more when we're home. he want's me 2 get up tomorrow morning & do housework be4 i go to work. i mean, yea i work @ 11:00am, but is this really necessary?
one of my best friends is still gone on her family "RV Across America!!!" trip and i don't think she'll get back till next week ((she didn't tell me exactly when she'll get back)). it's been weeks and even tho postcards are nice, i want to talk to her.
on a happier note, i think i'm going to read some more MeruPuri before i go 2 bed. it's really really cute 4 anyone who likes shojo. ttyl
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
same old
nothin much really goin on. i read my cuz's manga Peace Maker & watched the 1st DVD this week. he lent them to me & i kinda like em. the manga was a lil confusing for me 2 understand, but the DVD helped. ne1 heard of em? i also saw some previews that i've never seen. anyone heard of Mezzo or The Princess Blade. if anyone's seem them let me know how they are.
motoko747 also lent me her Meru Puri manga book 1. it's sooo cute!! Airi get's a lil annoying w/ how obsessed she is w/ finding a guy tho- and not just any guy her soul mate! how many people find soul mates freshemen year? i know from experience when i say you don't need a guy 2 be happy. i've had crappy bf's and sometimes ur better off for the time being w/ out one. i also decided 2 start a quote-of-the-week type deal. i have my 1st 1, but i'll wait till Sunday to post it.
i have also just gotten back in contact w/ my friend from Korea who's moved to Canada again. we're making plans 2 go to Korea 2gether next summer. i dunno how happy my parent's will be about that considering how he's a guy- but he's not that kind of guy! besides- i'm 18!! they just don't want to face reality that i'm all grown up now. well, . . . kinda.
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