token black guy
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I just got some how to draw manga books from my sensei, uniquesideeffect and shes a pretty good teacher! i learned a lot but i still suck! *head slumps down* i dont wanna put them on my otaku cause i would get no votes at all they are that horrible! o well i didnt expect to be perfect the first day of training so i gotta keep training and ill be the next MANGA HOKAGE!!! BELIEVE IT!!! hahahahahahahaha. man i wish i could have saw stormy sing tonight. i bet it was beautiful like always but my stupid brother didnt want to deliever his dumb invitations to his little friends for his stupid twelfth birthday. im so mad! i wonder if shes ok.........anyway to make matters worse i didnt get my naruto vols today.....i have no money! i wish i had a job! *sigh* well i wasted too much time here i gotta get back to training!
SUMMONING JUTSU!!! *appears on top of a giant toad and jumps away*
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Monday, December 3, 2007
i had a boring day today without my phone. i lost it last friday and i didnt know what to do without it i almost lost my mind....but the good news was i found it or at least my mom did and she wasnt happy. now im punished and cant use my phone till christmas that stinks! And tomorrow is Dec 4th so that means the new Naruto vols come out im so excited! Naruto vol. 25 26 and 27 come out and its the dramatic conclusion to series until Hurricane Chronicles come out in March of next yr. o i just remembered that my girlfriend stormy got a my otaku account its sailorstormy but dont check it out yet shes just fixing it up so wait for updates! XD and i gotta learn how to draw manga so i wont be looking stupid when someone asks for a request one day....until then i wish yall a happy holidays.....Im out! *Chews a piece of gum and blows a big bubble and flys away*
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Sunday, December 2, 2007
I cant believe it!!! I missed the prosperity christmas parade the first time eva!!! Im so disappointed!!!! *tears fall down* o well i might as well suck it up......and casey and amanda were freaked out....they txted my girlfriend stormy and were crying for help cuz they said they were surrounded by a bunch of black people. I guess my weekend wasnt a waste i did get to watch Naruto, One Piece and Death Note and they were awesome!!!! especially Death Note it was really exciting!!! Go Lite!!! but i gotta go back to school 2morrow that sucks! o well beggers cant be choosers. *sulks* Well.....i hope your weekend was fun too
Holla back my fellow otakuites!
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Saturday, December 1, 2007
Yay!!!! Its saturday!!!! I love SATURDAY!!!! i love saturdays for 3 simple reasons........NARUTO!!!!! ONE PIECE!!!! AND DEATH NOTE!!!!! o yeah!!!! and its also the first of DECEMBER!!!! im just so excited today. and plus i aint got shit to do! so i can watch them all in peace. Anyway i hear everyones love for me! and i wanna say thanks! ill be sure to comment on everyones pics and who knows maybe ill put one on one day.......but right now parole wont let me! heeheehee o! plus A PIMP NAMED SLICKBACK commands you to visit my friends Uniquesideeffect and ima_loser_baby theyre the greatest eva!!! until then MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! HAPPY HANNAKUA(JEWS)!!!! AND HAPPY KWANZAA(BLACKS)!!!!
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Friday, November 30, 2007
Its so boring! I wonder what i should do this weekend? just chilling here at my house looking up christmas presents until sunday which is the Prosperity Christmas Parade which i have never missed EVER!!! im so excited and im taking my girlfriend stormy with me and maybe amanda(uniquesideeffect) and casey(ima_loser_baby) too. Until then dont be afraid to chat with token the coolest person ever!!
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Hello my wonderful token lovers!! nothing much today just been sleeping thinking of new drawing ideas to make. but hey its not easy being black on my otaku. *snore* if you need me ill be chilling here for a while so dont be afraid to peep me out. Peace out!!!
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Token has arrived!!!
Yo!! What it do in the otaku!!! Token has arrived up in here!!! Now now everybody calm down over me K! I know im the greatest thing to eva come to this site. but neva fear Token is here!!! And i will answer all your questions if i feel like it. So please come talk to token aka DJ Shadow-Clone. O!! and one more thing if there are any other black people or people of race check me out cause we need to get together and paint the otaku black!!!! or yellow!!! or brown WHATVEVA!!!
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
ok so this is Casey. I'm one of Token's friends, and yes, me and UniqueSideEffect made this site for Token. BUT ITS NOT A EFFING IMPOSTER! Token was already going to get one anyways, but he was taking too long in getting it, so me and amanda got one for him. we have given him his name and password, so he will get on himself. Also he will probably change all the information lol because me and amanda posted that as a joke to him.
Sorry about posting this, it just kinda made me mad when someone said it was a imposter site, when in fact it isn't.
AND IMPOSTERS ARN'T BAD at least i don't think the person who said has any right to talk.
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yeah i love yoai stuff!!! if you look in my favorites there is a lot!!! but i am totally not gay. i only like them cuz my friends made it. So....SHUT UP!!! holla!!
by the way these are my cool friends, they are way cooler than me.
 Sparkles Fanastic And Kiwi Hosted By
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