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Art shows, went to 2 anime convention, and has all the DBGT DVD, went to Japan twice
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Since I was 4 and still going
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umm hard one.... I can't decide heh heh well how about this Inuyasha, Dragon Ball, Z, GT, YU YU Hakusho, Fruits Basket, Spiral, and a lot more.
go to college and draw great pictures
Drawing, Singing, Writing, and others
drawings singing playing a clarinet
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Friday, April 22, 2005
OMG! Basketball and Teachers
OMG! you wouldn't believe what happened today. Today we did our History part of the test. We went to class and all that other stuff. So after we did that everyone with to the gym to have a show down with basketball. The teachers vs the students. Well anyways the teachers I guess I can name them, Mr. Priddy my Algebra teacher, Mr. Curry my 7th grade math teacher, Mrs. Miller the other math teacher in 7th grade, Mrs. Phillph some teacher in my family, Mrs. Anderson the P.E. teacher, Mr. Bearden our old P.E. Student teacher, Mr. Limlly the coach for the basketball team, and three other guys that I don't know. So anyways, we were playing against them and boy that was bad. You see the students, us, got off on a bad start and it stayed that way throughout the game. So in the end the teacher won by 40 to 28. That is really sad. Now I can't really talk because of how many time I had to scream at the people on our side to shoot the basketball in the hoop. And I wasn't the only one. But the only game that was really good was like the third to the last game. *sigh* so ya. But I had fun at school. Well later.
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
hey peoples.... I'm so sleepy. -_- We just finished our math part of our test and now starting on the History part now. and I'm so sleepy. I didn't post because of that too. Right after I put away my clothes and all I went to my bed and fell asleep. ^^'' so ya and I'm still sleepy. <.< well anyways I guess that's all. Later.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Byakuya ~True Light~ (White Night ~True Light~)
Opening song
By: Miyamoto Shunichi
kanashii hodo hikari dashita
shiroi yami kirisaku tsubasa ni nare
tsumetai taiyou ni terasare teta
kainara sareta jiyuu ga atta
kagami ni utsutta kiseki no yoru
masuku o hazushi hajime ta My Soul
kuzure te yuku abe no mukou wa
zetsubou mo kibou mo onaji kao suru
mita sare nai kokoro aru nara
tobi tateru shuumatsu no PUROROOGU e
yaiba no you na kaze fuku sekai
mamoru beki mono wa nan nano ka?
hitotsu hitotsu itami o shiru tabi
hontou no jibun e to chikazuku
kie yuku Fake Light
umare yuku True Light
kono te ni...
shiroku somaru yami tsuki nukete
atarashii jidai o kizami tsuzukero
toki wa nashita kokoro no mama ni
hateshi naku tsuzui teku byaku ya o tobe
Hey peoples nothin really happened today just that we did our test thing and got to do JUST 7 more days of this but we got to miss 6th period so it was cool and it going to be that way for 7 whole days. Well than right now I'm just chatting with a friend from school. so ya. Well I guess that's all. Later until tomorrow. XD
Wow! I never knew I was like that. Did you know that?
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, April 18, 2005
AGH! I hate this week. We have to take a 2 hour test for 8 days. I hate it. We do this every year but I still hate it. AGH. This time it's over Math, History, amd arts and humanities. Agh! STUDY STUDY STUDY! So ya. hate it. But hey I happy too. Because after each test that we take we have so kind of rewards like lastt time we had a dance. It was cool well nothin really happened today. Just reviewed over things for the test and got rewards for last year test. I got a proficent in both my Science and Reading. It was for the open responses. AGH! I hate those too. *sigh* Well I think that's all later.
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
quiz/people's site you should go to.
Hey Peoples. these are some people that i know that has a great site you should go see them. They are:
There are many more that are my friends that a great site too. Just look at my friends list. Later

Who's Your Sohma Guy?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Hey peoples. ok as you can see the subject is cussing. I've been think about this a lot. Ok here I go. Cussing, I really hate it. I mean I can watch it on YuYu, Inu, Cowboy, Ghost, FMA, and all the restt but I hate it want people are talking too me and are cussing. Sometimes I think it's funny when I hear it on TV and when I read it but when I'm talking to someone on the AIM, PM, Phone, E-mail, or in person. I don't know what's the deal with it but I just don't like it. I mean people can use different words, right? Each time someone cusses directly at me like "What the H...." or something like that. I just cringe at it. Not many people know this but I just don't like it. So when you guys/gals talk to me can you please cut back on the cussing a much as posible and all. Well I guess that's all for today. Nothin really happened today so ya. Well later days.
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
Romanji Lyrics - Fukai Mori
Fukai fukai mori no oku ni ima mo kitto
okizari ni shita kokoro kakushiteru yo
Sagasu hodo no chikara mo naku tsukarehateta
hitobito wa eien no yami ni kieru
Chisai mama nara kitto ima demo mieta kana
Bokutachi wa ikiru hodo ni
nakushiteku sukoshi zutsu
Itsu wariya uso o matoi
tachisukumu koe mo naku
Aoi aoi sora no iro mo kizukanai mama
sugiteyuku mainichi ga kawatteyuku
Tsukurareta wakugumi o koe ima o ikite
sabitsuita kokoro mata ugokidasu yo
Toki no rizumu o shireba mo ichido toberu darou
Bokutachi wa samayoinagara
ikiteyuku doko made mo
Shinjiteru hikari motome
arukidasu kimi to ima
Bokutachi wa ikiru hodo ni
nakushiteku sukoshi zutsu
Itsu wariya uso o matoi
tachisukumu koe mo naku
Bokutachi wa samayoinagara
ikiteyuku doko made mo
Furikaeru michi o tozashi
aruiteku eien ni
Tachisukumu koe mo naku
ikiteyuku eien ni...
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Hey People!
hey Peoples!! What's up with you peoples out there and how are you? Nothin really happened today. Just that I went to BestBuy and got the 4 vol. of Spiral. hee hee. And my bro got the FullMetal Alchemist video game. So ya. So right now all I'm doing so watching cartoon Network and cooking green beans. Well anyways how do you guys like my new background. Sesshomaru. Well later.
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Friday, April 15, 2005
 Your anime hair color is...BLACK!! You are strong and you can be both loud and quiet. It all depends on how you feel.
What's You're Anime Hair Color? brought to you by Quizilla
YAY! Pure BLACK Hair!
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Hey peoples!
I'm so happy! But not. I don't like this day but I like this day. I had fun but I didn't. weird huh?
Well like I said we with to a concert thingy and ya I am a band geek. But I like playing my clarnet and all. And guess what. We got a proficent on the song and all. Well I guess that's all later.
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