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Friday, September 1, 2006


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Saturday, August 26, 2006

   26/8 2006
YES! Tonight me and my friends are going to have a slumber party and weŽll have lots of snacks and
coke. WeŽll buy it later and then decide which movie weŽll watch cause we havenŽt decided that yet. But maybe weŽll ask my big sister and see if she can help us cause sheŽs good in helping when weŽll have a party. IŽll even invite her and her friends cause I really like when we all of us are together. I hope they will come all of them cause it would really be fun. IŽll even ask if we all can sleep together in perhaps my room in our sleepingbags. Well... Soon IŽll take the bus to town to buy everything we need for the party and guess if IŽm really looking forward for tonight.

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Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.us

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.us

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.us

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.us

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

   15/8 2006
Yay! Earlier today I took the bus to town with my friend Louise. When we came to town we went around and then we bought some ice cream. Later when I came home I played games with my big sister and then we watched Cardcaptors movie 1. Right now am I just playing computer but soon IŽll go and call my friends and ask if we all can
do something tomorrow too cause we had so fun today in town. IŽll even ask my sister if sheŽll
come with us together with her friends cause I really like when we all are together!

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Tuesday, August 8, 2006

<a href="http://micropoll.questionpro.com/akira/MicroPoll?mode=html&id=14802">View MicroPoll</A><br /> <a href="http://www.questionpro.com/">Web Survey</a><br />

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Tokyo Mew Mew attackŽs and transformations.

Ribbon PuddingRing Inferno!

Mew Mew Pudding! Metamorphosis!

Ribbon Strawberry Surprise!

Mew Mew Strawberry! Metamorphosis!

Ribbon Mint Echo!

Mew Mew Mint! Metamorphosis!

Ribbon Zakuro Spear!

Mew Mew Zakuro! Metamorphosis!

Ribbon Lettuce Rush!

Mew Mew Lettuce! Metamorphosis!

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Monday, July 17, 2006

   17/7 2006
Yay! Yesterday my big sister came home and this morning I irritated her all the time and kept asking her what she and Heidi had done. Later I watched some Tokyo Mew Mew episodes at youtube.com. Then I called my friends and asked if we could do something later but we didnŽt decide what we should do so IŽll call them again later. But right now IŽll play some computer games with my big sister...
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Friday, July 14, 2006

   14/7 2006
Well... I havenŽt been updating for a long time now,but yesterday I was with my friends and we played games and watched Pokemon 5. Later we ate
some toast,drank some juice and went to sleep cause my friends had brought their sleepingbags so they could sleep over in my room. This morning
we ate breakfast toghether and then we played games. WeŽre always playing games in the morning when my sister not is home cause right now sheŽs visiting our cousin Heidi. ItŽs so fun when sheŽs gone !!

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Sunday, July 2, 2006

   2/7 2006
Yay! It was so fun yesterday! I was at my friend LouiseŽs birthday party, and I gave her a barcelet with stars on it. We watched Spirited away ,ate some ice cream ,popcorn and drank juice. Later we played some games like hide and seek. After that me ,Lisa ,Mimmi and Jenny had to go home. So we said good night to Louise and went home together and we were so happy. IŽm still happy today because it was so fun yesterday !!!
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